Art History: Native American Art, Ph.D.
View ChecksheetMinimum Total Hours: 90
Program Code: D071
Program Requirements
Reading proficiency in French, German or Spanish will be required as well as proficiency in native languages appropriate to specific dissertation topics. This proficiency may be met as part of the MA degree.
Students must take a minimum of 28 hours of Art History courses beyond the master’s, 15 of which must be at the 6000 level. Students may supplement those courses with approved electives in History, Anthropology, Literature, Music, Native American Studies, or other areas appropriate to their studies and integrated dissertation topic.
Code | Title | Credit Hours |
Coursework Requirements | ||
Hours Transferred from MA | 30-36 | |
Required Art History Courses | ||
A HI 5903 | Methodologies and Theories in Art History | 3 |
A HI 6950 | Dissertation Proposal | 5 |
15 additional hours of A HI coursework at the 6000 level | 15 | |
A HI 6960 | Directed Readings (for qualifying exam) | 5 |
Electives | 6-12 | |
Dissertation Research | ||
A HI 6980 | Research for Doctoral Dissertation | 20 |
Total Credit Hours | 90 |
General Requirements for Doctoral Degrees
A student should expect to spend at least the equivalent of three full academic years beyond the bachelor’s degree to obtain the doctoral degree. During this period the student will take appropriate graduate coursework, successfully complete the general examination, and successfully defend and submit the final dissertation.
All coursework applied to the doctoral degree must carry graduate credit.
The doctoral degree requires at least 90 post-baccalaureate hours, including both formal coursework and hours of research.
The minimum hour requirement for a specific doctoral degree program cannot be waived.
No more than one-half of the credit hours, both OU and overall, excluding Research for Doctoral Dissertation (6980), may be S/U-graded coursework.
The student must be in residence at OU for at least two consecutive 16-week semesters during the pursuit of the doctoral degree while enrolled and engaged in coursework or research activities as prescribed by the major academic unit.
For more detailed regulations and requirements for Doctoral degrees, please consult the Graduate College Bulletin: