L A-Landscape Architecture
L A 2970. Special Topics/Seminar.1-3 Credit Hours.
1 to 3 hours. Prerequisite: May be repeated; Maximum credit nine hours. Special topics course for content not currently offered in regularly scheduled courses. May include library and/or laboratory research, and field projects. (Irreg.)
L A 3440. Mentored Research Experience.3 Credit Hours.
0 to 3 hours. Prerequisite: ENGL 1113 or equivalent, and permission of instructor; May be repeated; maximum credit 12 hours. For the inquisitive student to apply the scholarly processes of the discipline to a research or creative project under the mentorship of a faculty member. Student and instructor should complete an Undergraduate Research & Creative Projects (URCP) Mentoring Agreement and file it with the URCP office. Not for honors credit. (F, Sp, Su)
L A 4103. Introduction to Landscape Architecture.3 Credit Hours.
(Slashlisted with L A 5103) Prerequisite: junior standing and permission of instructor. Introduction to the multidisciplinary design profession of landscape architecture. This course will highlight the profession of landscape architecture as a leader in today's sustainable construction and design industry. No student may earn credit for both 4103 and 5103. (F) [IV-AF].
L A 4423. Human Experience of the Environment.3 Credit Hours.
(Slashlisted with L A 5423) Prerequisites: Junior standing. An introduction to the understanding of how people interact with the world around them. We will explore the many ways in which environments have shaped us, how we perceive and interact with the world, what tools researchers use, how places are designed to accommodate particular human behaviors, and how designers can create healthy environments. No student may earn credit for both 4423 and 5423. (F, Sp, Su)[III-SS].
L A 4613. Landscape Architecture Computer Applications.3 Credit Hours.
(Slashlisted with L A 5613) Prerequisite: Junior standing or permission of instructor. A survey of computer applications common to the profession of landscape architecture including word processing, desktop publishing, computer image manipulation, computer-aided drafting, spreadsheets and databases with particular emphasis on computer image manipulation and computer-aided drafting. No student may earn credit for both 4613 and 5613. (F)
L A 4743. Garden History from Ancient to Contemporary.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: junior standing. This course examines the history of human design and use of land through an examination of the gardens different civilizations built. Gardens from pre-history to twenty-first history in Asia, Latin/South America, Europe and the United States will be studied as products of conscious design. Understand the social, cultural and economic contexts within which historic garden styles emerged. (F, Sp)
L A 4943. History and Theory of Landscape Architecture.3 Credit Hours.
(Slashlisted with L A 5943) Prerequisite: Junior standing or permission of instructor. A survey of American landscape architecture trends and personalities. Includes an overview of European and Asian landscape and garden design precedents. The framework of modern architecture, modern art, and public art which provide a context for and influence upon landscape architecture will be discussed in historical and theoretical terms. No student may earn credit for both 4943 and 5943. (Sp)
L A 4970. Special Topics/Seminar.1-3 Credit Hours.
1 to 3 hours. Prerequisite: junior standing or permission of instructor; May be repeated; maximum credit nine hours. Special topics or seminar course for content not currently offered in regularly scheduled courses. May include library and/or laboratory research and field projects. (Irreg.)
L A 5052. Professional Practice.2 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: 5043 or permission of instructor. Survey of career options, internship, registration, firm organization, office management, professional conduct and ethics within the practice of architecture. (F, Sp)
L A 5103. Introduction to Landscape Architecture.3 Credit Hours.
(Slashlisted with L A 4103) Prerequisites: graduate standing, permission of instructor. Introduction to the multidisciplinary design profession of landscape architecture. This course will highlight the profession of landscape architecture as a leader in today's sustainable construction and design industry. No student may earn credit for both 4103 and 5103. (F)
L A 5243. Landscape Architecture Technology: Materials and Construction.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: Graduate Standing. Technical requirements and design characteristics of landscape construction materials. Brick, concrete, asphalt, stone, wood, paving curbs, walls, steps, small structures, site furnishings, lighting, and basic construction documentation. (F)
L A 5343. Landscape Architecture Technology: Site Issues.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: Graduate Standing. Technical aspects of land and water interactions in site planning and landscape engineering. Introduction to contours, grading and earthwork; watershed and site drainage; horizontal and vertical curves; erosion control, and sedimentation. (Sp)
L A 5402. Res Methods Landscape Arch.2 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: graduate standing or permission of instructor. Introduces basic research methods applicable to landscape architecture. (F)
L A 5423. Human Experience of the Environment.3 Credit Hours.
