S WK-Social Work
S WK 2113. Introduction to Social Work.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: sophomore or junior standing. Defines the profession of social work and describes its historical development. Provides foundation knowledge in social work values, professional ethics, and the history of social welfare and social services policy in the United States. (F, Sp)
S WK 2223. Statistics for Social Work.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: DMAT 0123, MATH 0123, or satisfactory score on math placement exam. Introduction to statistics and data analysis in social work and the helping professions. Covers descriptive statistics (univariate and bivariate), inferential statistics (estimation and significance tests) and data interpretation (causality and generalizability). (F, Sp, Su) [I-M] .
S WK 2970. Special Topics/Seminar.1-3 Credit Hours.
1 to 3 hours. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. May be repeated; maximum credit nine hours. Special topics or seminar course for content not currently offered in regularly scheduled courses. May include library and/or laboratory research and field projects. (Irreg.)
S WK 3003. Interviewing Skills for Generalist Practice.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: majors only. Introduction to basic interviewing and communication skills utilized in culturally sensitive, generalist social work practice. Emphasis on the development of self-awareness and skill development and on providing both didactic and experiential learning. (F)
S WK 3013. Professions in Social Work.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: Junior standing. This course provides an overview of social work as a profession, including central concepts and theories, values and ethics and career pathways. The profession's historical development is included along with a focus on poverty and economic disparity, human rights and social justice, and human diversity. It provides an introduction to the generalist practice model across system levels. (Su)
S WK 3103. Generalist Practice with Individuals and Families.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: majors only. First of three generalist social work practice courses explicates a generalist perspective that focuses on the knowledge, values, skills, and techniques appropriate for engagement, assessment, intervention and evaluation with individuals and families. (F)
S WK 3113. Generalist Practice with Families and Groups.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: Junior standing and S WK 3103 or concurrent enrollment. The second of three generalist social work practice courses; explicates a generalist perspective that focuses on the knowledge, values, skills and techniques appropriate for engagement, assessment, intervention, and evaluation with families and small groups. (F, Sp)
S WK 3233. Human Behavior: Individuals and Families.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: majors only. Within a social systems framework and bio-psychosocial perspective, students learn empirically based theories which deal with life-span development and family dynamics. This course provides a theoretical foundation for micro-level generalist practice. (F)
S WK 3313. Social Welfare Policy: Analysis and Practice.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: majors only. An undergraduate level historical and descriptive review of federal and state social welfare programming, introduction to social welfare policy analysis, and the role of the social work profession in affecting change in social welfare policy. (Sp)
S WK 3323. Human Diversity and Social Justice.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: majors only. Provides undergraduate students with social work knowledge of human diversity from a social justice perspective. Knowledge of diverse groups' norms/values, differential power, societal oppression, and transactions between and within social groups are emphasized. (F)
S WK 3440. Mentored Research Experience.3 Credit Hours.
0 to 3 hours. Prerequisites: ENGL 1113 or equivalent, and permission of instructor. May be repeated; maximum credit 12 hours. For the inquisitive student to apply the scholarly processes of the discipline to a research or creative project under the mentorship of a faculty member. Student and instructor should complete an Undergraduate Research & Creative Projects (URCP) Mentoring Agreement and file it with the URCP office. Not for honors credit. (F, Sp, Su)
S WK 3960. Honors Reading.1-3 Credit Hours.
1 to 3 hours. Prerequisite: admission to Honors Program. May be repeated; maximum credit six hours. Will consist of topics designated by the instructor in keeping with the student's major program. The topics will cover materials not usually presented in regular coursework. (F, Sp, Su)
S WK 3970. Honors Seminar.1-3 Credit Hours.
1 to 3 hours. Prerequisite; admission to Honors Program. May be repeated; maximum credit six hours. The projects covered will vary. The content will deal with concepts not usually presented in regular coursework. (Irreg.)
S WK 3980. Honors Research.1-3 Credit Hours.
1 to 3 hours. Prerequisite: admission to Honors Program. May be repeated; maximum credit six hours. Will provide an opportunity for the gifted Honors candidate to work at a special project in the student's field. (F, Sp, Su)
S WK 3990. Independent Study.1-3 Credit Hours.
