DANC 1212. Ballet Technique I.2 Credit Hours.
May be repeated; maximum credit four hours. Practice of ballet technique at beginning level. This course does not count for major credit in the School of Dance. (F, Sp, Su)
DANC 1312. Modern Technique I.2 Credit Hours.
May be repeated; maximum credit four hours. Practice of modern dance technique at the beginning level. This course does not count for major credit in the School of Dance. (F, Sp, Su)
DANC 1411. Stage Makeup for the Dancer.1 Credit Hour.
To develop skill in the application of basic stage makeup for the dancer, including character analysis and traditional styles. (Irreg.)
DANC 1713. Understanding Dance.3 Credit Hours.
A course in dance appreciation covering all aspects of various theatrical dance styles. (F, Sp) [IV-AF].
DANC 1813. Introduction to Non-Western Dance Forms.3 Credit Hours.
An abbreviated examination of the history, evolution, and significance of dance in three regions of the non-western world which possess very distinct dance cultures. (F, Sp) [IV-WDC]
DANC 1911. Rehearsal and Production.1 Credit Hour.
Prerequisite: open to dance majors only. May be repeated; maximum credit four hours. Study, practice and participation in every phase of dance production work and management. Laboratory (F, Sp, Su)
DANC 1913. Music for Dancers.3 Credit Hours.
This course is designed to increase the dancer's understanding of rhythm, notation of rhythm, musical forms and styles. Music from Western and Non-Western cultural practices as well as from varying historical periods will be explored. Students will make music together in the classroom to gain a deeper understanding of these topics. (F, Sp)
DANC 2212. Ballet Technique II.2 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: permission of instructor. May be repeated; maximum credit eight hours. Continuation of 1212. (F, Sp, Su)
DANC 2213. Intermediate Ballet Technique.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: Majors only; permission of instructor; May be repeated; maximum credit 9 hours. Class includes participation in a complete ballet barre and center including adagio, pirouettes, petit allegro and grande allegro. The emphasis will be on the practice and principles of the classical ballet vocabulary. Students will be expected to develop and demonstrate the ability to perform the movements with proper body alignment and a sense of artistic expression. (F, Sp)
DANC 2241. Pointe Class.1 Credit Hour.
Prerequisites: Majors only; permission of instructor. Corequisite: must be enrolled in a ballet technique class. May be repeated; maximum credit 4 hours. Technique and practice on pointe to build strength and proficiency for ballet. (F, Sp)
DANC 2292. Ballet Company Apprentice.2 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: Majors only; permission of instructor. May be repeated; maximum credit eight hours. A practical analysis and application of the original and classical ballet repertoire. (F, Sp, Su)
DANC 2312. Modern Technique II.2 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: Majors only; permission of instructor. May be repeated; maximum credit eight hours. Continuation of 1312. (F, Sp)
DANC 2313. Intermediate Modern Technique.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: Majors only; permission of instructor; May be repeated; maximum credit 12 hours. Intermediate modern dance technique emphasizes skill refinement, increased vocabulary, and performance capabilities. Class includes floor work, inversions, dynamic movement through space, turns and jumps. (F, Sp)
DANC 2321. Dance Improvisation.1 Credit Hour.
Prerequisite: majors only; permission of instructor. May be repeated; maximum credit four hours. An introduction to improvisation as a creative and choreographic tool. Students will develop the ability to comprehend, apply, and manipulate movement in order to craft creative impulses. Also explores how to convey concepts and meaning, informing and inspiring others through various methods of non-verbal communication. (F, Sp)
DANC 2392. Modern Company Apprentice.2 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: Majors only; permission of instructor. May be repeated; maximum credit 10 hours. A practical analysis and application of the past and present choreographic dance works within the modern dance area. (F, Sp, Su)
DANC 2412. Pilates Body Conditioning.2 Credit Hours.
May be repeated; maximum credit eight hours. The philosophy of awareness in movement and a total body/mind workout based on the methods developed by Joseph Pilates over 75 years ago. This method is one of physical and mental conditioning designed to work every muscle in the body in an efficient and balanced manner. (F, Sp)
DANC 2512. Ballroom Dancing I.2 Credit Hours.
May be repeated; maximum credit eight hours. Instruction in traditional and popular social dances, as well as social skill and etiquette. Includes instruction in the basic ballroom dances of cha-cha, salsa, swing, tango, and waltz. Dancers take the basic skills and introduce new dances and rhythms with an added emphasis on dancing technique. (F, Sp)
DANC 2522. Ballroom Dancing II.2 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: 2512 or permission of instructor. May be repeated; maximum credit eight hours. Intermediate-level ballroom dancing which builds on the basic skills of the dancer and introduces new dances and rhythms with an added emphasis on dancing techniques. Includes instruction in the foxtrot, rumba, samba, and east and west coast swings. A brief review of basic skills is presented at the beginning of the semester. (F, Sp)
DANC 2612. Belly Dance.2 Credit Hours.
