Division of Architecture

Daniel Butko, Director
Shideh Shadravan, Ph.D., Graduate Liaison
Gould Hall
830 Van Vleet Oval
Norman, OK 73019-6141
Phone: (405) 325-2444
FAX: (405) 325-7558

General Information

The Architecture program at the University of Oklahoma was founded in 1926 as part of the College of Engineering. In 1968 the program became a separate college and the first component of what is now a multi-disciplinary college including programs in Interior Design, Construction Science, Planning, and Landscape Architecture. The Architecture program benefits strongly from this multi-disciplinary context.

The Division of Architecture at the University of Oklahoma is committed to educating students of diverse backgrounds and interests through graduate level studies in architecture. Focused on advancing architecture and society through education, scholarship, and service, the graduate degree programs provide a creative and challenging forum through which students engage environmental and social issues, thereby actively shaping the profession of architecture. Our graduates are known for their exceptional design abilities as well as their critical problem-solving and leadership skills.  Established on a core foundation of ethics and sustainability, our graduate programs enable and equip students to deal with complex real world issues that go beyond the realm of design.

Located in Norman, Oklahoma with a branch campus in Tulsa, Oklahoma, the Architecture program at the University of Oklahoma draws from the region’s rich cultural legacy. Our graduate degree programs in Architecture offer students opportunities to learn and work in a collaborative and multi-disciplinary environment through coursework, faculty-led research projects, and student-led associations. As the Flagship Research Institution in the State, faculty and students are collectively engaged in the production of new knowledge through research and creative practices.

Our curriculum grows out of our American School history, which emerged in the middle of the twentieth century, under the leadership of architect Bruce Goff and a talented roster of faculty. They developed a curriculum that emphasized individual creativity and experimentation. They modelled a radical empathy, which taught students to trust their own creative instincts. The work of American School architects is grounded in a respect for context, a material resourcefulness, and a commitment to experimentation and innovative problem solving. Today, we continue to embrace the spirit of the American School. We aim to educate students to be resourceful—always considering how to make the most with the least impact on the natural environment. Experimentation is advanced today through a research orientation in our curriculum, which instills in students an aspiration to innovate and produce new knowledge.

Degree Program and Architectural Registration

In the United States, most state registration boards require a degree from an accredited professional degree program as a prerequisite for licensure. The National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB), which is the sole agency authorized to accredit U.S. professional degree programs in Architecture, recognizes three types of degrees: the Bachelor of Architecture, the Master of Architecture, and the Doctor of Architecture. A program may be granted a 6-year, 3-year, or 2-year term of accreditation, depending on the extent of its conformance with established educational standards.

Doctor of Architecture and Master of Architecture degree programs may consist of a pre-professional undergraduate degree and a professional graduate degree that, when earned sequentially, constitute an accredited professional education. However, the pre-professional degree is not, by itself, recognized as an accredited degree.

Programs & Facilities


The Institute for Quality Communities

Housed within the GCA, is the service-learning arm of the college. The IQC undertakes urban design and planning projects in partnership with communities across the state of Oklahoma each year. Architecture students and faculty regularly partner with the IQC faculty and staff on these endeavors.

Integrated Studio Field Trips

Recognizing the importance of learning about the built environment from first-hand experiences outside the classroom, we have developed a robust sequence of field trips, a lecture series, as well as individual and collective opportunities to learn outside the classroom. Field trips are an integral and intentional part of the architecture curriculum. In addition to typical site visits, students travel around the region and beyond to see great works of architecture firsthand.

Study Abroad

Study Abroad programs are highly valued, encouraged, and supported at the University of Oklahoma. In the Division of Architecture, we have hosted a spring semester Rome program since 2013. Architecture and Interior Design students in their third-year spring semester study all their required courses in Rome. The program is led by Academic Initiatives Abroad Director and architect Scott Schlimgen. It includes a rich roster of site visits and travel within Italy. In the past decade, the GCA has also hosted study abroad summer programs to Zambia, Uganda, Arezzo, and within the US to Taliesin West. OU’s College of International Studies Education Abroad Office also supports a wide variety of summer study abroad programs across the world. OU has two International Study Centers: one in Arezzo, Italy, and another in Puebla, Mexico.

Lecture Series

Our Bruce Goff Creative Chair Lecture series brings designers and scholars to OU each year to give lectures and lead workshops. Goff Chairs have included renowned architects such as Odile Decq, Patrick Tighe, Marlon Blackwell, Sheila Kennedy, Jesus Vassallo, Leslie Bernstein, Miguel Olivares, and Deborah Berke. Scholars such as Barry Bergdoll, Christopher Mead, Kathryn Anthony, Tito Alegría, Billy Fleming, Irene Hwang, Saskia Sassen, Beatriz Colomina, and Itohan Osayimwese have shared their research through the Goff series.

Physical Resources

Gould Hall

The program is housed in Gould Hall along with Interior Design, Landscape Design, Construction Science, City and Regional Planning, and Environmental Design. Gould Hall is a four-story, 108,000-square-foot facility located in the heart of the campus. About one-third of the space in Gould Hall is dedicated to studio space. The studio spaces are spread out among the garden, second and third floors. A number of these spaces are shared among year levels as well as with the interior and landscape design programs. This sharing of studio space corresponds with our dedication to interdisciplinary study. Every student has a dedicated desk in each studio. Gould Hall is open from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and with secured card access 24/7 to all students, faculty, and staff. The layout of Gould Hall can be viewed here. The studios in Gould Hall are considered our “maker spaces." These maker spaces are more than typical studios; each space provides an opportunity for collaboration, growth, and discovery.

Creating_Making Lab (C_ML)

The C_ML is a 7,000-square-foot lab a few blocks away from Gould Hall. The lab is open 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday for students, faculty, and staff. The lab contains three bays of woodworking area, a metal shop, laser cutters, a plastics room, a paint booth, a lecture area, and a photo documentation room. Users are required to go through two levels of safety training before they can use all of the lab’s many resources.