1 to 3 hours. Prerequisite: permission of instructor and junior standing. May be repeated once with change of content. Independent study may be arranged to study a subject not available through regular course offerings. (F, Sp, Su)
S WK 4003. Forensic Social Work.3 Credit Hours.
(Slashlisted with S WK 5003) Prerequisite: Junior standing. This course provides an overview of forensic social work practice and theory. Additionally, it illustrates skills for working with diverse populations across the lifespan and across diverse settings, such as community, medical, school, child welfare, mental health and addictions, and juvenile and criminal justice settings. No student may earn credit for both 4003 and 5003. (Irreg.)
S WK 4033. Trauma-Informed Practice in Child Welfare.3 Credit Hours.
(Slashlisted with S WK 5033) Prerequisite: Senior standing; Students who are being funded by the Child Welfare program are required to take this course. This course will provide a multi-dimensional exploration of trauma and the importance of trauma informed child welfare practice. Skill development focuses on building a strong knowledge base concerning trauma that will support ethical social work practice and an emphasis on strengths-based social work service delivery. This course also brings forward the concepts of trauma informed organizational practice. No student may earn credit for both 4033 and 5033. (Su)
S WK 4053. Preventing and Treating Substance Use Disorders.3 Credit Hours.
(Slashlisted with S WK 5053) Prerequisite: Junior standing or permission of instructor. Students will be introduced to the fundamentals of the prevention and treatment of substance use disorders. Course emphasizes best practices in the areas of treatment and prevention of substance use disorders, and the strategic prevention framework. Cultural influences and issues important to special populations will be also reviewed. No student may earn credit for both 4053 and 5053. (Irreg.)
S WK 4063. Social Work with Older Adults.3 Credit Hours.
(Slashlisted with S WK 5063) Prerequisite: Upper-division standing or permission of instructor. Focus is on issues of significance to social work or social welfare. This course focuses on the knowledge, skills and techniques appropriate for engagement, assessment, intervention and evaluation with older adults and their family caregivers. No student may earn credit for both 4063 and 5063. (Irreg.)
S WK 4083. Undergraduate Social Work Research Methods I.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: senior standing and S WK 2223 or equivalent. Introduction to the design and implementation of quantitative and qualitative research methods appropriate to social work practice evaluation and program evaluation. (F)
S WK 4093. Undergraduate Social Work Research Methods II.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: S WK 4083. Introduction to applied data analysis methods appropriate to research in social work practice evaluation and human services program evaluation. (Sp)
S WK 4103. Generalist Practice with Organizations and Communities.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: S WK 3113; Majors only. Third of three methods courses in the social work practice sequence using a generalist model focuses on knowledge, values and skills requisite for social work practice with various client systems. Course emphasizes development of knowledge and skills specific for assessment and intervention with organizations and communities. (Sp)
S WK 4163. Child Abuse and Neglect.3 Credit Hours.
(Slashlisted with S WK 5163) Prerequisite: upper-division standing or permission of instructor. Introduction to the field of child abuse and neglect. Examines the history of the field, different forms of abuse and neglect, causative factors, abuse and neglect dynamics, treatment approaches, the social services system, and prevention strategies. No student may earn credit for both 4163 and 5163. (Irreg)
S WK 4170. Special Topics in Social Work and Social Welfare.2-3 Credit Hours.
(Slashlisted with S WK 5170) 2 to 3 hours. Prerequisite: upper-division standing or permission of director. May be repeated with change of content; maximum credit nine hours. Focus is on issues significant to social work or social welfare. No student may earn credit for both 4170 and 5170 on the same topic. (Irreg.)
S WK 4313. Practicum Seminar I.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: senior standing, majors only; corequisite: 4315. The integration of classroom course content with the learning of practice skills in the field setting. (F, Sp, Su)
S WK 4315. Practicum I.5 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: majors only, senior standing; corequisite: S WK 4313. A structured, educationally directed experience in social work practice, provided under the supervision of a qualified social worker as practicum instructor. (F, Sp, Su)
S WK 4323. Practicum Seminar II.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: Social Work BASW majors only; S WK 4313; senior standing; corequisite: S WK 4325. This is the Capstone course for the BASW. The purpose of this course is for students to demonstrate application of major social work content including social work research, social welfare policy, human behavior in the social environment, human diversity, and social work practice in the context of a field practicum setting. (F, Sp, Su)
S WK 4325. Practicum II.5 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: S WK 4315 and S WK 4313; majors only; senior standing; permission of instructor; corequisite: S WK 4323. A continuation of the educational experience in S WK 4315. In combination with Practicum Seminar II (S WK 4323), this course comprises the General Education capstone experience in social work. (F, Sp, Su) [V].
