Choral Conducting, M.M.

View Checksheet

Minimum Total Hours (Non-Thesis): 32

Program Code: M717

The requirements listed on this degree check sheet apply to the following concentrations in Choral Conducting.

  • Standard - M717 Q113
  • Church Music - M717 Q114

Required Courses

Required Courses
Choose 4 hours in each of the following:8
Choral Conducting 1
Choral Score Studies 1
GRRE 5042Graduate Recital-Master of Music Degree2
Core Courses
Musicology/Music Literature
Choose any graduate level MUSC or MULI courses6
Music Theory
Choose any graduate level MUTH courses 26
Choral Ensemble
Choose two semesters from the following as advised:2
University Chorale
MUTE 5180
Choose one of the following options:8
Choose 8 elective hours as approved by the Graduate Liaison and Program Advisor 3
Church Music:
Choose 8 hours from the following:
History and Fundamentals of Pipe Organ Construction and Design
Church Music Practicum
Master's-Level Secondary Composition (2-4 hours)
Master's-Level Secondary Voice (2-4 hours)
Master's-Level Secondary Organ (2-4 hours)
Total Credit Hours32

No more than the required 4 hours may be applied to the degree. 


Except for any Music Technology courses.


May be chosen from any area in music or, with the program advisor's approval, from related non-music fields. 

General Requirements for all Master's Degrees

The master’s degree requires the equivalent of at least two semesters of satisfactory graduate work and additional work as may be prescribed for the degree.

All coursework applied to the master’s degree must carry graduate credit.

Master’s degree programs which require a thesis consist of at least 30 credit hours. All non-thesis master’s degree programs require at least 30 credit hours.

Credit transferred from other institutions must meet specific criteria and is subject to certain limitations.

Courses completed through correspondence study may not be applied to the master’s degree.

To qualify for a graduate degree, students must achieve an overall grade point average of 3.0 or higher in the degree program coursework and in all resident graduate coursework attempted. A student must also have at least a 3.0 in all coursework (including undergraduate coursework if any).

Additional information for master's degree students may be found in the Graduate College Bulletin.