Digital Making Lab

The Digital Making Lab provides students with a Gould Hall facility for Creating Making. Located in Room 206, the lab contains lasers and woodworking tools.

Computer Lab Gould Hall B15.

The computer lab has 43 high-powered workstations with dual monitors. Some classes are taught in the computer lab, but they are otherwise available to students 24/7. There are also 27 additional lab computers distributed throughout Gould Hall, often located in division studios.

Undergraduate Study

Bachelor of Architecture

The Bachelor of Architecture program is accredited by the National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB) and fulfills the educational prerequisites for professional registration required by most state boards. Admission to the program beyond the first year is competitive. At the heart of the Division of Architecture’s educational approach is its Creating-Making curriculum, which emphasizes the importance of analytical thinking and visioning balanced with the ability to implement meaningful real-world architectural solutions.

Bachelor of Architectural Studies

The Bachelor of Architectural Studies offers students a strong basis in architectural studies and design principles. This degree path emphasizes the importance of analytical thinking and physical craft balanced with the ability to implement meaningful real-world architectural design solutions. Courses prepare students for various careers and graduate program options.

Bachelor of Architectural Studies/Master of Architecture

The Bachelor of Architectural Studies/Master of Architecture is an accelerated dual degree program.


The Architectural Studies Minor is offered to non-majors. 

Special Regulations

Degree Program Admission

Class size in studios and other architectural coursework is influenced by national guidelines. Limitations of university resources (e.g. facilities, faculty, operating funds, etc.) also impose restrictions on class sizes. Therefore, an Enrollment Management Program within the Division of Architecture governs admission to the professional undergraduate degree program. For further information, contact the director of the Division of Architecture.

Graduation Requirements

Approval for graduation with the Bachelor of Architecture degree requires completion of all degree requirements with a minimum program grade point average of 2.50 in all coursework used to fulfill degree requirements.

Collaborative Program

Housed within the Christopher C. Gibbs College of Architecture, the accredited 5-year undergraduate curriculum is designed to encourage collaborative experiences for students. Courses, competitions and other planned experiences prepare students of Architecture, Planning, Landscape Architecture, Interior Design, Construction Science and Architectural Engineering to work together as they may later in professional practice

Placement in Studio Courses

Any student enrolling for the first time at the University of Oklahoma in a design support course offered by the Division of Architecture must enroll in the first course in the sequence, unless specifically approved for higher placement by the Director of Architecture.

Enrollment in Architecture Courses

A student may not enroll in more than one required studio course per semester. Students must have completed “Incompletes” in all prerequisite courses prior to the first day of class in any subsequent Architecture course unless otherwise granted permission by the Director of Architecture.

Portfolio Requirements

Each student enrolled in a professional program in Architecture is required to maintain an up-to-date record of design and graphics work for use in program advisement, the evaluation of overall progress toward the professional degree, and in maintaining an on-going dialogue with professionals in the workplace through employment and mentorship programs.

Advancement in Major Course Sequences

All professional degree programs of the Division of Architecture are organized around a sequence of courses in which the student develops and demonstrates a capability for analyzing problems and synthesizing solutions, using techniques and skills unique to the field of architecture. Advancement in a major course sequence may be denied if a student earns less than a C in the prerequisite course. Further progress in the studio sequence in such cases may be permitted if the course average is raised by retaking the course, or by special permission.

Graduate Study

Master of Architecture

The Architecture via Architecture Bachelor's Degree, Master of Architecture program is available to students holding bachelor’s degrees in Architecture or Environmental Design. This degree is accredited by the NAAB. The Architecture via Non-Architecture Bachelor's degree, Master of Architecture program is designed for students with bachelor’s degrees in fields other than Architecture. This degree is accredited by the National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB). The Master of Architecture (M. Arch) at the University of Oklahoma is offered on the Norman campus only. It follows an intensive and structured program of studio design and coursework intended to develop the specialized abilities and expertise demanded of the professional architect. The program is accredited by the National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB) and fulfills the educational prerequisite for professional registration required by most state boards.

Master of Science

The Master of Science in Sustainable Architecture is designed to meet the growing demand for up-to-date expertise in design and construction.

Special Regulations

Enrollment Limitations

Graduate students may enroll in nine to 16 credit hours of work per semester. Enrollment in more than 16 or less than nine credit hours is permitted only with the approval and signature of the graduate liaison and the graduate dean.

Graduation Requirements

Approval for graduation with the degree of Master of Architecture requires satisfaction of all requirements of the Graduate College and certification by the graduate liaison of completion of all requirements of the graduate professional degree program in Architecture, with a minimum grade point average of B (3.00) in all work for which graduate credit is awarded.

Transfer of Graduate Credit

In addition to the policies of the Graduate College for the transfer of credit hours for master’s degrees, the College of Architecture graduate liaison must approve any work transferred to a Master of Architecture degree program.


ARCH 1155. Design I- Design Fundamentals.5 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Co-requisites: ARCH 1163 or permission of director. Development of foundational design and representational skills, and graphic conventions including sketching and digital methods. The course introduces processes of Creating-Making through methods engaged in critical thinking and experiential knowing. Methods of composition are introduced and explored: design elements and principles, proportion and scale, ordering systems, and organizational strategies. Introduction to issues of craft and material engagement. (F)

ARCH 1163. Methods I - Materiality of Place.3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Co-requisites: ARCH 1155 or permission of director. Introduction to principles of representation in freehand, hand-constructed, and computer-generated form through a variety of media, formats, and techniques, including projective geometry, orthographic and axonometric drawings, perspectives, sketches, and more. A wide breadth of architectural vocabulary will be explored and related to the design studio activities. (F)

ARCH 1255. Design II - Craft and Making.5 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: ARCH 1163 and ARCH 1155, Corequisite: ARCH 1263; or permission of director. A continuation in the development of fundamental design skills through introductions to the material, formal, and spatial properties of architecture. Fabrication safety, craft, and techniques will be introduced and developed through the making of full-scale constructions. Continued ideas involving Creating-Making are explored through exercises in the formal, spatial, and material qualities of human environments. (Sp)

ARCH 1263. Methods II - Pattern of Architecture.3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: ARCH 1163 and ARCH 1155, Corequisite: ARCH 1255; or permission of director. An introduction to organizational strategies across a range of architectural scales. Ordering principles are investigated from micro through macro, from the materiality and tectonics of details, to urban patterns. Architectural assemblies and building technology will introduce structural systems and material characteristics. Massing and typology studies will introduce relationships of building to site and environment. (Sp)

ARCH 1713. Architectural Journeys in Europe and the Americas.3 Credit Hours.