May be repeated three times; maximum credit eight hours. A course on one of the forms of dance from the Middle East, belly dancing, as referred to in North America. The class will focus on learning the technique of the dance as well providing the history of the form. (F, Sp)
DANC 2632. Elements of Dance Composition.2 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: Majors only; permission of instructor. Theoretical and practical experience with the principles of composition in the area of expressive movement. (Irreg.)
DANC 2712. Body Science for Dancers.2 Credit Hours.
An introduction to human anatomy and body mechanics through the study of skeletal alignment and movement efficiency in dance training, teaching and performance. This course is only open to Dance majors, and is intended to be taken during the second semester of the freshman year or the first semester of the sophomore year. (Irreg.)
DANC 2970. Special Topics.1-3 Credit Hours.
1 to 3 hours. Prerequisite: May be repeated; Maximum credit nine hours. Special topics course for content not currently offered in regularly scheduled courses. May include library and/or laboratory research, and field projects. (Irreg.)
DANC 3213. Ballet Technique III.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: Majors only; permission of instructor; May be repeated; maximum credit 24 hours. Class includes participation in an advanced ballet barre and center including adagio, pirouettes, petit allegro and grande allegro. The emphasis will be on the practice and advanced principles of the classical ballet vocabulary. Students will be expected to develop and demonstrate the ability to perform the movements with proper body alignment, musicality, and a sense of artistic expression. (F, Sp, Su)
DANC 3272. Performance Practices in Ballet.2 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: Majors only; permission of instructor. An introduction to and participation in performance practices in character dance and pantomime in ballet training. Emphasis on the practice, principles and style of character dance and its function as an integral part of classical ballet repertory and the use of pantomime and acting techniques for dancers. Students learn character dance technique and choreography from the classical repertoire as well as practicing individual role development through character studies culminating in the use of pantomime vocabulary and expressive movement. (Irreg.)
DANC 3292. OU Ballet Company.2 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: Majors only; permission of instructor. May be repeated; maximum credit 16 hours. Rehearsal and performance with the OU Ballet Company. Laboratory (F, Sp, Su)
DANC 3313. Modern Technique III.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: Majors only; permission of instructor; May be repeated; maximum credit 24 hours. Modern Technique III emphasizes advanced skill refinement and creative exploration of performance capabilities. Class includes advanced floor work, inversions, improvisation, composition, large movement through space, large turns and jumps. (F, Sp, Su)
DANC 3392. Contemporary Dance Oklahoma.2 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: Majors only; permission of instructor. May be repeated; maximum credit 16 hours. Rehearsal and performance with the Contemporary Dance Oklahoma. (F, Sp, Su)
DANC 3412. Pilates Equipment.2 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: 2412 and permission of the instructor. May be repeated; maximum credit eight hours. Using Pilates equipment, the class foundation is built on that developed by Joseph Pilates as a method of physical and mental conditioning to work every muscle in one's body in an efficient and balanced manner. The basis throughout the semester is that philosophy of awareness in movement and a total body/mind workout. (F, Sp)
DANC 3440. Mentored Research Experience.3 Credit Hours.
0 to 3 hours. Prerequisites: ENGL 1113 or equivalent, and permission of instructor. May be repeated; maximum credit 12 hours. For the inquisitive student to apply the scholarly processes of the discipline to a research or creative project under the mentorship of a faculty member. Student and instructor should complete an Undergraduate Research & Creative Projects (URCP) Mentoring Agreement and file it with the URCP office. Not for honors credit. (F, Sp, Su)
DANC 3632. Dance Composition.2 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: Majors only; permission of instructor. Theoretical and practical experience with the principles of composition in the area of expressive movement. (Irreg.)
DANC 3743. Dance History: Early Roots.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: junior standing or permission of instructor. A survey of the development of dance from pre-historic eras in western civilization through ancient cultures in Egypt, Greece and Rome. Investigations continue through Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque periods up to the evolution of Romantic ballet in the nineteenth century. (F) [IV-WC]
DANC 3753. Dance History: Three Centuries of Development.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: junior standing or permission of instructor. From nineteenth-century Romanticism, this course traces the development of western theatrical dancing through the current season. (Sp) [IV-WC]
DANC 3813. History of World Dance.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: junior standing or permission of instructor. An examination of the history, evolution and significance of dance in regions which possess very distinct dance cultures throughout the non-European world. (Irreg.) [IV-WDC]
DANC 3960. Honors Reading.1-3 Credit Hours.
