Conducting, D.M.A.

View Checksheet

Minimum Total Hours: 90

Program Code: D707

Program Requirements


  • Choral Conducting (R113)
  • Church Music (R114)
  • Orchestral Conducting (R476)
  • Wind Conducting (R676)
Coursework Requirements
Master's degree or equivalent32
Core Coursework
Music Theory (excluding MUTH 5811, MUTH 5821, and Music Technology courses)9
Enrollment is three semesters, as advised, of the following courses:6
Graduate Recital-Doctor Of Musical Arts Degree
Graduate Lecture/Chamber Recital--Doctor Of Musical Arts Degree
Area of Concentration37
Choose one of the following areas of concentration:
Choral Conducting Concentration
Church Music Concentration
Orchestral Conducting Concentration
Wind Conducting Concentration
Written Document
MUS 6880Doctor of Musical arts Project (No more than the required 6 hours may be applied to the degree)6
Total Credit Hours90


Choral Conducting Concentration
MUTE 6252Choral Conducting (No more than the required 8 hours may be applied to the degree)8
MUTE 6152Choral Score Studies (No more than the required 8 hours may be applied to the degree)8
Musicology/Music Literature9
Electives - as approved by the graduate liaison and program advisor12


Church Music Concentration
MUTE 6252Choral Conducting (No more than the required 8 hours may be applied to the degree)8
MUTE 6152Choral Score Studies (No more than the required 8 hours may be applied to the degree)8
Musicology 6
MUTE 5423History and Fundamentals of Pipe Organ Construction and Design (Required if not taken during the master's degree)0-3
MULI 5483Hymnody (Required if not taken during the master's degree)0-3
MUTE 5413Church Music Practicum (Required if not taken during the master's degree)0-3
One semester of choral ensemble, as approved by the graduate liaison and program advisor1
University Chorale
MUTE 5180
Electives - to be chosen from the following, as approved by the graduate liaison and program advisor:5-14
Doctoral Secondary Composition
Doctoral Secondary Voice
Doctoral Secondary Organ
Advanced Readings in Religious Studies
Jazz Improvisation


Orchestral Conducting Concentration
MUTE 6262Instrumental Conducting (Enroll in the section taught by the Director of Orchestral Activities or their designate. No more than the required 8 hours may be applied to the degree)8
MUTE 6162Instrumental Score Studies (Enroll in the section taught by the Director of Orchestral Activities or their designate. No more than the required 8 hours may be applied to the degree)8
Musicology/Music Literature9
Electives - as approved by the graduate liaison and program advisor12


Wind Conducting Concentration
MUTE 6262Instrumental Conducting (Enroll in the section taught by the Director of Bands or their designate. No more than the required 8 hours may be applied to the degree.)8
MUTE 6162Instrumental Score Studies (Enroll in the section taught by the Director of Bands or their designate. No more than the required 8 hours may be applied to the degree.)8
Musicology/Music Literature9
Electives - as approved by the graduate liaison and program advisor12

General Requirements for Doctoral Degrees

A student should expect to spend at least the equivalent of three full academic years beyond the bachelor’s degree to obtain the doctoral degree. During this period the student will take appropriate graduate coursework, successfully complete the general examination, and successfully defend and submit the final dissertation.

All coursework applied to the doctoral degree must carry graduate credit.

The doctoral degree requires at least 90 post-baccalaureate hours, including both formal coursework and hours of research.

The minimum hour requirement for a specific doctoral degree program cannot be waived.

No more than one-half of the credit hours, both OU and overall, excluding Research for Doctoral Dissertation (6980), may be S/U-graded coursework.

The student must be in residence at OU for at least two consecutive 16-week semesters during the pursuit of the doctoral degree while enrolled and engaged in coursework or research activities as prescribed by the major academic unit.

For more detailed regulations and requirements for Doctoral degrees, please consult the Graduate College Bulletin: