Course Descriptions
- A HI-Art History
- A T-Art and Technology
- ACCT-Accounting
- AERO-Aerospace Studies
- AFAM-African & African American Studies
- AGSC-Atmospheric and Geographic Sciences
- AHS-Allied Health Sciences
- AME-Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering
- AMGT-Arts Management
- ANTH-Anthropology
- ARAB-Arabic
- ARCH-Architecture
- ARNM-Art for Non-Majors
- ART-Art
- ARTC-Art Theory & Criticism
- ARTH-Art Therapy
- ASTR-Astronomy
- ATC-Art, Technology, and Culture
- AVIA-Aviation
- B AD-Business Administration
- B C-Business Communication
- BASN-Bassoon
- BASS-Bass
- BIA-Business Intelligence & Analysis
- BIOL-Biology
- BME-Biomedical Engineering
- C S-Computer Science
- CAS-College of Arts & Sciences
- CEE-College of Earth & Energy
- CEES-Civil Engineering & Environmental Science
- CELO-Cello
- CH E-Chemical Engineering
- CHEM-Chemistry
- CHER-Cherokee
- CHIN-Chinese
- CHOC-Choctaw
- CL C-Classical Culture
- CLAR-Clarinet
- CNS-Construction Science
- COMM-Communication
- COMP-Composition
- CREK-Creek
- CRJU-Criminal Justice
- CYBS-Cybersecurity
- DANC-Dance
- DENG-Developmental English
- DES-Design
- DMAT-Developmental Mathematics
- DRAM-Drama
- DRDG-Developmental Reading
- DSA-Data Science and Analytics
- EACS-Educational Administration Curriculum & Supervision
- ECE-Electrical & Computer Engineering
- ECON-Economics
- EDAH-Adult and Higher Education
- EDEC-Early Childhood Education
- EDEL-Elementary Education
- EDEN-English Education
- EDLT-Literacy Education
- EDMA-Mathematics Education
- EDPC-Professional Counseling
- EDPY-Education & Counseling Psychology
- EDRG-Reading Education
- EDS-Educational Studies
- EDSC-Science Education
- EDSE-Secondary Education
- EDSP-Special Education
- EDSS-Social Studies Education
- EDSW-Education Sooner Works
- EDUC-College of Education
- EDWL-World Language Education
- EIPT-Instructional Psychology & Technology
- ELM-Engineering Leadership and Management
- EMAD-Executive MBA Aerospace & Defense
- EMBA-Executive Energy MBA
- EMGT-Energy Management
- EN D-Environmental Design
- ENGB-Energy for Business
- ENGL-English
- ENGR-College of Engineering
- ENST- Environmental Studies
- ENT-Entrepreneurship
- EPHY-Engineering Physics
- EUPH-Euphonium
- EXPO-Expository Writing
- G E-Geological Engineering
- GCRE-Grad Comp Recital
- GDMA-Graduate Recital DMA
- GEOG-Geography
- GEOL-Geology
- GERM-German
- GIS-Geographic Information Science
- GPHY-Geophysics
- GRAD-Graduate College
- GRK-Greek
- GRRE-Graduate Recital - MM
- GTAR-Guitar
- H R-Human Relations
- HARP-Harp
- HCB-Health Care Business
- HEBR-Hebrew
- HES-Health and Exercise Science
- HIST-History
- HMS-Health, Medicine, and Society
- HON-Honors College
- HPCD-Harpsichord
- HSTM-History of Science, Technology, and Medicine
- I D-Interior Design
- IAS-International & Area Studies
- ILAC-Instructional Leadership & Academic Curriculum
- ILAW-International Law
- INTL-International Courses
- ISE-Industrial and Systems Engineering
- ITAL-Italian
- L A-Landscape Architecture
- L S-Legal Studies
- LAT-Latin
- LAW-Law
- LDMA-Music Recitals
- LGBT-LGBTQ Studies
- LING-Linguistics
- LIS-Library and Information Studies
- LSG-Legal Studies (General)
- LSH-Legal Studies Healthcare Law
- LSHA-Human & Health Services Administration
- LSI-Legal Studies Indigenous Peoples Law
- LSIB-Legal Studies International Business Law
- LSO-Legal Studies Oil, Gas, & Energy Law
- LTRS-Letters
- M S-Military Science - Army
- MATH-Mathematics
- MBIO-Microbiology
- METR-Meteorology
- MGT-Management
- MIS-Management Information Systems
- MIT-Management Information Technology
- MKT-Marketing
- MLLL-Modern Languages, Literatures, & Linguistics
- MRS-Medieval and Renaissance
- MST-Museum Studies
- MTHR-Musical Theatre
- MUED-Music Education
- MULI-Music Literature
- MUNM-Music for Non-Majors
- MUS-Music
- MUSC-Musicology
- MUTE-Music Technique
- MUTH-Music Theory
- MUTK-Music Technology
- OBOE-Oboe
- OCL-Organizational and Community Leadership
- ODYN-Organizational Dynamics
- OL-Organizational Leadership
- ORGN-Organ
- P E-Petroleum Engineering
- P SC-Political Science
- PBIO-Plant Biology
- PCUS-Percussion
- PDC-Planning, Design & Construction
- PERS-Persian
- PHCH-Public Health and Community Health
- PHIL-Philosophy
- PHYS-Physics
- PIAN-Piano
- PORT-Portuguese
- POTA-Potawatomi
- PSAD-PACS Aerospace & Defense
- PSBA-PACS Business Administration
- PSCJ-PACS Criminal Justice
- PSCS-PACS Computer & Data Science
- PSHA-PACS Health Administration
- PSHU-PACS Humanities
- PSIS-PACS Integrative Studies
- PSNS-PACS Natural Sciences
- PSOL-PACS Organizational Leadership
- PSSC-PACS Social Sciences
- PSY-Psychology
- S WK-Social Work
- SAX-Saxophone
- SCM-Supply Chain Management
- SES-Sustainable Energy Systems
- SOC-Sociology
- SPAN-Spanish
- SRRE-Music Recitals