(Slashlisted with L A 4423) Prerequisite: Graduate standing. An introduction to the understanding of how people interact with the world around them. We will explore the many ways in which environments have shaped us, how we perceive and interact with the world, what tools researchers use, how places are designed to accommodate particular human behaviors, and how designers can create healthy environments. No student may earn credit for both 4423 and 5423. (F, Sp, Su)
L A 5513. Landscape Architecture Drawing and Graphics.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: Graduate Standing. Basic techniques for visual thinking/seeing and basic graphic techniques for two- and three-dimensional representation. Different methods of communication such as sketching, diagramming, plan, section and elevation drawing, rendering, one and two point perspective, and axonometric drawing for layout and composition. (F)
L A 5515. Landscape Architecture Introductory Graduate Studio I.5 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing and departmental permission. Small-scale problems in landscape architecture with particular emphasis on principles and elements of design, design of individual sites, design as a process including communication of site analysis, design, development and final design proposals. (F)
L A 5525. Landscape Architecture Introductory Graduate Studio II.5 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing and LA 5515. Introduction to site planning at small to medium scales with particular emphasis on design process where consideration of natural and human factors influence design solutions. Subject matter varies and is reflective of a host of problems and issues common to landscape architecture. (Sp)
L A 5535. Landscape Architecture Intermediate Graduate Studio III.5 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing and L A 5525. Studio work concerned with park, recreation, and open space issues pertinent to contemporary needs. Subject matter may include park typologies and their design, recreation typologies, public education, greenways, scenic byways, eco-tourism, schools, art in the landscape, and community gardens. (F)
L A 5545. Landscape Architecture Intermediate Graduate Studio IV.5 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing and L A 5535. Focus on housing and community planning as related to site planning and site design with particular emphasis on urban environments, housing typologies, community participation, community facilities, and the landscape architect's approach to integration of proposed developments within natural and human contexts. (Sp)
L A 5613. Landscape Architecture Computer Applications.3 Credit Hours.
(Slashlisted with L A 4613) Prerequisite: Graduate Standing. A survey of computer applications common to the profession of landscape architecture including word processing, desktop publishing, computer image manipulation, computer-aided drafting, spreadsheets and databases with particular emphasis on computer image manipulation and computer-aided drafting. No student may earn credit for both 4613 and 5613. (F)
L A 5713. Plant Material and Technology.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing. Identification and classification of native and ornamental woody evergreen and deciduous trees, shrubs, vines, and ground covers. Study of their morphology, cultural characteristics, landscape uses, pruning maintenance, planting and establishment. Includes basic horticultural principles, plant processes, and factors affecting plant growth. (F, Sp)
L A 5923. Planting Design.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: LA 5713, graduate standing. An intensive lecture course emphasizing the use of plants in landscape architecture design. (F)
L A 5940. Field Work.1-4 Credit Hours.
1 to 4 hours. Prerequisite: 4515 and permission of instructor. Studies in landscape architecture not suited to the conventional classroom setting. (F, Sp)
L A 5943. History and Theory of Landscape Architecture.3 Credit Hours.
(Slashlisted with L A 4943) Prerequisite: Graduate Standing. A survey of American landscape architecture trends and personalities. Includes an overview of European and Asian landscape and garden design precedents. The framework of modern architecture, modern art, and public art which provide a context for and influence upon landscape architecture will be discussed in historical and theoretical terms. Students may not earn credit for 4943 and 5943. No student may earn credit for both 4943 and 5943. (Sp)
L A 5950. Graduate Project Proposal.2-4 Credit Hours.
2 to 4 hours. Prerequisite: graduate standing and permission of instructor. Proposal development for terminal graduate project in landscape architecture. (F, Sp)
L A 5960. Directed Readings.1-4 Credit Hours.
1 to 4 hours. Prerequisite: permission of instructor; May be repeated with change of content; maximum credit nine hours. Selected readings in landscape architecture. (F, Sp, Su)
L A 5970. General Department Seminar.1-4 Credit Hours.
1 to 4 hours. Prerequisite: graduate standing and permission of instructor; May be repeated with change of topic; maximum credit nine hours. Advanced professional topics in landscape architecture and experimental course offerings. (Sp)
L A 5990. Independent Study.1-3 Credit Hours.
1 to 3 hours. Prerequisite: Graduate standing and permission of instructor; May be repeated; maximum credit nine hours. Contracted independent study for a topic not currently offered in regularly scheduled courses. Independent study may include library and/or laboratory research and field projects. (Irreg.)
L A 6595. Graduate Project.5 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: 6950 or permission of instructor. An approved individual project or thesis exploiting or integrating the student's specialization with landscape architecture. Laboratory (Sp)
L A 6643. Urban Design Theory.3 Credit Hours.
(Crosslisted with ARCH 6643 and RCPL 6643) Prerequisite: graduate standing. A survey of theory relevant to the urban design process, including social and behavioral concepts, visual and aesthetic theory, spatial and geographic factors of urban form. (Sp)
L A 6950. Applied Research in Landscape Architecture.1-4 Credit Hours.
1 to 4 hours. Prerequisite: 6013 and permission of instructor. Approved individual research in landscape architecture coordinated with electives in preparation for the graduate project. (F)
L A 6960. Directed Readings.1-3 Credit Hours.
1 to 3 hours. Prerequisite: graduate standing or permission of instructor; May be repeated; maximum credit six hours. Directed readings and/or literature review under the direction of a faculty member. (Irreg.)
L A 6970. Special Topics/Seminar.1-3 Credit Hours.
1 to 3 hours. Prerequisite: graduate standing or permission of instructor; May be repeated; maximum credit 12 hours. Special topics or seminar course for content not currently offered in regularly scheduled courses. May include library and/or research and field projects. (Irreg.)
L A 6990. Graduate Special Studies.1-6 Credit Hours.
1 to 6 hours. Prerequisite: graduate standing and permission of instructor; May be repeated with change of content; maximum credit 12 hours. Selected topics in landscape architecture. (F, Sp, Su)