CHER 1715. Beginning Cherokee.5 Credit Hours.
Introduction to the structure of the Cherokee language with special attention to its phonology, morphology, and syntax. Conversational practice, vocabulary-building, and the history and culture of the native speech community also are emphasized. (F, Sp) [I-FL].
CHER 1725. Beginning Cherokee-Continued.5 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: 1715. A continuation of the study of the structure of the Cherokee language with special attention to its phonology, morphology, and syntax. Conversational practice, vocabulary-building, and the history and culture of the native speech community are emphasized. (Sp) [I-FL].
CHER 2733. Intermediate Cherokee.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: 1723. A systematic review of the structure of the Cherokee language. Syntactic control and vocabulary expansion are emphasized. Conversational practice and traditional oral texts are used to develop proficiency. (F)
CHER 3440. Mentored Research Experience.3 Credit Hours.
0 to 3 hours. Prerequisites: ENGL 1113 or equivalent, and permission of instructor. May be repeated; maximum credit 12 hours. For the inquisitive student to apply the scholarly processes of the discipline to a research or creative project under the mentorship of a faculty member. Student and instructor should complete an Undergraduate Research & Creative Projects (URCP) Mentoring Agreement and file it with the URCP office. Not for honors credit. (F, Sp, Su)