Introduction to the built environment using residence, public buildings, and communities as vehicles. Overview of architectural history is interwoven with an introduction to architectural form, space, order, and the elements of architecture. Stories of European and American cities serve as a vehicle to explore both architectural styles and to apply ways of thinking about space and how humans live together. (Sp) [IV-AF].

ARCH 1723. Architectural Explorations in Asia, Africa, and Australia.3 Credit Hours.

Introduction to the built environment using residence, public buildings, and communities as vehicles. Overview of architectural history is interwoven with an introduction to architectural form, space, order, and the elements of architecture. Stories of East Asian, South Asian, and Southeast Asian cities serve as a vehicle to explore architectural styles, space, and how humans live together. (F) [IV-WDC].

ARCH 2243. History of the Built Environment I.3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: majors only or permission of director. Co-requisite: ARCH 2363, ARCH 2356; for Interior Design majors: completion of A HI 2213 and A HI 2223. A theoretical investigation of the cultural, political, and aesthetic values of diverse Western and non-Western cultures and how these affect the built environment from pre-history through the Renaissance. This course continues the development of critical writing skills and further develops analytic skills that act to inform design decisions related to studio projects. (F) [IV-WC].

ARCH 2343. History of the Built Environment II.3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisites: ARCH 2363, ARCH 2356, ARCH 2243. Co-requisites: ARCH 2463, ARCH 2456, ARCH 4193; or permission of director. An investigation of the cultural, political, and aesthetic values of diverse Western and non-Western cultures and how these have affected the built environment from the Renaissance through the 19th century. This course continues the development of critical writing skills and further develops analytic skills that act to inform design decisions related to studio projects. (Sp) [IV-WC].

ARCH 2356. Design III - Crafting Place.6 Credit Hours.

Prerequisites: ARCH 1263, ARCH 1255 with a grade of C or better. Corequisites: ARCH 2363, ARCH 2243; or permission of director. Development of formal and spatial architectural components that demonstrate engagement with design principles, precedent analysis, human factors, and environmental and cultural influences on design. Expression of ideas through the application of virtual techniques of representation and visual communication are required. (F)

ARCH 2363. Materials and Form.3 Credit Hours.

(Crosslisted with CNS 2363) Prerequisite: Majors only. An introduction to the nature of building materials with regard to form, strength, durability, workability, structure, connections, surfaces, and edges. Analysis of architectural expression through the use of building materials including the effects of: light, air movement, humidity, and their relationships to both one another and formal and spatial expressions. (F)

ARCH 2456. Design IV - Materials and Making.6 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: ARCH 2363, ARCH 2356, ARCH 2243 with a grade of C or better. Corequisites: ARCH 2463, ARCH 2343, and ARCH 4193; Majors only; or permission of director. Introduces projects of moderate complexities demonstrating intermediate design principles within the context of the urban environment demonstrating an understanding of material. Students begin to engage the effects of site and environmental conditions upon material, formal, and spatial design decisions. (Sp)

ARCH 2463. Methods IV- Sustainable and Resilient Systems I.3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: ARCH 2363, ARCH 2356, and ARCH 2243 with a grade of C or better. Co-requisites: ARCH 2456, ARCH 2343, ARCH 4193; or permission of director. Introduction to psychrometrics, heat transmission, mechanical heating and cooling, natural ventilation, passive solar conditioning, plumbing, and fire protection in buildings. (Sp)

ARCH 2970. Special Topics/Seminar.1-3 Credit Hours.

1 to 3 hours. Prerequisite: May be repeated; Maximum credit nine hours. Special topics course for content not currently offered in regularly scheduled courses. May include library and/or laboratory research, and field projects. (Irreg.)

ARCH 3013. Architecture for Non-Majors.3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: junior standing. An introduction of basic principles of architecture for the non-architect. Understanding of the qualities and characteristics of a well-designed architectural environment. Not open to architecture majors. (F, Sp) [IV-AF].

ARCH 3440. Mentored Research Experience.3 Credit Hours.

0 to 3 hours. Prerequisites: ENGL 1113 or equivalent, and permission of instructor. May be repeated; maximum credit 12 hours. For the inquisitive student to apply the scholarly processes of the discipline to a research or creative project under the mentorship of a faculty member. Student and instructor should complete an Undergraduate Research & Creative Projects (URCP) Mentoring Agreement and file it with the URCP office. Not for honors credit. (F, Sp, Su)

ARCH 3556. Design V - Architectural Making I.6 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: ARCH 2463, ARCH 2456, ARCH 2343, and ARCH 4193 with a grade of C or better. Co-requisites: ARCH 4563, ARCH 4233, ARCH 4453; or permission of director. Introduces principles and techniques of site design within a building context of place, order, form, and structure. It also introduces climatic data analysis software as a means for teaching evidence based design and sustainable design principles. Studio-based lectures and assignments will challenge students to analyze, adapt to, and transform the site within a building design context. (F)

ARCH 3656. Design VI - Architectural Making II.6 Credit Hours.