S WK 4573. Disaster Response in Japan: A Human Rights Approach.3 Credit Hours.
(Slashlisted with S WK 5573) Prerequisite: Junior standing or instructor permission. This course provides experiences and knowledge of how human advocacy services are provided to victims of disasters in Japan, man-made or natural. This is the study abroad program which was cultivated within the frameworks of Experiential and Transformative Learning theories, specifically for students to gain knowledge of and experience in global human rights aspects in social work. No student may earn credit for both 4573 and 5573. (Sp) [IV-WDC].
S WK 4753. Child and Adolescent Psychopathology: Assessment and Treatment.3 Credit Hours.
(Slashlisted with S WK 5753) Prerequisite: Junior standing or permission of instructor. Provides an overview of clinical information necessary to effectively assess, diagnose and provide social work treatment for children and adolescents in need of mental health services. The course incorporates both person-in-environment and strengths perspective in the understanding of how to serve children and families dealing with childhood disorders. No student may earn credit for both 4753 and 5753. (Irreg.)
S WK 4960. Directed Readings.1-4 Credit Hours.
1 to 4 hours. Prerequisite: good standing in University; permission of instructor and dean. May be repeated; maximum credit four hours. Designed for upper-division students who need opportunity to study a specific problem in greater depth than formal course content permits. (Irreg.)
S WK 4970. Special Topics/Seminar.1-3 Credit Hours.
1 to 3 hours. Prerequisite: Senior standing or permission of instructor. May be repeated; maximum credit nine hours. Special topics or seminar course for content not currently offered in regularly scheduled courses. May include library and/or laboratory research and field projects. (Irreg.)
S WK 4990. Independent Study.1-3 Credit Hours.
1 to 3 hours. Prerequisite: three courses in general area to be covered; permission of instructor and undergraduate program coordinator. May be repeated; maximum credit six hours. Contracted independent study for topic not currently offered in regularly scheduled courses. Independent study may include library and/or laboratory research and field practicum projects. (F, Sp, Su)
S WK 5003. Forensic Social Work.3 Credit Hours.
(Slashlisted with S WK 4003) Prerequisite: Graduate standing. This course provides an overview of forensic social work practice and theory. It illustrates skills for working with diverse populations across the lifespan and across diverse settings, such as community, medical, school, child welfare, mental health and addictions, and juvenile and criminal justice settings. No student may earn credit for both 4003 and 5003. (Irreg.)
S WK 5033. Trauma-Informed Practice in Child Welfare.3 Credit Hours.
(Slashlisted with S WK 4033) Prerequisite: Graduate standing; Students funded by the Child Welfare program are required to take this course. This course will provide a multi-dimensional exploration of trauma and the importance of trauma-informed child welfare practice. Skill development focuses on building a strong knowledge base concerning trauma that will support ethical social work practice and an emphasis on strengths-based social work service delivery. The course also brings forward the concepts of trauma-informed organizational practice. No student may earn credit for both 4033 and 5033. (Su)
S WK 5043. Introduction to Advanced Integrative Practice.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: Requires admission to MSW Advanced Standing program. This seminar course is designed to enhance the preparation of Advanced Standing students for graduate study in social work. This course orients students to graduate level writing and research, the generalist practice model, Social Work in Oklahoma, simulation as a tool for skill development, and an introduction to the Decision Case model. Individualized student professional development is emphasized. (Su)
S WK 5053. Preventing and Treating Substance Use Disorders.3 Credit Hours.
(Slashlisted with S WK 4053) Prerequisite: Graduate standing or permission of instructor. Students will be introduced to the fundamentals of the prevention and treatment of substance use disorders. Course emphasizes best practices in the areas of treatment and prevention of substance use disorders, and the strategic prevention framework. Cultural influences and issues important to special populations will be also reviewed. No student may earn credit for both 4053 and 5053. (Irreg.)
S WK 5063. Social Work with Older Adults.3 Credit Hours.
