PSHU-PACS Humanities

PSHU 1213. Creativity in the Arts.3 Credit Hours.

Students will learn about the literary, visual and performance arts by viewing, reading and listening to some of the most famous examples of the arts. Students will also learn about the creative process through the production of their own art. (F, Sp, Su)

PSHU 3113. Special Topics in the Humanities of the Ancient World.3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: junior standing or permission from adviser. Students will explore a broad variety of cultural themes found concurrently in both western and non-western cultures from Antiquity through the Middle Ages. (F, Sp, Su) [IV-WC].

PSHU 3133. Special Topics in the Humanities of the Modern World.3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: junior standing or permission from adviser. Students will explore a broad variety of cultural themes found concurrently in both western and non-western cultures from the Renaissance through the Enlightenment and into the Modern World. (F, Sp, Su) [IV-WC].

PSHU 3173. Renaissance Art.3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: junior standing or permission from adviser. A critical discussion of the art of the Italian Renaissance. The focus of this course will be on explicating religious textual narratives and exploring how artists translated these ideas into visual form to create an effective message. The course will deal with painting, sculpture and architecture and will highlight well-known artists. (F, Sp, Su) [IV-AF].

PSHU 3193. Art of the Non-Western World.3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: junior standing or permission from adviser. Explores variety of cultural themes found in non-western art from the ancient to the modern world. Introduction to art of non-western cultures and the role that art history plays in the study of these objects. Consists of four parts: African art; Asian art of India, China and Japan; native American art of North, Meso-America; and South America and the Pacific. (F, Sp, Su) [IV-WDC].

PSHU 3283. Film Noir.3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Sophomore standing or permission from academic adviser. An exploration of film noir as an art form through the perspectives of history, sociology, psychology, philosophy, and technology. Topics include the intellectual and literary origins of film noir and the genre's impact on film making and culture. (F, Sp, Su)

PSHU 4163. World Religions and Ecology.3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Junior standing or permission from academic advisor. A multi-religious perspective on the environment investigating how various religious traditions treat the relationship between human agency and the environment. Topics include the connections between religion, politics, economics, social policies and the environment, as well as sustainability, eco-justice, and globalization. (Irreg.) [IV-WDC].

PSHU 4173. Women in the Bible and Qur’an.3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Junior standing or permission from academic advisor. An examination of women in the Bible and Qur'an and the insight this exploration provides about religious traditions. Topics include the roles of women within these Scriptures, their role relative to men in general, their place in the foundational myths such as the creation accounts, and the ways in which women negotiate power and authority. (Irreg.) [IV-WC].

PSHU 4183. Crafting the Cinematic Jesus.3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Junior standing or permission from academic advisor. Surveys common understandings of the person and goals of Jesus, and the roles of other biblical figures, through film and literature. Examines the role that film plays in religious understanding, the role of culture in religion, the variety of conceptions of Jesus, and key issues of the Christian tradition. (Irreg.) [IV-AF].

PSHU 4193. Women of the Middle East and North Africa.3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Junior standing or permission from academic advisor. An examination of women in the Middle East and North Africa. Topics include the social, political, and economical status of women in the region, the effects of globalization, and a discussion of recent political and cultural changes. (F, Sp, Su) [IV-WDC].

PSHU 4213. A Critical Review of the Bible as a Literary Work.3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: junior standing or permission from adviser. Examines the Bible as a work of literature, approaching it without concern for the doctrines of any particular religion. The aim of the course is to make students biblically familiar with both the Old and New Testaments. (F, Sp, Su) [IV-WC].

PSHU 4293. Exploring Race and Gender in Film.3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Junior standing or permission from academic adviser. An exploration of race and gender in film during the post-civil rights period. Examines the effects of inequality and inclusiveness through the cinematic lens and analyzes the evolution of film relating to the depiction of race and gender issues. (F, Sp, Su)