Weitzenhoffer Family College of Fine Arts
122 Fred Jones Art Center
540 Parrington Oval
Norman, OK 73019-3021
Phone: (405) 325-7370
FAX: (405) 325-1667
Administrative Officers
Mary Margaret Holt, M.F.A., Dean, John W. and Mary D. Nichols Chair, Regents and Presidential Professor of Dance
Michael Bearden, M.F.A., Director, School of Dance
Brian Britt, M.M., Associate Dean and Associate Professor of Music
Ashton Byrum, M.F.A., Director, A. Max Weitzenhoffer School of Musical Theatre
Alison Fields, Ph.D., Acting Director, OU School of Visual Arts
Pete Froslie, M.F.A., Interim Associate Dean and Professor of Art
Harold Mortimer, D.M.A., Associate Dean and Associate Professor of Musical Theatre
Jonathan Nichol, Ph.D., Director, School of Music
Stan Renard, Ph.D., Associate Dean and Coordinator of Arts Management & Entrepreneurship Programs
Yuanting Zhao, Director, Peggy Dow Helmerich School of Drama
General Information
The College of Fine Arts includes the Schools of Dance, Music, the Peggy Dow Helmerich School of Drama, the A. Max Weitzenhoffer School of Musical Theatre, and the OU School of Visual Arts. Each unit offers degree programs at the undergraduate level. In addition, the schools of Dance, Music and Visual Arts offer graduate degree programs.
The Weitzenhoffer Family College of Fine Arts, originally organized as the School of Fine Arts in 1903, was the fourth college to be founded at The University of Oklahoma. Today, the college includes the Schools of Dance, Music, the Peggy Dow Helmerich School of Drama, the A. Max Weitzenhoffer School of Musical Theatre, and the OU School of Visual Arts, and is the largest and most comprehensive fine arts program in the state of Oklahoma. The program has an annual enrollment of approximately 1,000 fine arts majors and a full-time faculty of more than 100 nationally and internationally recognized educators, artists, performers, scholars, and technicians. More than 400 performances and exhibitions are presented within the college each academic year.
The Weitzenhoffer Family College of Fine Arts, an integral part of the University of Oklahoma, recognizes the universal language of the arts and its crucial role in creating and sustaining a vibrant, culturally diverse environment. The College is committed to a standard of excellence in the fine arts encompassing the University’s mandate for teaching, research/creative activity, and service. The faculty, staff, and students are dedicated to the promotion of the arts within the state of Oklahoma, the nation, and the international community.
Optional Opportunities
The college offers the following minors; Art, Art History, Dance History, Theatre, Music, Instrumental Jazz, Commercial Music, and Arts Management & Entrepreneurship. Any student wishing to declare a minor should do so in the Fine Arts Dean’s Office, 122 Fred Jones Center. Requirements for a minor must be completed prior to graduation.
Students must audition and be accepted as a Music Minor or Jazz Minor before it may be declared. Acceptance in any given studio area is on a space available basis.
Undergraduate Certificate
The School of Visual Arts offers an undergraduate certificate in Museum Studies.
Honors Degrees
All of the bachelor’s degree programs offered by the Weitzenhoffer Family College of Fine Arts are available to qualified students as honors degree programs. Students may graduate with Latin Honorifics (cum Laude, Magna cum Laude, Summa cum Laude) if they successfully meet the GPA requirements in addition to their regular degree program requirements. Please refer to the Honors College section of this catalog for specific information regarding research opportunities and admission into the Honors College for a special notation on your final transcript.
Concurrent/Second Degrees
Students may work toward the completion of more than one degree.
If a student has graduated and is coming back for a second degree:
- A student who has a bachelor’s degree from OU or another accredited institution satisfies all general education requirements, except possibly P SC 1113 and HIST 1483 or HIST 1493. The Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education policy requires that all students graduating with a bachelor’s degree from an Oklahoma state institution must complete U.S. Government (P SC 1113) and U.S. History (HIST 1483 or HIST 1493).
- The student must choose a degree different from that of the prior degree(s).
- The student must have at least 30 credit hours in residence at OU and in the Weitzenhoffer Family College of Fine Arts.
- The student must meet all University and college residency requirements.
- The student must complete all of the published requirements for the second degree.
- They must complete a minimum of 30 hours for the second degree after graduating with the first degree. The 30 hours must be in addition to the total number of hours completed by the student for the first degree.
- At least 15 hours of the 30 must be completed at the 3000-4000 level.
- The student must complete an Application for Graduation.
- The student will receive a diploma for the second degree and have it noted on the transcript.
If a student is pursuing concurrent degrees:
- The student must choose a degree different from that of the other degree(s).
- The student must complete all of the published requirements for both degrees.
- They must have at least 30 credit hours in residence at OU and in the Weitzenhoffer Family College of Fine Arts.
- The student must complete at least 30 hours for the second degree that are not used for the first degree. Academic Advisors in each college will verify what is counting toward each degree.
- At least 15 hours of the 30 must be completed at the 3000-4000 level.
- The student must complete a minimum of 150 hours – 55 hours (40+15) of upper-division course work between the two degrees, 64 hours [40+24] if one of the degrees is in the College of Arts and Sciences.
- The student must be cleared for graduation for both degrees in the same semester.
- The student must file an Application for Graduation for both degrees. The student will receive two diplomas.
- Once a student has been cleared with an undergraduate degree, the rules for a second degree go into effect, even though the student never actually left the University.