(Slashlisted with S WK 4063) Prerequisite: Graduate standing or permission of instructor. Focus is on issues of significance to social work or social welfare. This course focuses on the knowledge, skills, and techniques appropriate for engagement, assessment, intervention, and evaluation with older adults and their family caregivers. No student may earn credit for both 4063 and 5063. (Irreg.)
S WK 5083. Social Work Research Methods.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing in Social Work. Introduction to the design and implementation of quantitative and qualitative research methods used to evaluate the effectiveness of social work practice and policies. (F)
S WK 5093. Social Work Research Methods II.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: graduate standing in Social Work and S WK 5083. Introduction to applied data analysis methods appropriate to research in social work practice evaluation and human services program evaluation. (Sp)
S WK 5153. Seminar on Community Health.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: graduate standing in social work or permission of instructor. This is an intensive course that immerses students within the OU-Tulsa School of Community Medicine Summer Institute. A variety of experiential learning methods are combined into an interdisciplinary setting. Full participation in the Summer Institute is required in addition to specific assignments relevant to social work. (Irreg.)
S WK 5163. Child Abuse and Neglect.3 Credit Hours.
(Slashlisted with S WK 4163) Prerequisite: graduate standing or permission of instructor. Introduction to the field of child abuse and neglect. Examines the history of the field, different forms of abuse and neglect, causative factors, abuse and neglect dynamics, treatment approaches, the social services system, and prevention strategies. No student may earn credit for both 4163 and 5163. (Irreg.)
S WK 5170. Special Topics in Social Work and Social Welfare.2-3 Credit Hours.
(Slashlisted with S WK 4170) 2 to 3 hours. Prerequisite: graduate standing or permission of instructor. May be repeated with change of content; maximum credit 12 hours. Focus is on issues significant to social work or social welfare. No student may earn credit for both 4170 and 5170 on the same topic. (Irreg.)
S WK 5213. Infant Mental Health.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: graduate standing in social work or permission of instructor. This course provides an overview of clinical and policy information necessary to effectively assess, and provide treatment for children ages 1 - 5 years and their families. (Irreg.)
S WK 5253. Alcohol and Other Drugs.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: graduate standing in Social Work or permission of instructor. Integrated focus on the action of drugs and the consequences of AOD use, abuse, and addiction. Historical and current policies as well as issues are also examined. Attention is given to diverse populations, research findings and theoretical perspectives. (Irreg.)
S WK 5263. Biopsychosocial Aspects of Health and Behavior.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: graduate standing or permission of instructor. The primary focus of this course is on enhancing knowledge and understanding of biological determinants of health and behavior as they interact with the environmental dimensions of health and behavior. These issues will be discussed in relation to the individual, and family, as well as ethical and policy and program implications. (Irreg.)
S WK 5273. School Social Work.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: graduate standing in social work or permission of instructor. Designed to help prepare students for social work practice in school settings. It covers a range of practice and policy issues along with the multiplicity of school social worker roles and responsibilities. Currently offered as an internet course. (Irreg.)
S WK 5283. Tribal-U.S.Child/Family Welfare Policy and Practice.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: graduate standing. Examines and critically analyzes the policies, regulations, and organizational change issues that aim to improve the lives of children, youth, and families from tribal and United States backgrounds. The contexts, forces, and ideologies that produce the often-changing goals and methods of agencies serving children and their families at a tribal, state, and national levels will be examined. Emphasis will be placed on current opportunities and dilemmas facing Indian child welfare programs and public and private child welfare agencies. Using social and behavioral science research and information related to diversity and social justice, critical frameworks for assessing and analyzing child welfare policies, service systems, and organizational structures will be developed. It is highly recommended that S WK 5293: Social Work with American Indians be taken prior to this course. (Irreg.)
S WK 5293. Direct Practice with Diverse Students, Disabilities, & Transition.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: S WK 5103 or EDSP 5093 or permission of instructor; Social Work or Educational Psychology graduate students only. An overview of the theory and skills needed to work with diverse students including students with disabilities as they prepare to transition from school to adult life. Focuses on the knowledge, values, skills, and techniques appropriate for engagement, assessment, intervention and evaluation with diverse students preparing for transition. (Su)
S WK 5303. American Indian Behavioral Health.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: graduate standing. Provides the knowledge, skills, and self-awareness necessary for culturally relevant behavioral health services to tribal populations located in the United States. Knowledge will encompass traditional tribal conceptualizations of mental health and the impact of colonization. Indigenous and Western theories will frame the development of skills for mental health and substance abuse assessment, interventions, and prevention with individuals, families, and communities with a particular focus on tribal youth. It is highly recommended that S WK 5293: Social Work with American Indians be taken prior to this course. (Irreg.)