Prerequisites: ARCH 4563, ARCH 3556, ARCH 4233, ARCH 4453 with a grade of C or better. Co-requisites: ARCH 4663, ARCH 4543; or permission of director. Students develop the ability to design in the context of existing urban environments. Students are challenged to take into account the layered histories of cities as well as the complexities of dealing with site and street design for urban contexts. Course features guest lectures from experts on urban design and planning; and special topics pertaining to individual studio programs. (Sp)

ARCH 3960. Honors Reading.1-3 Credit Hours.

1 to 3 hours. Prerequisite: admission to Honors Program. May be repeated; maximum credit six hours. Consists of topics designated by the instructor in keeping with the student's major program. The topics will cover materials not usually presented in the regular courses. (F, Sp, Su)

ARCH 3970. Honors Seminar.1-3 Credit Hours.

1 to 3 hours. Prerequisite: admission to Honors Program. May be repeated; maximum credit six hours. The projects covered will vary. The content will deal with concepts not usually presented in regular coursework.

ARCH 3980. Honors Research.1-3 Credit Hours.

1 to 3 hours. Prerequisite: admission to Honors Program. Provides an opportunity for the gifted Honors candidate to work at a special project in the student's field. (F, Sp)

ARCH 3990. Independent Study.1-3 Credit Hours.

1 to 3 hours. Prerequisite: permission of instructor and junior standing. May be repeated once with change of content. Independent study may be arranged to study a subject not available through regular course offerings. (F, Sp, Su)

ARCH 4000. Foreign Study.0 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: permission of instructor. The student will experience an alternative culture or setting that enhances awareness and sensitivity. While this course normally involves foreign studies, it may include design/build, community service, volunteer activities, or other experiences relevant to Creating-Making. The duration of this experience shall be no less than eight weeks, and must be approved by a faculty coordinator. (F, Sp, Su)

ARCH 4053. Methods X- Tool of Practice.3 Credit Hours.

(Slashlisted with ARCH 5053) Prerequisites: ARCH 4923, ARCH 4956 with a grade of C or better. Co-requisites: ARCH 4056 or permission of director. Explores issues in contemporary architectural practice including the role of the client, contracts, practice and project management, leadership skills, legal responsibilities, and ethics. Emphasis is placed upon issues of cultural and environmental sustainability, political activism, and the changing role of the architecture profession. The course contains program specific research and support related to studio projects. No student may earn credit for both 4053 and 5053. (Sp)

ARCH 4056. Design X- Options Studio II.6 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: ARCH 4723, ARCH 4756, and ARCH 4333 with a grade of C or better. This course examines analytical and methodological aspects of the design process through individual architectural projects. Students develop design proposals through means of intensive modeling and representation, both in analog and digital media. Fundamental issues of form, order, site, program along with schematic structure and constructability concepts are developed as part of the final project. (Sp)

ARCH 4160. Internship.0 Credit Hours.

(Slashlisted with ARCH 5160) Prerequisite: ARCH 4723, ARCH 4756; or permission of director. This internship requirement corresponds with the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards Internship Development Program (IDP) and provides students with experience in an architecture office or in a related field. Students must follow the Division's Internship Program Guidelines in order to verify the appropriate experience is gained and documented. No student may earn credit for both 4160 and 5160. (F, Sp, Su)

ARCH 4161. Co-Op: Cooperative Education Experience.1 Credit Hour.

(Slashlisted with ARCH 5161) Prerequisite: ARCH 4723 and ARCH 4756; or permission of director. The purpose of the Cooperative Education Program is to provide students with an actual office practice experience prior to graduation. The student is ideally exposed to a broad range of areas, such as construction documents, marketing, office practice, business management, client reviews, construction administration and a host of other daily activities that may be possible while working in Host Firms. No student may earn credit for both 4161 and 5161. (F, Sp, Su)

ARCH 4183. Survey of Middle Eastern Architecture.3 Credit Hours.

(Slashlisted with ARCH 5183) Prerequisite: Junior standing or permission of instructor. Survey of Middle Eastern architecture and the impact architects and architecture from this time and region had upon the advancement of environmental/urban design throughout the rest of history. No student may earn credit for both 4183 and 5183. (Irreg.) [IV-WDC].

ARCH 4193. Architectural Structures I.3 Credit Hours.

(Slashlisted with ARCH 5193; Crosslisted with CNS 4193) Prerequisite: Architecture major and completion of MATH 1523 and PHYS 1114; or Construction Science major and completion of PHYS 2414 and MATH 1523; or permission of division director. An introduction to basic physics, forces within structural systems, material strength, and associated structural engineering principles. Develops both intuitive and empirical knowledge of forces within structural systems that serve as a foundation for future courses within the Structures sequence. No student may earn credit for both 4193 and 5193. (Sp)

ARCH 4233. Architectural Structures II.3 Credit Hours.

(Slashlisted with ARCH 5233; Crosslisted with CNS 4233) Prerequisite: ARCH 4193 or CNS 4193; majors only. Focus is on wood, concrete, and steel as structural materials. Material properties, common manufactured systems, common material sections, and common connection types will be explored with students demonstrating the ability to develop technical details related to various structural systems. No student may earn credit for both 4233 and 5233. (F)

ARCH 4283. Persian Architecture.3 Credit Hours.

(Slashlisted with ARCH 5283) Prerequisite: junior standing. The goal of the course is to guide students into an understanding of the important contributions that Persian Architecture has made to the built environment. This course provides a comprehensive history of ancient Iranian architecture and urbanism, from the first societies to the present. No student may earn credit for both 4283 and 5283. (Sp)

ARCH 4333. Advanced Structures.3 Credit Hours.