Double Major Policy
In the School of Music, students may work toward the completion of more than one major. All requirements for each major must be completed including a second capstone. If there are fewer than 30 additional hours, the student will be awarded one diploma for the first major listed, but the transcript will indicate both majors. Residency requirements must also be fulfilled.
Double majors will not be granted in the OU Schools of Visual Arts, Dance, Drama and Musical Theatre.
Programs Offered
Upon satisfactory completion of the prescribed studies, the candidate will be recommended for the degree of
- College of Fine Arts Administrated Programs
- School of Dance
- Peggy Dow Helmerich School of Drama
- School of Music
- Music: Instrumental Jazz, B.A.
- Music, B.A.
- Composition, B.Mus.
- Organ, B.Mus.
- Piano, B.Mus.
- Piano Pedagogy, B.Mus.
- Voice, B.Mus.
- W/P/S:Brass & Percussion, B.Mus.
- W/P/S:Harp, B.Mus.
- W/P/S:Strings & Guitar, B.Mus.
- W/P/S:Woodwinds, B.Mus.
- Music, B.M.A.
- Instrumental Music Education, B.M.Ed.
- Vocal Music Education, B.M.Ed.
- Commercial Music, Minor
- Instrumental Jazz, Minor
- Music, Minor
- Choral Conducting, M.M.
- Instrumental Conducting, M.M.
- Music Composition, M.M.
- Music Theory, M.M.
- Musicology, M.M.
- Organ: Standard, M.M.
- Organ: Church Music, M.M.
- Piano: Performance, M.M.
- Piano: Performance and Pedagogy, M.M.
- Voice: Opera, M.M.
- Voice: Performance, M.M.
- Wind, Percussion, String, M.M.
- Conducting, M.M.Ed.
- General Music Education, M.M.Ed.
- Instrumental, M.M.Ed.
- Piano Pedagogy, M.M.Ed.
- Conducting, D.M.A.
- Music Composition, D.M.A.
- Piano, D.M.A.
- Organ, D.M.A.
- Voice, D.M.A.
- Wind, Percussion, String, D.M.A.
- Music Education, Ph.D.
- A. Max Weitzenhoffer School of Musical Theatre
- OU School of Visual Arts
- Art, B.A.
- Art History, B.A.
- Art, Technology & Culture, B.F.A.
- Studio Arts, B.F.A.
- Visual Communication, B.F.A.
- Art, Minor
- Art History, Minor
- Museum Studies, Undergraduate Certificate
- Art History, M.A.
- Art and Technology, M.A.
- Art, M.F.A. in Art
- Art History: Art of the American West, Ph.D.
- Art History: European Art, Ph.D.
- Art History: Native American Art, Ph.D.
- Critical Issues in Art History, Ph.D.
Special Facilities
Facilities at the OU School of Visual Arts include classrooms, large well-equipped instructional studios, darkrooms, a technology-based fabrication lab, installation spaces, video and film editing rooms, digital photography labs, and the Lightwell Gallery exhibition space. Separate from the Fred Jones Jr. Art Center, a 5,000 sq. ft. ceramics facility is located on the University's south campus near the Lloyd Noble Arena and features state-of-the-art equipment and kilns to handle all types of ceramic production. A 12,000 sq. ft. graduate studio facility is located northwest of campus. Media and library resources include a slide/media library containing over 150,000 slides; University of Oklahoma Bizzell Library, is the largest research library in the state of Oklahoma containing almost 4 million volumes; and the Fine Arts Library houses books and periodicals on art, art history and design as well as on music, dance, drama and musical theatre. The Charles M. Russell Center for the Study of Art of the American West provides an extensive library on western art and a unique opportunity to study with authorities in the field.
The Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art, adjacent to the OU School of Visual Arts, is one of the finest university art museums in America. Each year the museum sponsors a variety of speakers and numerous exhibitions. The Mary and Howard Lester wing of the museum permanently houses the “Weitzenhoffer Collection of French Impressionism.” The wing also includes galleries for other selections from the Museum’s permanent collection, an auditorium, an orientation room, and classrooms.
The Donald W. Reynolds Performing Arts Center, formerly known as Holmberg Hall, includes a 700-seat performance hall featuring a domed ceiling, modern acoustical features and a stage tower. An 18,000-square-foot facility on the west side of Holmberg Hall for the School of Dance includes state-of-the-art dance studios, a Pilates studio, warm-up areas, offices, and a gallery/reception area.
The Fine Arts Center provides the perfect setting for collaborative efforts in production and theatrical training. In addition to the 600-seat Elsie C. Brackett Theatre and the 250-seat Weitzenhoffer Theatre, the center contains two fully equipped dance studios and one practice studio. Classrooms, make-up room, scene and costume studios, and dressing rooms used by drama, dance, and musical theatre comprise a facility in which our students can work and learn to their fullest potential.
The School of Music is housed in three buildings: Stanley B. Catlett, Sr. Music Center, Holmberg Hall, and Carpenter Hall. The Catlett Music Center contains administrative offices, faculty offices and studios, rehearsal suites, classrooms, MIDI labs, the Grant Fine Arts Library, a recording studio, and three performance halls, including the Paul F. Sharp Concert Hall, Morris R. Pitman Recital Hall, and Grayce B. Kerr Gothic Hall (for organ and other performances). Holmberg Hall houses faculty offices and the Auditorium, a theatrical stage used by the OU Opera Theater for its productions. Studios for the voice, piano, and musical theatre faculty members are currently located in Carpenter Hall.