S WK 5313. Policy Practice in Social Work: Analysis and Advocacy.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: graduate standing in Social Work. A historical and descriptive review of federal and state social welfare programming, an introduction to practice skills of policy analysis, and advocacy in affecting development, change, or implementation of social welfare policy. (F, Sp)
S WK 5333. Human Diversity and Societal Oppression.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: graduate standing in Social Work. Provides graduate students with social work knowledge of human diversity from a social justice perspective. Knowledge of diverse groups' norms/values, differential power, societal oppression, and transactions between and within social groups is emphasized. (F)
S WK 5343. Social Work with American Indians.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: graduate standing in Social Work, Native American Studies or junior/senior undergraduate standing in Social Work or Native American Studies. An introduction to issues influencing social work among American Indians. Knowledge of tribal culture, historical and contemporary oppression, sovereign status, and current service contexts will be framed against the strengths and empowerment perspectives. The skills and values unique to social work with American Indians will be developed to form the essential foundation for effective practice across the individual, family, clan, community, and tribal nation. (Irreg.)
S WK 5353. International Child Welfare.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: graduate standing. Comparative study of child welfare policies and practices in Israel and the United States through study abroad. Content areas include international and comparative frameworks in policy and practice analyses, child welfare practices in the United States and Israel, governmental and not-for-profit sectors for the protection of children and their families, cross-cultural learning exchanges with social work students and social workers in Israel and the United States. (Su)
S WK 5363. Health & Social Work.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: graduate standing or special permission for undergrads. Designed to develop practice-based knowledge of social work in health care settings, medical terminology, health care provisions, interdisciplinary teams, and insurance issues; the effects of illness and disease on the patient and families, the importance of patient rights and the intersection of culture, gender, age, class, and sexual orientation, on the interactions between the patient, healthcare system and professionals. (Irreg.)
S WK 5373. Theory, Practice, and Evaluation with Individuals.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing in Social Work. This course provides the theoretical background, practice skills, and research experience necessary for generalist social work practice and evaluation at the individual level. The generalist intervention model is the foundation for teaching the knowledge, values, skills, cognitive, and affective processes necessary for engagement, assessment, intervention, and evaluation with individuals. (F, Sp)
S WK 5383. Theory, Practice, and Evaluation with Families and Groups.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing in Social Work. This course addresses foundation-level components of theory, practice, and evaluation related to generalist social work practice with families and groups. Students learn key explanatory theories about how families and groups operate, and are introduced to generalist practice models for practice with these client types. Students also learn about how to effectively evaluate practice with families and groups. (F, Sp)
S WK 5393. Theory, Practice, and Evaluation with Communities and Organizations.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing in Social Work. Exploration of the generalist perspective focusing on the knowledge, values, skills, and techniques appropriate to assessment and interventions with organizations and communities. (F, Sp)
S WK 5403. Professional Social Work.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing in Social Work. This course is an overview of social work as a profession, including central concepts and theories, values, ethics, and career pathways. The profession's historical development is included along with a focus on poverty and economic disparity, human rights and social justice, and human diversity. It provides an introduction to the generalist practice model across system levels.
S WK 5413. Social Work Practicum I.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing in Social Work, and permission of practicum coordinator. Professionally supervised foundation year practicum placement in an area social service agency. (F, Sp, Su)
S WK 5423. Social Work Practicum II.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing in Social Work, and S WK 5413 or concurrent enrollment. A professionally supervised practicum placement in an area social service agency; a continuation of S WK 5413. (F, Sp, Su)
S WK 5433. Human Lifespan Development.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing in Social Work. Within a social systems framework and biopsychosocial perspective, students learn empirically-based theories that deal with lifespan development and family theory. This course provides an introduction to small group dynamics and development as well as a theoretical foundation for micro and mezzo level generalist practice. (F, Sp)
S WK 5513. Client-Centered Direct Practice.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing in Social Work. This course addresses clinical practice across the lifespan with application to individuals, families, and groups. Evidenced informed practice provides a framework within which empirically supported treatment modalities are explored as they relate to the intersecting domains of trauma, substance abuse, and mental health. (F)
S WK 5523. Macro Systems in Practice.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing in Social Work. This course utilizes an advanced generalist perspective focused on advancing the knowledge, values, skills, and techniques appropriate to engagement, assessment, and intervention with organizations and communities. (F)
S WK 5563. Integrative Practice with Children and Families.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing. This course provides students with specific knowledge and skills utilized when working with children and adolescents within their family systems. (Irreg.)