(Slashlisted with ARCH 5333) Prerequisite: ARCH 4193 and ARCH 4233; or permission of director. Introduces design of structural members using reinforced concrete. It covers the structural concrete, loads, analyses of tension and compression members, bending design for beams, axial load design for columns, structural systems, and design of reinforced concrete buildings. Concrete structures as taught for architects emphasizes principles of design rather than formulaic calculations. It emphasizes learning through project based collaborations. No student may earn credit for both 4333 and 5333. (F)

ARCH 4353. LEED Seminar.3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: senior standing. Gives a comprehensive understanding of leadership in energy and environmental design (LEED) and the certification process. Students acquire first-hand experience in the process of "greening up" a campus. Prepares students with the knowledge necessary to sit for and pass the LEED certification exam. (F, Sp)

ARCH 4433. Rendering.3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: senior standing. Helps students develop a more advanced understanding of graphic presentation principles and the use of pen and pencil, marker, and water color in developing presentation floor plans, sections, elevations and 3-D renderings. (Sp) [IV-AF].

ARCH 4453. Modern and Contemporary Architecture.3 Credit Hours.

(Slashlisted with ARCH 5453) Prerequisite: Junior level standing; or permission of director. The course focus is on the relationship between architectural theories and projects during culture and the modern era. It considers how particular historical contexts shaped theories of design as well as how architects responded to the change. The course examines the relationship between the constructed environment and notions of modernity, developments in technology, building traditions, and politics. No student may earn credit for both 4453 and 5453. (F)

ARCH 4493. Architecture of Democracy.3 Credit Hours.

(Slashlisted with ARCH 5493; Crosslisted with P SC 4493) Prerequisite: P SC 1113 or permission of instructor. This course explores how space, place and values come together in public spaces, by reviewing the evolution of architecture as it relates to human governance; introducing methods for assessing and designing physical space as an expression of human values; examines the social meaning and behavioral impact of spaces; studies the expression of democratic values in public spaces. No student may earn credit for both 4493 and 5493. (Irreg.)

ARCH 4513. Creativity Through Sketching.3 Credit Hours.

(Slashlisted with ARCH 5513) Prerequisite: ENGL 1213 or EXPO 1213. This course teaches students how to express themselves creatively through sketching. Students receive instruction and assignments tailored to help them learn basic sketching techniques with the aim of developing their own expressive means of communicating through sketching. No student may earn credit for both 4513 and 5513. (F) [IV-AF].

ARCH 4543. Architectural Theory and Criticism.3 Credit Hours.

(Slashlisted with ARCH 5543) Prerequisite: Junior level standing; or permission of director. The development of research and academic writing in an urban and architectural context. Development of critical and analytical writing skills through the use of original research and/or analysis term papers. Topics may range from periods, politics, technology, economics, religion, gender, and culture. Open to non-architecture majors to encourage interdisciplinary research/writing. No student may earn credit for both 4543 and 5543. (Sp)

ARCH 4563. Methods V- Sustainable and Resilient Systems II.3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: ARCH 2463, ARCH 2456, ARCH 2343, ARCH 4193 with a grade of C or better. Co-requisite: ARCH 3556, ARCH 4453, ARCH 4233; or permission of director. Introduction to plumbing, lighting, acoustics, and other auxiliary systems that impact the Creating-Making of the built environment. These systems are discussed in relation to issues of sustainability and human comfort. Codes and standards that effect building design will be introduced and discussed. (F)

ARCH 4663. Methods VI- Urban Design Methodologies.3 Credit Hours.

(Slashlisted with ARCH 5663). Prerequisites: ARCH 4563, ARCH 3556, ARCH 4233, ARCH 4453 with a grade of C or better. Co-requisites: ARCH 3656, ARCH 4543 or permission of program director. Provides an introduction to urban design, an overview of its history, and a cross section of contemporary strategies to effect desired urban design conditions. The course content may support design work developed in studios of the architecture curriculum. Students may not earn credit for both 4663 and 5663. (Sp)

ARCH 4713. Real Estate Fundamentals.3 Credit Hours.

(Slashlisted with ARCH 5713) Prerequisite: Junior Standing. This course is the first part of a two-course series providing an introductory survey of real estate development in terms of terminology, data, and the players, parties, and processes involved from both theoretical and practical perspectives. This course, Real Estate I, is intended to provide students with a fundamental understanding of real property's role in the creation of cities. No student may earn credit for both 4713 and 5713. (F)

ARCH 4723. Methods VII - Advanced Systems.3 Credit Hours.

(Slashlisted with ARCH 5723) Prerequisites: ARCH 4543, ARCH 4663, ARCH 3656 with a grade of C or better. Co-requisites: ARCH 4756; or permission of director. Introduction to advanced issues of structure, building systems, sustainability, and integrated building management systems. Course material will develop advanced understanding of the theories and practices of these complex systems and their effects on the built environment. No student may earn credit for both 4723 and 5723. (F)

ARCH 4743. Legal Framework for Design.3 Credit Hours.

(Slashlisted with ARCH 5743) Prerequisite: Junior standing or permission of instructor. The course covers the study of legal principles relevant to real estate and real-estate projects, and the business entities through which to conduct that business. No student may earn credit for both 4743 and 5743. (F)

ARCH 4756. Design VII - Systems and Context.6 Credit Hours.

Prerequisites: ARCH 4543, ARCH 4663, ARCH 3656 with a grade of C or better. Co-requisites: ARCH 4723; or permission of director. This capstone course emphasizes the relationship of schematic design to contract documents through a broad exploration of structural, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and other buildings systems. It builds on the fundamental issues of place, order, form, structure, site and programming. It is also dedicated to developing interdisciplinary and collaborative skills through team-based projects and other small group exercises. (F) [V].

ARCH 4783. Architectural Acoustics.3 Credit Hours.

(Slashlisted with ARCH 5783) Prerequisite: 3rd, 4th or 5th year student in the College of Architecture. Focuses primarily on the nature of architectural acoustics based on material choices, surface arrangement, and the overall shaping of space to promote natural acoustics. There will also be some discussion concerning natural lighting and how design decisions for lighting and acoustics can work in unison. Students may not earn credit for both 4783 and 5783. (Irreg.)