Undergraduate Study
Student Responsibilities
Elizabeth Nunley, M.S., Director of Academic Advising
Shuang Liang, M.A., Academic Advisor
Academic advisors are available to assist students in planning their programs of study; however, it is the responsibility of the individual student to make informed decisions to ensure academic success and timely graduation. Therefore, it is critical that students know and understand the following:
- Their academic standing based on the retention standards of the Weitzenhoffer Family College of Fine Arts;
- The degree requirements checksheets as published by the Office of Academic Publications;
- Keep apprised of their degree completion progress via Degree Navigator;
- Academic deadlines, as listed on the University academic calendar;
- All rules and regulations that govern enrollment and graduation;
- University policies and procedures;
- When and where to go for assistance and to make use of the many resources provided by the University;
- Accept their course invitation and access important information via Artifacts at canvas.ou.edu.
- Students who have questions regarding policies, procedures, or resources should contact one of the academic advisors.
Admission and Retention
The freshman year at the University of Oklahoma is spent in University College, which is not a degree-recommending college. Students must be formally accepted into a degree program before they may declare a fine arts major. Refer to audition and/or portfolio information below. Transfer to the Weitzenhoffer Family College of Fine Arts from University College is automatic once the following conditions have been met:
- a declared Fine Arts major;
- 24 combined retention hours earned (excluding any remedial credit hours), and
- OU and Combined Retention of GPAs of 2.50; 2.75 for Bachelor of Music Education majors.
Audition and Portfolio
All dance, drama, music and musical theatre majors must audition and be officially accepted into a degree program before being allowed to enroll in classes. Drama majors who have taken previous acting classes at another institution and who wish to be placed in an acting class beyond the freshman level, must audition for placement.
Readmission Policy
A fine arts major who has not been enrolled in the college for two consecutive semesters (excluding summer) or more, must reapply to the school of their major for readmission. This reapplication must include an audition or portfolio/scholarly materials review and submission of support materials as applicable. The student must check with the appropriate school for additional information and requirements pertinent to the readmission process. The student must also apply for readmission to the University through OU Admissions.
Students are admissible to the Weitzenhoffer Family College of Fine Arts in good standing once they have completed 24 hours (excluding any remedial credit hours), have a minimum 2.50 GPA, 2.75 for Bachelor of Music Education majors (includes both OU retention and combined retention), and have declared a fine arts major. Students must earn a grade of C or better in each course in the school of their major. Musical Theatre majors must earn a grade of C or better in all courses taken within the College of Fine Arts.
Academic Performance/Probation
In order to be in good academic standing in the Weitzenhoffer Family College of Fine Arts, students must maintain a minimum 2.50 GPA, 2.75 for Bachelor of Music Education majors (includes both OU retention and combined retention). Students who do not meet the minimum GPA criteria required by the college will be placed on probation. These students are required to complete an Academic Performance/Probation Contract with the Director of Academic Advising in the Weitzenhoffer Family College of Fine Arts Dean’s Office. The Academic Performance Contract is designed to be student-specific, dependent upon each student’s individual circumstances.
Students who do not fulfill the requirements of their Academic Performance Contract will be dismissed from the Weitzenhoffer Family College of Fine Arts.
Enrollment Restriction Policy for Probationary Students
Probationary students will be restricted to a maximum of 12 hours per semester. Exceptions will be made only at the discretion of the Dean or the Director of Academic Advising.
Performance Restriction Policy for Probationary Students
Probationary students may not be cast in productions or enroll in/perform Junior or Senior recitals until they have returned to good academic standing.
Students who have been dismissed from the Weitzenhoffer Family College of Fine Arts will have an enrollment stop placed on their records by the college and are not allowed to enroll in fine arts courses designed and/or designated for majors only. Any advance enrollment will be canceled. To continue at the University of Oklahoma, the student must make an appointment and meet with an advisor in the Academic Advising Resource Center. Students who have been dismissed from the college twice are unlikely to be readmitted to the college.
Review Process if Ineligible for Admission or Retention
The review process is: (a) written petition to the dean; (b) letters of support from the director/faculty of the school or department; and (c) dean accepts or rejects petition. There is no further appeal except to the Provost.
Transfer Students
Transfer students admitted to the Weitzenhoffer Family College of Fine Arts may pick up a copy of their Transfer Credit Evaluation Document from their academic advisor. Faculty will review transfer coursework in the student's major and determine how those transfer credits will apply toward a baccalaureate degree from the college. A Course Substitution Form must be completed for all unequated fine arts major specific transfer courses. The academic advisor in the Dean’s office is responsible for informing students of transferability of unequated General Education core requirements. The University’s General Education Transfer Course Evaluation Form will be completed by the academic advisor for unequated transfer courses as appropriate.
- In the event that a lower-division transfer course is used as a substitution for an upper-division requirement at the University, a student may be required to complete additional upper-division hours for graduation.
- A minimum of 60 semester hours must be earned at an accredited (4-year) institution for a baccalaureate degree.
For further regulations regarding transfer students, refer to the opening pages of this catalog as well as in subsequent sections for the College of Fine Arts.
Enrollment and Grade Information
Academic Course Load
Students may enroll in a maximum of 19 credit hours of work in one semester. The minimum requirement for full-time status is 12 hours. To enroll in more than 19 hours, permission must be obtained from the academic advisor in the Dean’s office or School of Music Academic Advisor, depending on the student's major. Students must have a minimum combined GPA of 3.0 in order to receive overload permission. The Overload Petition form is available on the college website under Resources/Student Resources/Forms.