S WK 5573. Disaster Response in Japan: A Human Rights Approach.3 Credit Hours.
(Slashlisted with S WK 4573) Prerequisite: Graduate standing or permission of instructor. This course provides experiences and knowledge of how human advocacy services are provided to victims of disasters in Japan, man-made or natural. This is the study abroad program which was cultivated within the frameworks of Experiential and Transformative Learning theories, specifically for students to gain knowledge of and experience in global human rights aspects in social work. No student may earn credit for both 4573 and 5573. (Sp)
S WK 5723. Human Services Administration.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing. Social work selective course offered first to social work master's level students who have completed a foundation level macro social course. Primary attention is given to the roles of administrator and planner in social work/social welfare settings with additional emphasis on grant writing and resource development. (Irreg.)
S WK 5733. Mental Health Assessment and Diagnosis.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: graduate standing in social work or permission of instructor. Designed to assist the student in understanding & using the prevailing psychiatric taxonomic system, the diagnostic & statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM 5). Prepares students to function in clinical settings where familiarity with the DSM 5 criteria & the multi-axial diagnostic framework is fundamental knowledge. Additionally, students will examine the benefits and risks of this psychiatric taxonomy. (Irreg.)
S WK 5753. Child and Adolescent Psychopathology: Assessment and Treatment.3 Credit Hours.
(Slashlisted with S WK 4753) Prerequisite: Graduate standing in social work or permission of instructor. Provides an overview of clinical information necessary to effectively assess, diagnose, and provide social work treatment for children and adolescents in need of mental health services. The course incorporates both person-in-environment and strengths perspective in the understanding of how to serve children and families dealing with childhood disorders. No student may earn credit for both 4753 and 5753. (Irreg.)
S WK 5783. Human Sexuality.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing in Social Work or instructor permission. This course provides graduate students with social work knowledge of human sexuality in social work practice. The primary goal of the course is to increase social worker's competence and understanding of human sexuality concepts based on theory, research and practice. (Irreg.)
S WK 5816. Social Work Practicum III.6 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing in Social Work, S WK 5513, S WK 5523, and permission of instructor. This course offers an educationally focused and professionally supervised practicum placement in a social service agency and requires a minimum of 550 clock hours at an assigned practicum site. (Sp, Su)
S WK 5826. Social Work Practicum IV.6 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: Graduate graduate standing in Social Work, S WK 5513, S WK 5523, and permission of instructor. This course offers an educationally focused & professionally supervised practicum placement in a social service agency & requires a minimum of 550 clock hours at an assigned practicum site. (Sp, Su)
S WK 5833. Social Work with Sexual and Gender Minorities.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing in social work. This course addresses advanced micro, mezzo, and macro-level social work practice with individuals identifying as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and/or questioning, intersex, asexual, two-spirit (LGBTQIA2S+). (Irreg.)
S WK 5883. Military Social Work.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing. Theoretical and practical approaches to clinical practice with military families. Overview of common social issues in the military system and demands on the family dynamic. (Irreg.)
S WK 5960. Directed Readings.1-4 Credit Hours.
1 to 4 hours. Prerequisite: graduate standing in Social Work and permission of the department. Directed readings and/or literature reviews under the direction of a faculty member. May be repeated; maximum credit six hours. (F, Sp, Su)
S WK 5970. Special Topics/Seminar.1-3 Credit Hours.
1 to 3 hours. Prerequisite: Graduate standing or permission of instructor. May be repeated; maximum credit nine hours. Special topics or seminar course for content not currently offered in regularly scheduled courses. May include library and/or laboratory research and field projects. (Irreg.)