ARCH 4813. Real Estate Development.3 Credit Hours.

(Slashlisted with ARCH 5813) Prerequisite: Junior Standing. The course is the second part of a two-course series providing an introductory survey of real estate development in terms of terminology, data, and the players, parties, and processes involved from both theoretical and practical perspectives. This course, Real Estate II, is intended to provide students with an understanding of the development process from beginning to end. No student may earn credit for both 4813 and 5813. (Sp)

ARCH 4923. Methods IX- Entrepreneurial Architect and Leadership.3 Credit Hours.

(Slashlisted with ARCH 5923) Prerequisites: ARCH 4723, ARCH 4756, ARCH 4333 with a grade of C or better. Co-requisites: ARCH 4956; or permission of director. Explores finance and leadership issues that currently confront the development, design, and construction industries. Expertise and decision-making capabilities with be explored. No student may earn credit for both 4923 and 5923. (F)

ARCH G4940. Field Work.1-4 Credit Hours.

1 to 4 hours. Prerequisite: senior standing and permission of instructor. Field study related to the student's area of interest in a position approved by the instructor. One hour credit per 120 hours of field work or equivalent. Documentation and evaluation is required. (F, Sp, Su)

ARCH 4956. Design IX- Options Studio I.6 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: ARCH 4723, ARCH 4756, ARCH 4333 with a grade of C or better. This course addresses advanced aspects of architectural design. It focuses on the development of analytical and methodological aspects of the design process, including but not limited to problem formulation, design representation and decision-making. Projects investigate a number of issues ranging from socio-economic, demographic, spatial justice, equity and environmental challenges, among others. (F)

ARCH 4960. Directed Readings.1-4 Credit Hours.

1 to 4 hours. Prerequisite: senior standing and permission of instructor. May be repeated with change of subject; maximum credit 12 hours. Designed for upper-division students who need opportunity to study a specific problem in greater depth than formal course content permits. (F, Sp, Su)

ARCH G4970. General Departmental Seminar.1-6 Credit Hours.

1 to 6 hours. Prerequisite: senior or graduate standing, or permission of instructor. May be repeated with change of content. Special topics in architecture. (F, Sp, Su)

ARCH 4990. Independent Study.1-3 Credit Hours.

1 to 3 hours. Prerequisite: four courses in general area to be studied; permission of instructor and department. May be repeated; maximum credit six hours. Contracted independent study for topic not currently offered in regularly scheduled courses. (F, Sp)

ARCH 5053. Methods X - Tools of Practice.3 Credit Hours.

(Slashlisted with ARCH 4053) Prerequisites: Program admission or permission of graduate liaison. Explores issues in contemporary architectural practice including the role of the client, contracts, practice and project management, leadership skills, legal responsibilities, and ethics. Emphasis is placed upon issues of cultural and environmental sustainability, political activism, and the changing role of the architecture profession. The course contains program specific research and support related to studio projects. No student may earn credit for both 4053 and 5053. (Sp)

ARCH 5055. Design X - Comprehensive Architecture II.5 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: ARCH 5922, ARCH 5955, or permission of graduate liaison. Corequisite: 5022. A continuation of ARCH 5955. Students are expected to further develop their project to a level of Design Development and limited Construction Detailing. The course encourages the continued exploration, speculation, and experimental innovation begun in Design IX extended into materials detailing, construction methods, mechanical systems, and creative spatial and aesthetic development. Component and assembly prototyping and performance modeling are included. (Sp)

ARCH 5143. Architectural History.3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Program admission or permission of graduate liaison. A theoretical investigation of the cultural, political, and aesthetic values of diverse Western and non-Western cultures and how these affect the built environment. This course continues the development of critical writing skills and further develops analytic skills that act to inform design decisions related to studio projects. (F)

ARCH 5160. Internship.0 Credit Hours.

(Slashlisted with ARCH 4160) Prerequisite: Program admission or permission of graduate liaison. This internship requirement corresponds with the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards Internship Development Program (IDP) and provides students with experience in an architecture office or in a related field. Students must follow the Division's Internship Program Guidelines in order to verify the appropriate experience is gained and documented. No student may earn credit for both 4160 and 5160. (F, Sp, Su)

ARCH 5161. Co-Op: Cooperative Education Experience.1 Credit Hour.

(Slashlisted with ARCH 4161) Prerequisite: Graduate standing. The purpose of this Cooperative Education Program is to provide students with an actual office practice experience prior to graduation. The student is ideally exposed to a broad range of areas, such as construction documents, marketing, office practice, business management, client reviews, construction administration, and a host of other daily activities that may be possible while working in host firms. No student may earn credit for both 4161 and 5161.

ARCH 5183. Survey of Middle Eastern Architecture.3 Credit Hours.

(Slashlisted with 4183) Prerequisite: Graduate standing or permission of instructor. Survey of Middle Eastern architecture and the impact architects and architecture from this time and region had upon the advancement of environmental/urban design throughout the rest of history. No student may earn credit for both 4183 and 5183. (Irreg.)

ARCH 5193. Architectural Structures I.3 Credit Hours.

(Slashlisted with ARCH 4193) Prerequisite: graduate standing and majors only; or permission of graduate liaison. An introduction to basic physics, forces within structural systems, material strength, and associated structural engineering principles. Develops both intuitive and empirical knowledge of forces within structural systems that serve as a foundation for future courses within the Structures sequence. No student may earn credit for both 4193 and 5193. (Sp)

ARCH 5233. Architectural Structures II.3 Credit Hours.

(Slashlisted with ARCH 4233) Prerequisite: Program admission or permission of graduate liaison. Focus is on wood, concrete, and steel as structural materials. Material properties, common manufactured systems, common material sections, and common connection types will be explored with students demonstrating the ability to develop technical details related to various structural systems. No student may earn credit for both 4233 and 5233. (F)

ARCH 5283. Persian Architecture.3 Credit Hours.