Students registered in the Weitzenhoffer Family College of Fine Arts must be advised by their academic advisor prior to each enrollment. An Academic Advisement Form is completed and signed by the advisor during the conference. The advisor then removes the student's advising hold in the enrollment system. Once the advising hold has been removed and all enrollment stops have been cleared, students may finalize their enrollment schedule in the online system. Students will schedule their advising appointment via iadvise.ou.edu.
Fine Arts Orientation
Undergraduate fine arts students are required to complete an online orientation session after they have earned 24 hours and are in their first semester in the College of Fine Arts. The session covers college policies and procedures, the advisement and enrollment process within the college and graduation issues. Instructions for completing the college online orientation are sent to students via OU email.
Math Policy
The Weitzenhoffer Family College of Fine Arts requires all declared fine arts students complete their college level math course within the first four semesters of enrollment at OU. Transfer students or newly declared fine arts majors who have not completed their college level math requirement will have two semesters in which to complete the requirement. Students who fail to meet this requirement will be restricted from upper-division fine arts courses except by permission of their Director and the Dean.
Completion of this requirement is tracked by the Fine Arts Dean’s office. Students will receive a notification via OU email one semester prior to their deadline for fulfilling this requirement. Some schools within the college include this policy as part of their scholarship stipulations.
Change of Major
Students wishing to change their major must contact the academic advisor for the new major. Prior to completing a change of major request in the College of Fine Arts, the student must meet the admissions criteria as outlined in the admission and retention section.
Students wishing to change to a major in another college must meet the admission requirements and be accepted by that college before the major can be changed. The new college will complete the change of major/college request.
Grade Information
A student must have a grade of C or higher in each course in their major. Each hour of A, B, C and D carries a grade point value as follows: A = 4, B = 3, C = 2, and D = 1. Grades of I, F and U as well as grades P and S carry no grade point value. They are not figured in the computation of a student’s grade point average except for grades of F.
Fine Arts students are required to make a C or better in all courses taken within their respective schools. When a course has been repeated and the second grade was lower than the first, the higher grade will be used toward fulfilling graduation requirements. For additional information on the impact of repeat coursework on the student’s GPA, the student should consult with their academic advisor.
Dean's Honor Roll
The Weitzenhoffer Family College of Fine Arts Honor Roll is compiled at the close of each fall and spring semester. It includes students who have completed at least 12 grade point hours and have earned an average GPA of 3.50 or higher for the semester.
Pass/No Pass Option
Students in the Weitzenhoffer Family College of Fine Arts may present, for graduation, a maximum of 16 elective hours completed under the pass/no pass option. Courses completed under the pass/no pass option may not be used to fulfill the University-Wide General Education requirements, major requirements, or major support requirements.
Advanced Standing
Students who feel they have a sufficient knowledge of the subject matter of a course offered by the University may take an advanced standing examination for undergraduate credit in the course. Please reference the Admissions section of this catalog for further information on the regulations governing advanced standing credit. Students who have received a grade other than a W in any course, may not subsequently take the same course by advanced standing.
Self-Paced Courses (Correspondence)
University of Oklahoma regulations pertaining to the acceptance of self-paced courses (correspondence) from other institutions must be met before such work may be applied toward the degree. The candidate for a degree must meet the college residence requirement. Regulations and specific criteria pertaining to students in the Weitzenhoffer Family College of Fine Arts are as follows:
- Students may enroll in self-paced (correspondence) courses any time by contacting the College of Professional and Continuing Studies.
- A student may enroll in a maximum of six hours of self-paced courses at one time.
- If students are concurrently enrolled in self-paced courses and in-residence credit, the total number of hours for one semester may not exceed the recommended maximum shown under Academic Course Load.
- A student must be in good academic standing in order to receive permission to enroll in self-paced courses.
- A student must secure written permission from the academic advisor in the Dean’s office on the self-paced course application form.
- Music Education majors may not enroll in EDSP 3053 as a self-paced course.
- Undergraduate students within their last 30 hours are prohibited from enrolling in self-paced courses to satisfy degree requirements.
Forgiveness Policy
The Forgiveness Policy instituted by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education and the University of Oklahoma, consists of three components: the repeat policy, the reprieve policy and the academic renewal policy. Please reference the Admissions information in the front of this catalog for further information on these policies. Questions concerning this policy should be directed to one of the academic advisors.
Music Education Teacher Certification
Students pursuing the Bachelor of Music Education degree in either vocal music education or instrumental music education must be admitted to the Teacher Preparation Program in the College of Education prior to enrollment in the required course sequence.
- Students should apply to the Teacher Preparation Program at the end of the sophomore year.
- Students complete and submit an Admission to the Teacher Preparation Program form to the Fine Arts Dean’s office.
- To be eligible for admission, students must complete a minimum of 24 hours of general education coursework with a 2.75 GPA from the University approved list with C or better grades in the following areas: ENGL 1113, ENGL 1213 or EXPO 1213, Natural Science without lab; Natural Science with lab; Math; P SC 1113; ANTH 1113/PSY 1113/SOC 1113; HIST 1483 or HIST 1493; Humanities.
- Students must also meet one of the six performance criteria noted below:
- Minimum 3.00 GPA in all general education courses, a minimum of 30 hours.
- 22 or higher on the ACT, including the writing portion.
- 1120 or higher on the SAT, including the essay portion with no less than a 5 on Reading, a 4 on Analysis, and a 5 on Writing.
- Score at or above the level designated by the State Regents for math, reading, and writing on the Praxis.
- Possess a bachelor's degree from an institution accredited by an organization recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and approved by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education.
- Pass the Oklahoma General Education Test, OGET. Test results must be turned in with their admission form.
