ATC-Art, Technology, and Culture
ATC 2823. Space - Introductory Studio Practice.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: Majors only; ART 1033 and ART 1043. Establishes a foundational perspective that considers embodiment and space in the digital age. Examines how networked information spaces might be understood, intervened with, repurposed, and inhabited as socially navigable spaces. This examination will be supported by an equal commitment to the physical via site specificity and emerging forms of public art practice. The goal is first of all, to engage the term 'space', and secondly, to examine possibilities as that engagement is extended into practice. (Irreg.)
ATC 2853. Image - Introductory Studio Practice.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisites: Majors only; ART 1033 and ART 1043 or concurrent enrollment. An introduction to light and lens-based imaging with a specific emphasis on photography and the photographic image. Instructor determines content and methodology; all courses will include refinement of basic technical skills as well as critical engagement with photography and its ontology. Readings and writings will supplement class discussion.(Irreg.)
ATC 2873. Time - Introductory Studio Practice.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisites: Majors only; ART 1033 and ART 1043. Introduces students to a variety of temporal experience given form in film, video, and uses of the Internet. Time is conceived in terms of: (1)a succession of passing frames, (2) the mediated presence of another consciousness, (3) the inscription of testimony for an archive,(4) the live performance in bodily or vocalized sound, and (5) the re-marking of community over the course of technological change. Basic instruction is provided in the various technologies necessary to explore these topics. (Irreg.)
ATC 3440. Mentored Research Experience.3 Credit Hours.
0 to 3 hours. Prerequisites: ENGL 1113 or equivalent, and permission of instructor. May be repeated; maximum credit 12 hours. For the inquisitive student to apply the scholarly processes of the discipline to a research or creative project under the mentorship of a faculty member. Student and instructor should complete an Undergraduate Research & Creative Projects (URCP) Mentoring Agreement and file it with the URCP office. Not for honors credit. (F, Sp, Su)
ATC 3843. 3D Modeling for Computer Animation.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: Majors only. Online intensive digital studio course covers beginning to advanced 3D modeling techniques in industry-standard animation software. Course content includes video tutorials, online discussion forums, projects, and critical feedback. Topics may include using curves, polygon modeling, material shaders, 3D sculpting, texturing, lighting and rendering. (Irreg.)
ATC 3883. 2D Computer Animation.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: Majors only; ATC 2823, or ATC 2873 or permission of instructor. Introduction to computer animation as an art form. Course content includes technical tutorials, screenings, projects, and critiques. Topics may include stop motion, 2D animation, 3D animation, abstract motion graphics, effects, character design, and narrative and/or experimental approaches. A personal laptop is required. (Irreg.)
ATC 3893. Experimental Animation.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: Majors only; ATC 2823 or permission of instructor. Advanced studio course covers abstract and experimental approaches to animation as an art form. Course content includes technical tutorials, screenings, projects, and critiques. Topics may include advanced motion graphics, dynamics simulation, motion capture, and procedural animation. A personal laptop is required. (Irreg.)
ATC 3913. Interface - Code Is Not Neutral.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: Majors only; ART 1033 and ART 1043. This course teaches students to how to design and develop interactive User Interface and Extended Reality web products. Technical instruction covers the design and development process from wire framing, to mockups, to developing, to testing and debugging a usable web product. (Irreg.)
ATC 4863. BFA Studio.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisites: Majors only; ATC 2823, ATC 2853, and ATC 2873; admission to ATC major. May be repeated with change of content; maximum credit 12 hours. In this course, students develop research techniques in support of their studio practice. Seemingly diverse concentrations(for example: photography, performance, and robotics) synthesize with a common intent to investigate and communicate ideas. Students are exposed to experiences involving professional practices,including critical critique, proposed solutions and examinations of problems, public speaking/discourse, writing about art, and the formal presentation of artworks. Students' effort are concentrated through the series of Studio/Seminar courses that culminate in the public presentation of their thesis.(Irreg.)
ATC 4883. Narrative Animation.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: Majors only; ATC 3843 or ATC 3883 or ATC 3893 or permission of instructor. Advanced studio course covers narrative and cinematic approaches to animation as an art form. Course content includes technical tutorials, screenings, projects, and critiques. Topics may include storyboarding, character design, rigging, sound design, motion capture, dynamics, and advanced rendering techniques. A personal laptop is required. (Irreg.)
ATC 4893. Expanded Animation.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: Majors only; ATC 3843 or ATC 3893 or permission of instructor. Advanced studio course exploring special topics in animation which may include virtual reality, augmented reality, motion tracking, motion capture, projection mapping, and immersive media installation. A personal laptop is required. (Irreg.)