1 to 3 hours. Prerequisite: admission to Honors Program. May be repeated with change of subject; maximum credit six hours. Consists of either reading topics or independent study designated by the instructor in keeping with the student's major program. Covers materials not usually presented in the regular courses. (F, Sp, Su)
DANC 3970. Honors Seminar.1-3 Credit Hours.
1 to 3 hours. Prerequisite: admission to Honors Program, junior or senior standing. May be repeated with change of subject; maximum credit six hours. The projects covered will vary. Deals with concepts not usually presented in regular coursework. (Irreg.)
DANC 3980. Honors Research.1-3 Credit Hours.
1 to 3 hours. Prerequisite: admission to Honors Program. May be repeated with change of subject; maximum credit six hours. Provides an opportunity for the gifted Honors candidate to work at a special project in the student's field. (F, Sp, Su)
DANC 3990. Independent Study.1-3 Credit Hours.
1 to 3 hours. Prerequisite: permission of instructor and junior standing. May be repeated once with change of content. Independent study may be arranged to study a subject not available through regular course offerings. (F, Sp, Su)
DANC G4022. Ballet Repertoire.2 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: Majors only; permission of instructor. Research and analysis of some of the works of the basic classical repertoire insofar as story contents. Musical and choreographic approaches are used by renowned choreographers. (Irreg.)
DANC 4213. Ballet Technique IV.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: Majors only; permission of instructor; May be repeated; maximum credit 24 hours. Class includes participation in an advanced ballet barre and center including adagio, pirouettes, petit allegro and grande allegro. The emphasis will be on the strict practice and advanced principles of the classical ballet vocabulary. Students will be expected to demonstrate at an advanced level the ability to perform the movements with proper body alignment, musicality, and sense of artistic expression. (F, Sp)
DANC 4241. Pas de Deux.1 Credit Hour.
Prerequisite: Majors only; permission of instructor. May be repeated; maximum credit 2 hours. Basic techniques of partnering and being a partner in ballet performance. (Irreg.)
DANC 4313. Modern Technique IV.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: DANC 3313; Majors only; permission of instructor; May be repeated; maximum credit 24 hours. Modern Technique IV emphasizes advanced and complex skill refinement and creative approaches to performance capabilities. Class includes advanced floor work, inversions, improvisation, composition, musicality, large movements through space, large jumps and turns. (F, Sp, Su)
DANC 4612. Ballet Choreography.2 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: Majors only; permission of instructor. Study and practice in the principles of ballet composition, with emphasis on Romantic, Classical, Neoromantic and Neoclassical choreography. (Irreg.)
DANC 4721. Senior Capstone Lecture.1 Credit Hour.
Prerequisite: Senior standing and permission of department; majors only. Professional preparation for a career in dance and related fields. Students will develop material relevant to a professional career in the industry. Topics include: goal setting, professional correspondence documents, interview techniques, audition preparation, applying for graduate school, video sample creation. Student and instructor initiated discussions with working professionals will explore the role of the dancer in the professional industry. (F) [V].
DANC 4722. Senior Capstone Project.2 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: DANC 4721 or concurrent enrollment; senior standing; Permission of department required; majors only. An advanced, individual project which demonstrates mastery of skills and knowledge in the student's area of interest. Taken in the senior year, the project will be selected under advisement, guided by the appropriate faculty member(s) and include required submission of a written component. (F, Sp) [V].
DANC G4812. Teaching of Ballet Technique.2 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: twelve hours of ballet or permission. Comprehensive study of the basic ballet exercises and body positions. Terminology and discussions on anatomy for the dancer. Experience in teaching of ballet. (Irreg.)
DANC G4821. Teaching Practicum - Ballet.1 Credit Hour.
Prerequisite: Majors only; DANC 4812. May be repeated; maximum credit three hours. Teaching children's ballet classes of various levels. Student will teach an average of twelve classes per semester, and meet with the supervising professor following observation of teaching assignments. (F, Sp)
DANC 4832. Methods in Teaching Dance.2 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: Majors only; permission of instructor. Methods of teaching through the creative approach. Progressions in teaching dance studies and techniques. (Irreg.)
DANC G4851. Practical Experience in Teaching Modern Dance.1 Credit Hour.
Prerequisite: 4832. May be repeated; maximum credit three hours. Practical teaching experience in modern dance or creative dance for children. (F, Sp)
DANC 4960. Directed Readings.1-4 Credit Hours.
1 to 4 hours. Prerequisite: good standing in University; permission of instructor and dean. May be repeated; maximum credit four hours. Designed for upper-division students who need opportunity to study a specific problem in greater depth than formal course content permits. (Irreg.)
DANC 4970. Special Topics/Seminar.1-3 Credit Hours.