- Meet with Music Education faculty to complete additional forms as required (subject to change by University and State Regents).
Students must have a minimum 2.75 OU retention and combined retention GPAs in order to be admitted to the Teacher Preparation Program coursework, to graduate and to be certified. Students with a GPA between 2.50 and 2.74 may petition the MUED faculty for an exemption to begin their Teacher Preparation coursework, but will be placed on Academic Probation by the College of Fine Arts until such time as their GPA is raised to the required 2.75 for graduation. Exemptions cannot be granted for students with less than a 2.50 GPA in their OU retention and combined retention GPAs. GPA exemptions approved by the MUED faculty does not guarantee admission to the Teacher Preparation Program in the College of Education.
Academic Appeals
For information and procedures on academic appeals, please refer to the section on Academic Appeals Boards in the Admissions section of this catalog. You may also refer to the Academic Integrity Office, https://www.ou.edu/integrity/students. The College of Fine Arts Academic Appeals Petition form with guidelines and instructions is available on the college website under Resources/Student Resources/Forms.
Any departure by a student from the curriculum requirements and scholastic rules must be approved by the School and College via a petition and must not conflict with existing University regulations. Petitions should be submitted in a timely manner since time restrictions can preclude their consideration.
Petition forms in the Weitzenhoffer Family College of Fine Arts are available in the dean’s office and on the college website under Resources/Student Resources/Forms. The general petition form may be used for requesting:
- exceptions to graduation/degree requirements;
- extensions of Incomplete grades;
- waiver of the residency policy; and
- waiver of the ten-year limitation policy.
In addition, petitions are available to Add a Course after the Deadline, Drop a Course after the Deadline, and a Petition for Enrollment Overload (refer to information under Academic Course Load).
The responsibility for meeting all graduation requirements lies with the student.
The following requirements must be met in order to graduate with a bachelor’s degree from the Weitzenhoffer Family College of Fine Arts:
- Student must have an OU retention and combined retention grade point average of 2.50 or higher. Bachelor of Music Education majors must have an OU retention and combined retention grade point average of 2.75 or higher.
- Student must successfully complete the minimum semester hours required for the degree inclusive of general education, major course work, and electives.
- Student must earn a C or better in each course in their major.
- Student must complete a minimum of 40 hours of upper-division coursework (3000-4000).
- Student must complete a minimum of 40 hours of general education requirements as outlined by the college and the University.
- Student must complete a minimum of 40 hours of liberal arts coursework (80 hours for Bachelor of Arts degrees) as outlined by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education for undergraduate degrees.
- Student must complete a minimum of 60 hours at accredited senior (4-year) institutions.
- Student must complete one general education course at the upper-division level (3000-4000) outside the student’s major.
- All college specific and University residency rules must be met.
- Student must be listed as a Weitzenhoffer Family College of Fine Arts student at the time of graduation.
- Student must complete a senior graduation check with one of the academic advisors in their next to last semester.
General Education Requirements
Students are required to satisfy the University-wide General Education course requirements as outlined in the General Information section of this catalog. Courses used to satisfy these requirements should be chosen from the University-wide General Education Approved Courses. Always use the Search feature on the enrollment program to find current general education course options when enrolling each semester.
- The University requires a minimum of 40 hours of General Education coursework.
- Students must take at least one upper-division (3-4000 level) General Education approved course outside the student’s major.
Some Weitzenhoffer Family College of Fine Arts degrees require specific general education courses be completed for certain core areas. Please refer to the appropriate degree sheet.
Residence Requirements
Residency is defined as coursework taken through any University of Oklahoma campus excluding correspondence courses.
- Candidates for an undergraduate degree must complete a minimum of 30 hours in residence at the University of Oklahoma and in the Weitzenhoffer Family College of Fine Arts.
- At least 24 hours of upper-division major credit applied toward the degree must be earned in residence as a declared Dance, Music, Musical Theatre, Drama or BA in Art or Art History major, with the exception of —
- A minimum of 15 hours of upper-division major credit must be earned in residence if a declared Bachelor of Arts in Music major.
- A minimum of 30 hours of upper-division major credit applied toward the degree must be earned in residence as a declared BFA in Art or BFA in Visual Communication major.
- A student must be listed as a Weitzenhoffer Family College of Fine Arts student at the time of graduation.
- Capstone courses must be taken in residence.
Ten-Year Limitation Rules
The following rules must be met.
- Please refer to the Weitzenhoffer Family College of Fine Arts Readmission Policy.
- A student in the Weitzenhoffer Family College of Fine Arts may elect to graduate under the degree plan in effect at the time of their first enrollment in the state system provided they complete the work for a degree within a maximum of 10 calendar years from the time of their first enrollment in the state system. If the work for a degree covers a period longer than 10 years, the college, in consultation with the student, will determine the degree plan to be in effect for that student’s graduation.
- Students returning to college whose coursework is more than 10 years old, will follow the policy outlined below in addition to the Readmission policy:
- Decisions will be made on a case by case basis at the discretion of the individual Schools.
- Students will not be allowed to complete degree plans that have been deleted (refers to a deletion formally approved by the State Regents).
- Students who wish to use coursework in the area of their specialization that is older than 10 years, must petition the School of their major for validation of those courses on a course by course basis after they have been readmitted to a degree plan.
- Students must petition the School of their major to follow an expired degree plan (refers to a degree plan of a particular year that is more than 10 years old).
- Students who have 20 hours or less remaining under an expired degree plan will receive consideration in being allowed to complete said plan (includes old GPA requirements).