(Slashlisted with ARCH 4283) Prerequisite: graduate standing. The goal of the course is to guide students into an understanding of the important contributions that Persian Architecture has made to the built environment. This course provides a comprehensive history of ancient Iranian architecture and urbanism, from the first societies to the present. No student may earn credit for both 4283 and 5283. (Sp)

ARCH 5333. Advanced Structures.3 Credit Hours.

(Slashlisted with ARCH 4333) Prerequisite: Program admission or permission of graduate liaison. Introduces design of structural members using reinforced concrete. It covers the structural concrete, loads, analyses of tension and compression members, bending design for beams, axial load design for columns, structural systems, and design of reinforced concrete buildings. Concrete structures as taught for architects emphasizes principles of design rather than formulaic calculations. It emphasizes learning through project based collaborations. No student may earn credit for both 4333 and 5333. (F)

ARCH 5363. Methods III- Materials and Form.3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Program admission or permission of graduate liaison. Introduction to the nature of building materials with regard to form, strength, durability, workability, structure, connections, surfaces, and edges. Analysis of architectural expression through the use of building materials including the effects of: light, air movement, humidity, and their relationships to both one another and formal and spatial expressions. (F)

ARCH 5453. Modern and Contemporary Architecture.3 Credit Hours.

(Slashlisted with ARCH 4453) Prerequisite: Program admission or permission of graduate liaison. The course focus is on the relationship between architectural theories and projects during culture and the modern era. It considers how particular historical contexts shaped theories of design as well as how architects responded to the change. The course examines the relationship between the constructed environment and notions of modernity, developments in technology, building traditions, and politics. No student may earn credit for both 4453 and 5453. (F)

ARCH 5463. Advanced Sustainable and Resilient Systems.3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Graduate standing, ARCH 5363 and ARCH 5516 with a grade of C or better. Introduction to plumbing, lighting, acoustics, and other auxiliary systems that impact the Creating-Making of the built environment. These systems are discussed in relation to issues of sustainability and human comfort. Codes and standards that effect building design will be introduced and discussed. (Sp)

ARCH 5493. Architecture of Democracy.3 Credit Hours.

(Slashlisted with ARCH 4493; Crosslisted with P SC 5493) Prerequisite: Graduate standing or permission of instructor. This course explores how space, place and values come together in public spaces by reviewing the evolution of architecture as it relates to human governance; introducing methods for assessing and designing physical space as an expression of human values; examining the social meaning and behavioral impact of spaces; and studying the expression of democratic values in public spaces. No student may earn credit for both 4493 and 5493. (Irreg.)

ARCH 5513. Creativity Through Sketching.3 Credit Hours.

(Slashlisted with ARCH 4513) Prerequisite: Graduate standing or instructor permission. This course teaches students how to express themselves creatively through sketching. Students receive instruction and assignments tailored to help them learn basic sketching techniques with the aim of developing their own expressive means of communicating through sketching. No student may earn credit for both 4513 and 5513. (F)

ARCH 5516. Graduate Architectural Design I.6 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Program admission or permission of the graduate liaison. Introduces projects of moderate complexities demonstrating intermediate design principles within the context of the built environment. Application of both physical and virtual communication skills as professional techniques of representation and communication are required. (F)

ARCH 5526. Graduate Architectural Design II.6 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Program admission or permission of graduate liaison. Continuation of ARCH 5126 with an introduction to passive and active forms of lighting, acoustics, conveyance systems, and electrical systems. An emphasis will be placed on the relation between these auxiliary building systems and Creating-Making. Issues of sustainability including environmental impacts, resource utilization, ethical resource efficiencies and performance-based design will be related to concepts of Creating-Making. Codes and standards that effect the built environment will be explored. (Sp)

ARCH 5536. Graduate Architectural Design III.6 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Program admission or permission of graduate liaison. Emphasis is on the relationship of schematic design to contract documents in order to understand structural, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and other systems within buildings. Students demonstrate an understanding of drafting conventions, the production of traditional contract documents, Building Information Modeling, and the communication of additional solutions necessary for construction. The course develops interdisciplinary and collaborative skills through team projects. (F) [V].

ARCH 5543. Architectural Theory and Criticism.3 Credit Hours.

(Slashlisted with ARCH 4543) Prerequisite: Program admission or permission of graduate liaison. The development of research and academic writing in an urban and architectural context. Development of critical and analytical writing skills through the use of original research and/or analysis term papers. Topics may range from periods, politics, technology, economics, religion, gender, and culture. Open to non-architecture majors to encourage interdisciplinary research/writing. No student may earn credit for both 4543 and 5543. (Sp)

ARCH 5546. Graduate Architectural Design IV.6 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Program admission or permission of graduate liaison. Emphasis is on the development of a complete project from schematic design through design development and construction detailing. Students will develop a building of limited programmatic complexity through more complete technical development. The application of Building Information Modeling software will be required. This course addresses and builds upon the collaborative and analytic knowledge developed in ARCH 5423.(Sp)

ARCH 5663. Methods VI- Urban Design Methodologies.3 Credit Hours.

(Slashlisted with ARCH 4663) Pre-requisites: Program admission or permission of graduate liaison. Provides an introduction to urban design, an overview of its history and a cross section of contemporary strategies to effect desired urban design conditions. The course content may support design work developed in studios of the architecture curriculum. No student may earn credit for both 4663 and 5663. (Sp)

ARCH 5713. Real Estate Fundamentals.3 Credit Hours.

(Slashlisted with ARCH 4713) Prerequisite: Graduate standing or permission of instructor. This course is the first of a two-course series providing an introductory survey of real estate development in terms of terminology, data, and the players, parties, and processes involved from both theoretical and practical perspectives. The course is intended to provide students with a fundamental understanding of real property's role in the creation of cities. No student may earn credit for both 4713 and 5713. (F)

ARCH 5723. Methods VII-Advanced Systems.3 Credit Hours.

