Oil & Gas, Natural Resources, and Energy Law, Graduate Certificate

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Overall GPA - Combined and OU: 8.00

Minimum Total Hours: 20

Program Code: G094

The Graduate Certificate in Oil & Gas, Natural Resources, and Energy Law furthers students' knowledge of legal issues unique to the energy industry. Students learn more about oil and gas production—from well drilling to delivery systems—and also about wind and water law, conservation, mineral titles, international petroleum transactions, real estate, and more. Interdisciplinary options include energy management coursework from the OU Price College of Business or a geology class from the Mewbourne College of Earth and Energy.

Certificate Requirements

Full-time JD degree-candidate OU Law students are eligible to receive the certificate at graduation conditioned upon the successful completion of the requirements outlined below.

Section A

Students must maintain a B average in courses taken in satisfaction of the requirements in Section A. Classes chosen to satisfy the requirements of Section A must total at least 16 hours.

Program Core
Choose at least one of the following courses:3
Oil and Gas
Energy and Natural Resources
Guided Electives
Choose at least one of the following J.D. Menu Classes:3
Administrative Law
Selected Legal Problems (Business Associations)
Real Estate Transactions
General Electives
Choose at least three of the following related courses from the Oil and Gas, Natural Resources that has not already been taken to satisfy the requirements of this certificate:6-9
Experiential Education
Choose at least one of the following courses:2-3
Total Credit Hours16

Section B Professional Skills1

Students must receive a grade B or higher in each course taken to satisfy the requirements in Section B. The credit earned in these courses cannot be counted toward the 90 hours required for the J.D.

LAW 6501Introduction to Petroleum Engineering and Geo-Sciences-MLS1
B AD 5001Quantitative Methods and Modeling I1
ACCT 5202Financial Accounting2
Total Credit Hours4

One or more of these three courses may be satisfied by having received a grade of B or higher in an undergraduate course covering substantially the same material or in a graduate course completed prior to or contemporaneously with the Juris Doctor Degree, in each case with the approval of the Associate dean for Academic Affairs.

General Electives

LAW 6500 (Agricultural Law)3
LAW 6500 (Agricultural Environmental Law)2-3
LAW 6510Energy and Natural Resources (Engergy Law)2-3
LAW 6700Selected Legal Problems Seminar (Federal Indian Water Law)2
LAW 6100Selected Legal Problems (International Business and Human Rights)3
LAW 6100Selected Legal Problems (International Petroleum Transactions)2-3
LAW 6100Selected Legal Problems (Midstream Oil and Gas)2
LAW 6100Selected Legal Problems (Mineral Title Examination)3
LAW 5633Native American Natural Resources3-3
LAW 6100Selected Legal Problems (Offshore Energy Production)1-4
LAW 6540Oil and Gas3
LAW 6550Oil and Gas Contracts3
LAW 6100Selected Legal Problems (Oil and Gas Environmental Law)3
LAW 6100Selected Legal Problems (Oil and Gas Practice)2
LAW 6580Water Law2-3
LAW 6100Selected Legal Problems (Wind Law)2
Any new elective course designated by the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs as appropriate for this Certificate

Experiential Education

LAW 6100Selected Legal Problems (How to Drill a Well)2
LAW 6100Selected Legal Problems (Transactional Law Practicum I)3
LAW 6400Selected Legal Problems of Applied Nature (An externship which has been approved by the Director of Externships and the Associate Dean for Academics as appropriate for this Certificate)1-4