- Students who have more than 20 hours to complete under an expired degree plan, normally must follow the current year’s degree plan and GPA requirements.
School of Dance
- Students wishing to be readmitted to the School of Dance after a 10-year period must audition and be reaccepted.
- If accepted, the audition committee will determine the degree plan the student is to follow (ballet performance or pedagogy, or modern dance performance), as well as the technical level of their courses.
- General college policy rules apply beyond this point.
Peggy Dow Helmerich School of Drama
- Students wishing to be readmitted to the School of Drama after a 10-year period must audition or present a portfolio/scholarly materials for review, as appropriate to their major area.
- At the audition or portfolio review a decision on whether to accept the student will be made. Following acceptance, appropriate course placement within the curriculum will be determined as well as the emphasis/track the student is to follow.
- General college policy rules apply beyond this point.
School of Music
- Students wishing to be readmitted to the School of Music after a 10-year period must audition and be accepted.
- If accepted, the audition committee will determine the degree plan the student is to follow (BA, BMA, BME, BM), and the level of their applied lessons.
- General college policy rules apply beyond this point.
A. Max Weitzenhoffer School of Musical Theatre
- Students wishing to be readmitted to the School of Musical Theatre after a 10-year period must audition and be accepted.
- If accepted, appropriate course placement within the curriculum will be determined.
- General college policy rules apply beyond this point.
OU School of Visual Arts
- Students wishing to be readmitted to the OU School of Visual Arts after a 10-year period must schedule a portfolio review.
- At the portfolio review a decision on whether to accept the student will be made. Following acceptance, a decision will be made as to which area of specialization the student is admitted, as well as appropriate course placement within the curriculum.
- General college policy rules apply beyond this point.
Graduate Study
Refer to the Graduate tabs within the pages of this catalog for information concerning graduate work.
Scholarship Information
Students who are majors in the Weitzenhoffer Family College of Fine Arts are encouraged to apply for scholarship support. A number of scholarships and awards are available to qualified students each academic year. Applications for scholarships and awards are available through one.ou.edu to students each spring semester and are awarded for the next academic year. The individual Schools within the Weitzenhoffer Family College of Fine Arts award scholarships based on specific criteria regarding a student’s major, talent, merit or need. Initial scholarship considerations and offers are made following admission auditions in the spring. On occasion, the Dean’s office grants minimal scholarships to students who have exhausted all other financial resources. Scholarships awarded by the dean are based on merit, special financial need, and unusual circumstances. Additional non-departmental scholarships and financial aid are available through the University of Oklahoma Office of Financial Aid Services through one.ou.edu. The scholarship application deadline for incoming freshmen and transfer students begins in early December. The deadline for current students is early February. Visit scholarships.ou.edu for complete details.
AMGT 2013. Marketing in the Arts.3 Credit Hours.
Any entrepreneurial or organizational role in the professional arts industry calls for an understanding of negotiation (advocating for an outcome with multiple parties) and marketing (advocating for one's mission, service, or product). This course explores the basics of negotiations and marketing. There is a particular emphasis on social media and engagement. (Irreg.)
AMGT 3013. Fundraising for the Arts.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: Junior standing. An exploration of approaches to the development of capital for projects, whether for artists to arts organizations, including techniques for the facilitation of individual donations, corporate and foundation contributions, and government grants. Students will learn important frameworks and tools for organizing a number of possible avenues of financial support, including workback and follow-up schedules. (Irreg.)
AMGT 3023. Entrepreneurial Mindset in the Arts.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: AMGT 2013 and AMGT 3013. This course is designed for students who are intent on developing artistic sustainability, entrepreneurial success, and creative/social change. A career in tomorrow's art industry benefits from a mindset that welcomes change, fast-paced decision-making, and a rock-solid foundation of values, work ethic, and reasoning. This hands-on course is delivered through exercises and mini-projects dealing with ideation, action, marketing, pitching, and strategy. (Irreg.)
AMGT 3440. Mentored Research Experience.3 Credit Hours.
0 to 3 hours. Prerequisites: ENGL 1113 or equivalent, and permission of instructor. May be repeated; maximum credit 12 hours. For the inquisitive student to apply the scholarly processes of the discipline to a research or creative project under the mentorship of a faculty member. Student and instructor should complete an Undergraduate Research & Creative Projects (URCP) Mentoring Agreement and file it with the URCP office. Not for honors credit. (F, Sp, Su)
AMGT 4030. Internship I in the Arts.1-3 Credit Hours.
1 to 3 hours. (Slashlisted with AMGT 5030) Prerequisite: Junior standing or permission of the instructor; May be repeated; Maximum credit: six hours. Students arrange for and work in a focused professional work experience. No student may earn credit for both 4030 and 5030. (Irreg.)
AMGT 4173. Artist Management.3 Credit Hours.
(Slashlisted with AMGT 5173) Prerequisite: Junior standing. This course explores the role, importance, and function of artist managers and artistic teams. How they impact the career of the artist and their brand. Students will examine the principles of leadership dynamics and motivation to focus and empower current and potential managers. This course provides the tools necessary to manage artists' careers across various artistic disciplines. No student may earn credit for both 4173 and 5173. (Sp)
AMGT 4213. Arts Incubation Lab.3 Credit Hours.
(Slashlisted with 5213) Prerequisite: Student must be declared as a Arts Management and Entrepreneurship minor; AMGT 3023; permission of instructor. This course is based on experiential learning and runs concurrently with an external competitive program for entrepreneurial projects in the professional arts marketplace. Students in this course will have the opportunity to build on the basics of entrepreneurship and management skills acquired within the courses of the undergraduate minor in Arts Management and Entrepreneurship. No student may earn credit for both 4213 and 5213. (Su)
AMGT 4970. Special Topics/Seminar.1-3 Credit Hours.