1 to 3 hours. Prerequisite: Senior standing or permission of instructor. May be repeated; maximum credit nine hours. Special topics or seminar course for content not currently offered in regularly scheduled courses. May include library and/or laboratory research and field projects. (Irreg.)
DANC 4990. Special Studies.1-6 Credit Hours.
1 to 6 hours. Prerequisite: Departmental permission; May be repeated with change of subject matter; maximum credit eight hours. Variable as to subject and credit for areas of specialty and/or interest not otherwise provided in the standard offering of courses. (F, Sp, Su)
DANC 5023. Introduction to Graduate Study in Dance.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: graduate standing. Developing research, organizational and refined skills for scholarly writing. Establishing a foundation to analyze existing materials in the dance field for purposes of debate and theory construction. Providing clarification of MFA in Dance expectations and defining a direction/program of study which will enrich knowledge within the discipline. (Irreg.)
DANC 5090. Graduate Special Studies.1-6 Credit Hours.
1 to 6 hours. Prerequisite: permission. May be repeated; maximum credit six hours. A special creative or research project course in any phase of dance adapted to the individual student. (F, Sp)
DANC 5224. Graduate Ballet Technique.4 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing and departmental permission; May be repeated; maximum credit 12 hours. Intensive study of dance techniques for proficiency in performance and teaching. (F, Sp, Su)
DANC 5292. Advanced Ballet Company Class.2 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: graduate standing, permission of adviser. Continued enrollment based on performance; maximum credit ten hours. A rehearsal situation which provides the special training required in performance. It is conducted in a practicum-laboratory situation aimed at the advanced graduate student. Laboratory (F, Sp)
DANC 5322. Advanced Dance Improvisation.2 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing and Master of Fine Arts in Dance majors only. Development of advanced skills, tools, and conceptualization around dance improvisation and its application to the creative process of choreography. (F)
DANC 5324. Graduate Modern Dance Technique.4 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing and departmental permission; May be repeated; maximum credit 12 hours. Intensive practice of modern dance techniques for proficiency in performance and teaching. (F, Sp)
DANC 5392. Advanced Modern Dance Company Class.2 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: graduate standing, permission of adviser. Continued enrollment based on performance; maximum credit ten hours. A rehearsal situation which provides the special training required in performance. It is conducted in a practicum-laboratory situation aimed at the graduate student. Laboratory (F, Sp)
DANC 5613. Graduate Choreography.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing; DANC 3632 or DANC 4612, or departmental permission; May be repeated; maximum credit 6 hours. Practical application of principles of choreography in original production projects. (F, Sp)
DANC 5713. History of World Dance.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing, departmental permission, and Master of Fine Arts in Dance majors only. An examination of the history, evolution, and significance of dance in regions which possess very distinct dance cultures throughout the non-European world. (Irreg.)
DANC 5743. Dance History: Early Roots.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: graduate standing or permission of instructor. A survey of the development of dance from pre-historic eras in western civilization through ancient cultures in Egypt, Greece and Rome. Investigations continue through Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque periods up to the evolution of Romantic ballet in the nineteenth century. Will have additional meeting times, research and written assignments. (F)
DANC 5753. Dance History: Three Centuries of Development.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: graduate standing or permission of instructor. Development of western theatrical dancing from nineteenth-century Romanticism through the current season. Will have additional meetings, research and written assignments. (Sp)
DANC 5813. Advanced Teaching of Dance.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing. This course is designed to provide different voices and diverse points of view on teaching dance within higher education through reading assignments, discussions, and practical applications. (Irreg.)
DANC 5913. Graduate Project in Dance.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: permission. May be repeated with change of subject matter; maximum credit six hours. Study and practice in assuming full responsibility of a project in the area of dance. (F, Sp, Su)
DANC 5960. Directed Readings.1-3 Credit Hours.
1 to 3 hours. Prerequisite: graduate standing and permission of department. May be repeated; maximum credit twelve hours. Directed readings and/or literature reviews under the direction of a faculty member. (F, Sp, Su)
DANC 5970. Special Topics/Seminar.1-3 Credit Hours.
1 to 3 hours. Prerequisite: Graduate standing or permission of instructor. May be repeated; maximum credit nine hours. Special topics or seminar course for content not currently offered in regularly scheduled courses. May include library and/or laboratory research and field projects. (Irreg.)
DANC 5980. Research for Master's Thesis.2-9 Credit Hours.
Variable enrollment, two to nine hours; maximum credit applicable toward degree, four hours. (F, Sp, Su)
DANC 5990. Independent Study.1-3 Credit Hours.
1 to 3 hours. Prerequisite: Graduate standing and permission of instructor. May be repeated; maximum credit nine hours. Contracted independent study for a topic not currently offered in regularly scheduled courses. Independent study may include library and/or laboratory research and field projects. (Irreg.)