Approved Public Health & Community Health Major Electives

  • For the most current course list, please contact the Public Health & Community Health Program.
AFAM 4423African American Health Issues3
AFAM 4443African American Mental Health3
ANTH 1913Plagues and People: Health and Disease in Human Society3
ANTH 4223The Anthropology of Childhood3
ANTH 4323The Anthropology of Aging3
ANTH 4423Introduction to Population Genetics3
ANTH 4593Anthropology of Human Reproduction3
ANTH 4643Psychiatric Anthropology3
ANTH 4723Gender and Health3
ANTH 4823Medical Anthropology3
ANTH 4903Race and Ethnicity3
BIOL 2913Intro to Quantitative Biology3
CL C 2413Medical Vocabulary3
COMM 3313Communication and Public Health3
COMM 4413Issues in Health Communication3
ECON 3213Environmental Economics3
ECON 3523Health Economics3
ENGL 1913Writing for the Health Professions3
ENST 3423Anthropogenic Contaminants and Environmental Health3
FR 2253Health, Medicine, and the Environment in French Culture3
HES 1823Scientific Principles of Health and Disease3
HES 2823Introductory Nutrition3
HES 2913Personal Health3
HES 3513Health Promotion Program Planning3
HES 3523Human Sexuality3
HES 3543Health and Wellness Coaching3
HES 3553Wellness in Native Communities3
HES 3583Sociocultural Aspects of Health3
HES 4503Principles of Community Health3
HES 4513Public Policy Impact on Health Promotion3
HES 4523Human Sexuality II3
HES 4573Chronic Disease Intervention3
HIST 3273Of Acupuncture, Medicine Men & Ayurveda: Indigenous & Non-Western Medicine in Perspective3
HMS 1113Introduction to Health, Medicine and Society3
HSTM 3243Women and Medicine3
HSTM 3263History of Public Health3
HSTM 3413Biomedical Ethics3
HSTM 3423Modern Medicine - A Historical Introduction3
HSTM 3533Science and Global Politics in the Modern Era: Cross-Cultural Perspectives3
LSLC 3133Lifespan Health3
MBIO 4823Pathogenic Microbiology and Infectious Disease3
NAS 4333American Indian Health Issues and Concerns3
PHIL 1263Introduction to Ethics in Health Care3
P SC 3170Problems in Public Administration (Topic: Emergency Preparedness and Response)1-3
P SC 3233Environmental Policy and Administration3
PSY 1113Elements of Psychology3
PSY 2603Lifespan Development3
PSY 3703Social Psychology3
PSY 3803Physiological Psychology3
SOC 3643Population and Society3
SOC 3893Environment, Ecology and Society3
SPAN 3733Medical Spanish3
WGS 3943Women's Health3
WGS 4473Women and Mental Health3