1 to 3 hours. Prerequisite: Senior standing or permission of instructor. May be repeated; maximum credit nine hours. Special topics or seminar course for content not currently offered in regularly scheduled courses. May include library and/or laboratory research and field projects. (Irreg.)
AMGT 4990. Independent Study.1-3 Credit Hours.
1 to 3 hours. Prerequisite: Senior standing and permission of instructor. May be repeated; maximum credit nine hours. Contracted independent study for a topic not currently offered in regularly scheduled courses. Independent study may include library and/or laboratory research and field projects. (Irreg.)
AMGT 5013. Overview of Arts Management and Entrepreneurship.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: graduate standing. This class will present an overview and historical perspective of the field of arts entrepreneurship and management. Readings will be supplemented by guest speakers and visits to professional organizations, enhancing the student's understanding of the diversity of the professional opportunities in arts administration and arts management. (Irreg.)
AMGT 5030. Internship I in The Arts.1-3 Credit Hours.
1 to 3 hours. (Slashlisted with AMGT 4030) Prerequisite: Graduate standing, AMGT 5013, and permission of instructor; may be repeated, maximum 6 credits. Students arrange for and work in a focused professional work experience. No student may earn credit for both 4030 and 5030. (Irreg.)
AMGT 5033. Entrepreneurial Mindset in the Arts.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing, AMGT 5013 or concurrent enrollment, and departmental permission. This course is designed for students who are intent on developing artistic sustainability, entrepreneurial success, and creative/social change. A career in tomorrow's art industry benefits from a mindset that welcomes change, fast-paced decision-making, and a rock-solid foundation of values, work ethic, and reasoning. This course is delivered through various arts-focused exercises/projects dealing with ideation, action, marketing, pitching, plans and strategy. (F, Sp)
AMGT 5173. Artist Management.3 Credit Hours.
(Slashlisted with AMGT 4173) Prerequisite: Graduate standing, AMGT 5013, and permission of instructor. This course explores the role and importance and function of artist managers and artistic teams, and how they impact the career of the artist and their brand. Students will examine the principles of leadership dynamics and motivation to focus and empower current and potential managers. This course provides the tools necessary to manage artists' careers across various artistic disciplines. No student may earn credit for both 4173 and 5173. (Sp)
AMGT 5213. Arts Incubation Lab.3 Credit Hours.
(Slashlisted with AMGT 4213) Prerequisite: Graduate standing, AMGT 5013, and permission of instructor. This course is based on experiential learning and runs concurrently with an external competitive program for entrepreneurial projects in the professional arts marketplace. Students in this course will have the opportunity to build on the basics of entrepreneurship and management skills acquired within the courses of the Graduate Certificate in Arts Management and Entrepreneurship. No student may earn credit for both 4213 and 5213.
AMGT 5223. Marketing in the Arts.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing, AMGT 5013 or concurrent enrollment, and departmental permission. This course will examine the challenges of audience development and discussion of the role of art in contemporary society. This course will explore the basics of negotiations (distributive and integrative bargaining) before delving into current examples in the arts industry and explores the basics of marketing (planning, implementation, analysis) as well as how these principles relate to social media. (F, Sp)
AMGT 5233. Financial Management and Budgeting in the Arts.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing, AMGT 5013 or concurrent enrollment, and departmental permission. This class will examine financial models, accounting, and contractual practices of successful cultural-based organizations. Arts managers are expected to understand how to apply best financial management and budgeting practices to cultural organizations. This course provides an overview of best practices to budgeting for artistic ideas for entrepreneurs and will explore long-range planning implications and budget forecasting models for arts organizations. (F, Sp)
AMGT 5243. Leadership and Strategic Thinking in the Arts.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing, AMGT 5013 or concurrent enrollment, and departmental permission. This course is for students who are intent on developing sustainability and use design-thinking strategies to achieve their goals as entrepreneurial artists or by serving culture-based organizations. The course provides best strategic practices for leaders of arts organizations, encouraging students to determine the importance of planning and decision-making, and will address the importance of strategic thinking, change management, and leadership. (F, Sp)
AMGT 5263. Fundraising and Development in the Arts.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing, AMGT 5013 or concurrent enrollment, and departmental permission. This course explores approaches to the development of capital for projects, whether for artists or arts organizations, including techniques for facilitation of individual donations, corporate/foundation contributions, and government grants. Students will learn important frameworks and tools for organizing avenues of financial support, including workback and follow-up schedules, drafting appeal letters, managing deadlines, cultivating requests, and writing with key governing values. (F, Sp, Su)
AMGT 5273. Innovative Approaches to Museum Leadership.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing and Arts Management majors only. This course prepares students to lead effectively in the constantly evolving museum landscape. It cultivates the field knowledge, professional skills, and innovative mindset necessary to practice leadership at all organizational levels. Students will be introduced to the organizational structures, policies, and practices of museum governance, including topics such as museum mission, strategy, and administration. (Sp)
AMGT 5283. The Global Arts Market.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing and Arts Management majors only. This course offers an in-depth exploration of the art business world. It equips students with practical understanding of the various aspects of the art industry, including galleries, auction houses, art fairs, foundations, museums, and artist collectives. Through the analysis of case studies and real-world examples, students will learn about the economic, legal, and ethical considerations underpinning the art market. (F)
AMGT 5853. Theatre Management.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing, AMGT 5013 or concurrent enrollment, and majors only or permission of Program Director. This course focuses on the study of the fundamental operations of commercial, professional non-profit, stock, dinner, and university theatre in the United States. Reserved for students in the OU Online MA in Arts Management. (F, Sp)
AMGT 5960. Directed Readings.1-3 Credit Hours.