S WK 5973. Advanced Integrative Seminar.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing in Social Work. This is an advanced integrative seminar for concentration year students taken in the final semester. The course builds on foundation and concentration course work throughout the MSW curriculum using critical thinking that incorporates micro and macro systems case analysis and decision-making. (Sp)
S WK 5980. Research for Master's Thesis.2-6 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Research for Master's thesis. Variable enrollment, two to six hours; maximum credit applicable toward degree: six hours. (F, Sp, Su)
S WK 5990. Independent Study.1-3 Credit Hours.
1 to 3 hours. Prerequisite: Graduate standing and permission of instructor. May be repeated; maximum credit nine hours. Contracted independent study for a topic not currently offered in regularly scheduled courses. Independent study may include library and/or laboratory research and field projects. (Irreg.)
S WK 6003. Theories for Social Work.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing in social work or departmental permission. This course examines social work theories, analyzing their assumptions and empirical basis. Students explore historical contexts, research effectiveness, and major theories from diverse disciplines. Additionally, they delve into unique theories related to their interests, gaining insight into broader philosophical and empirical methods supporting social work. (F)
S WK 6011. Doctoral Professional Seminar I.1 Credit Hour.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing in social work or departmental permission. This one-hour seminar delves into career opportunities for Ph.D. in social work holders, covering academia, research, policy, and more. Participants learn to create a strategic professional development plan during their doctoral studies and post-Ph.D. years. The session also provides insights into job search processes for academic, post-doc, research, and policy positions. (F)
S WK 6013. Applied Quantitative Research Methods.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing in social work or departmental permission. This course delves into the diverse landscape of quantitative research designs, covering five key types. Participants explore the nuances of Descriptive, Survey, Correlational, Quasi-experimental, and Experimental Research designs. Through engaging discussions and practical applications, learners gain a comprehensive understanding of each design's purpose, methods, and potential contributions to empirical inquiry in various fields. (F)
S WK 6021. Doctoral Professional Seminar II.1 Credit Hour.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing in social work or departmental permission. This one-hour seminar covers crucial aspects of academic progression. Topics include selecting an advisor and dissertation committee, faculty presentations, conference participation, and publishing endeavors. Faculty members provide insights and guidance, ensuring students gain valuable knowledge in navigating academia. The seminar concludes with reflections and next steps, fostering a comprehensive understanding of key academic milestones. (Sp)
S WK 6023. Applied Qualitative Research Methods.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing in social work and completion of CITI Human Subjects Training. This course builds on qualitative research skills, focusing on conceptualization, design, and data collection in social work and related fields. It addresses research problems, design considerations, and theory's role, encompassing qualitative traditions like biography, phenomenology, grounded theory, ethnography, and case study. It explores qualitative data collection methods such as observation, interviews, focus groups and document analysis. (F)
S WK 6041. Doctoral Professional Seminar IV.1 Credit Hour.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing in social work or departmental permission. This course navigates diverse career paths in research, policy, and international work. Participants explore their interests, learn to craft a professional vita, and draft effective cover letters. The module on obtaining external funding covers fellowship basics, research funding exploration, and proposal development skills. The job search segment addresses crucial considerations, interview preparation, and efficient research communication. (Sp)
S WK 6043. Advanced Qualitative Data Analysis.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing in social work and completion of CITI Human Subjects Training. This advanced qualitative data analysis course explores intricate methodologies for analyzing qualitative data. Students delve into advanced coding techniques, thematic analysis, and interpretive frameworks. Emphasis is on refining skills in uncovering nuanced insights, triangulating data sources, and crafting comprehensive narratives. The course integrates practical applications, fostering expertise in handling complex qualitative research challenges. (Sp)
S WK 6053. Advanced Quantitative Data Analysis.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing in social work and completion of CITI Human Subjects Training. This advanced inferential statistics course focuses on practical statistical analysis. Students explore the role of statistics in research, learn terminology, apply appropriate techniques, and interpret findings in economics, business, nursing, and medical research. Topics include data graphing, hypothesis testing, chi-squared, ANOVA, regression, correlation, and decision-making under uncertainty. (Sp)
S WK 6980. Research for Doctoral Dissertation.2-16 Credit Hours.
2 to 16 hours. Prerequisite: Graduate standing; may be repeated. Directed research culminating in the completion of the doctoral dissertation. (F, Sp, Su)