1 to 3 hours. Prerequisite: graduate standing or permission of instructor. May be repeated; maximum credit six hours. Directed readings and/or literature review on selected topics under the direction of a faculty member. (Irreg.)
AMGT 5970. Special Topics/Seminar.1-3 Credit Hours.
1 to 3 hours. Prerequisite: Graduate standing or permission of instructor. May be repeated; maximum credit nine hours. Special topics or seminar course for content not currently offered in regularly scheduled courses. May include library and/or laboratory research and field projects. (Irreg.)
AMGT 5990. Independent Study.1-3 Credit Hours.
1 to 3 hours. Prerequisite: Graduate standing and permission of instructor; May be repeated; maximum credit nine hours. Contracted independent study for a topic not currently offered in regularly scheduled courses. Independent study may include library and/or laboratory research and field projects. (Irreg.)
F A 1523. Weitzenhoffer Family College of Fine Arts Perspectives.3 Credit Hours.
An examination of Visual Arts, Dance, Drama, Music, and Musical Theatre regarding their relationship and impact on history, culture, and society. Students will gain an understanding of the value and impact fine arts can have on society. Geared towards Fine Arts majors, students will interact with fellow students and faculty from all disciplines within the College of Fine Arts. (F) [V-FYE].
F A 2970. Fine Arts Seminar.1-2 Credit Hours.
May be repeated; maximum credit eight hours. Content varies. Interdisciplinary seminar course for Fine Arts. Deals with concepts not usually presented in regular coursework and/or special creative situations, performance opportunities or projects. (Irreg.)
F A 3440. Mentored Research Experience.3 Credit Hours.
0 to 3 hours. Prerequisites: ENGL 1113 or equivalent, and permission of instructor. May be repeated; maximum credit 12 hours. For the inquisitive student to apply the scholarly processes of the discipline to a research or creative project under the mentorship of a faculty member. Student and instructor should complete an Undergraduate Research & Creative Projects (URCP) Mentoring Agreement and file it with the URCP office. Not for honors credit. (F, Sp, Su)
F A 3960. Honors Reading.1-3 Credit Hours.
1 to 3 hours. Prerequisite: admission to Honors Program. May be repeated with change of subject; maximum credit six hours. Will consist of either reading topics or independent study designated by the instructor in keeping with the student's major program. (F, Sp, Su)
F A 3970. Honors Seminar.1-3 Credit Hours.
1 to 3 hours. Prerequisite: admission to Honors Program, junior or senior standing. May be repeated with change of subject; maximum credit six hours. The projects covered will vary. The content will deal with concepts not usually presented in regular coursework. (Irreg.)
F A 3980. Honors Research.1-3 Credit Hours.
1 to 3 hours. Prerequisite: admission to Honors Program. May be repeated with change of subject; maximum credit six hours. Will provide an opportunity for the gifted Honors candidate to work at a special project in the student's field. (F, Sp, Su)
F A 3990. Independent Study.1-3 Credit Hours.
1 to 3 hours. Prerequisite: permission of instructor and junior standing. May be repeated once with change of content. Independent study may be arranged to study a subject not available through regular course offerings. (F, Sp, Su)
F A 4960. Directed Readings.1-4 Credit Hours.
1 to 4 hours. Prerequisite: good standing in University; permission of instructor and dean. May be repeated; maximum credit four hours. Designed for upper-division students who need opportunity to study a specific problem in greater depth than formal course content permits. (Irreg.)
F A 4970. Fine Arts Seminar.1-2 Credit Hours.
(Slashlisted with 5970) 1 to 2 hours. Prerequisite: junior standing or permission of instructor. May be repeated; maximum credit eight hours. Content varies. Interdisciplinary seminar course for Fine Arts. Deals with concepts not usually presented in regular coursework and/or special creative situations, performance opportunities or projects. No student may earn credit for the same topic for both 4970 and 5970. (Irreg.)
F A 4990. Independent Study.1-3 Credit Hours.
1 to 3 hours. Prerequisite: Senior standing and permission of instructor. May be repeated; maximum credit nine hours. Contracted independent study for a topic not currently offered in regularly scheduled courses. Independent study may include library and/or laboratory research and field projects. (Irreg.)
F A 5960. Directed Readings.1-3 Credit Hours.
1 to 3 hours. Prerequisite: graduate standing and permission of department. May be repeated; maximum credit twelve hours. Directed readings and/or literature reviews under the direction of a faculty member. (F, Sp, Su)
F A 5970. Fine Arts Seminar.1-2 Credit Hours.
(Slashlisted with 4970) 1 to 2 hours. Prerequisite: graduate standing. May be repeated; maximum credit eight hours. Content varies. Interdisciplinary seminar course for Fine Arts. Deals with concepts not usually presented in regular coursework and/or special creative situations, performance opportunities or projects. No student may earn credit for the same topic for both 4970 and 5970. (Irreg.)
F A 5990. Independent Study.1-3 Credit Hours.
1 to 3 hours. Prerequisite: Graduate standing and permission of instructor. May be repeated; maximum credit nine hours. Contracted independent study for a topic not currently offered in regularly scheduled courses. Independent study may include library and/or laboratory research and field projects. (Irreg.)