(Slashlisted with ARCH 4723) Prerequisite: Program admission or permission of graduate liaison. This course introduces students to advanced issues of structure, building systems, sustainability, and integrated building management systems. Course material will develop advanced understanding of the theories and practices of these complex systems and their effects on the built environment. No student may earn credit for both 4723 and 5723. (F)

ARCH 5743. Legal Framework for Design.3 Credit Hours.

(Slashlisted with ARCH 4743) Prerequisite: Graduate standing or permission of instructor. The course covers the study of legal principles relevant to real estate, real estate projects, and the business entities through which to conduct that business. No student may earn credit for both 4743 and 5743. (F)

ARCH 5763. Landscape Architecture for Architects.3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: graduate standing or permission of instructor. Analysis and organization of the site together with the use of plant materials in landscape design. (Sp)

ARCH 5783. Architectural Acoustics.3 Credit Hours.

(Slashlisted with ARCH 4783) Prerequisite: Graduate standing and permission of instructor. Focuses primarily on the nature of architectural acoustics based on material choices, surface arrangement, and the overall shaping of space to promote natural acoustics. There will also be some discussion concerning natural lighting and how design decisions for lighting and acoustics can work in unison. Students may not earn credit for both 4783 and 5783. (Irreg.)

ARCH 5812. Human Centric Design: Equity and Comfort.2 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Graduate standing and majors only. An introduction to environmental justice, including stakeholders and community engagement. A survey of how human comfort metrics intersect with site and climate. Introduces systemic issues associated with equity in the built environment and indigenous approaches. (F, Sp, Su)

ARCH 5813. Real Estate Development.3 Credit Hours.

(Slashlisted with ARCH 4813) Prerequisite: Graduate standing or permission of the instructor. The course provides an introductory survey of real estate development in terms of terminology, data, and the players, parties, and processes involved from both theoretical and practical perspectives. This course is intended to provide students with an understanding of the development process from beginning to end. No student may earn credit for both 4813 and 5813. (Sp)

ARCH 5822. Foundations of Building Physics and Analysis.2 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Graduate standing and majors only. An introduction to topics in building physics including indoor and outdoor climate, passive technologies, daylighting, water issues, psychrometrics, and heat transfer. Explores the scientific method and application with building performance analysis, simple software-based calculations used to evaluate designs and construction against codes and standards. Explores connections between site and sustainable building metrics, Zero Tool, and AIA Framework for Design Excellence. (F, Sp, Su)

ARCH 5832. Introduction to Building Performance Analysis.2 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Graduate standing; ARCH 5812, ARCH 5822; majors only. An introduction to metrics for evaluating building performance and tools for evaluation. Explores performance targets such as the Architecture 2030 Challenge. Examines pre- and post-occupancy performance analysis tools, equipment, and methods. Introduces software such as Cove Tools, Autodesk Insight, and Sefaira. (F, Sp)

ARCH 5842. Introduction to Research Methods for Analysis.2 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Graduate standing; ARCH 5812, ARCH 5822; majors only. An introduction to design research methods. Examines the application of quantitative and qualitative research methods to research questions in architecture and urban design from pre-design to post-occupancy evaluation. Explores the practice of evidence-based design. (F, Sp)

ARCH 5852. Sustainable Design and BIM Workflows.2 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Graduate standing; ARCH 5812, ARCH 5822; majors only. An introduction to Building Information Modeling (BIM) sustainable design workflows. Explores how designers, engineers, and contractors collaborate through BIM to reach sustainable design goals. Examines how BIM can be used to drive sustainable design and decision-making in theory and practice. (F, Sp)

ARCH 5862. Sustainable Urban Design.2 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Graduate standing; ARCH 5812, ARCH 5822; majors only. An introduction to sustainable urban design principles and practices. Explores Geographic Information System (GIS) tools and EPA databases such as the TRI Explorer as they relate to sustainable urbanism, real estate, and equity. Introduces the Ecodistrict Accredited Professional program. (F, Sp)

ARCH 5863. Methods VIII-Building Performance Analytics.3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Graduate standing in Architecture, ARCH 5723, and ARCH 5536; corequisite, ARCH 5546; or permission of graduate liaison. Advanced level course investigating contemporary theories and practices of sustainable and resilient design. Case studies are used to examine the connections between theories and practices particularly with regard to circular economies, and life cycle costs. (Sp)

ARCH 5872. LEED GA Exam.2 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Graduate standing; ARCH 5812, ARCH 5822; majors only. An introduction to the US Green Building Council Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) program. Examines how buildings can be designed and operated to reduce energy consumption, protect resources and promote health through the LEED program. Prepares students for taking the LEED Green Associate Exam. (F, Sp)

ARCH 5882. WELL AP Exam.2 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Graduate standing; ARCH 5812, ARCH 5822; majors only. An introduction to the theory and practices associated with WELL Building Standard. Explores the research on human health and the design of the built environment that forms the foundation for the WELL building program. Prepares students for taking the WELL Accredited Professional exam. (F, Sp)

ARCH 5892. LCCA and the Circular Economy.2 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Graduate standing; ARCH 5842; majors only. Introduction to Life Cycle Cost Accounting (LCCA) and the Circular Economy. Explores the economic history, basic theory, and practices associated with LCCA. Examines connections between performative building design evaluations and sustainability's three "E's": Environment, Equity, and Economic factors. Considers the role of the architect in a global context and their interdisciplinary impact on sustainability. (F, Sp)

ARCH 5902. Building Operations Management.2 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Graduate standing; ARCH 5812, ARCH 5822; majors only. This course will explore the Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI) "NZE Leasing Best Practice Guide" and ULI's "Blueprint for Green Real Estate" including the steps of how to write and negotiate an NZE lease with elements that include energy budgets, building dashboards, recommissioning, green building financing models, and BIM-enabled digital twins. (F, Sp)

ARCH 5912. Sustainable Design Case Studies.2 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Graduate standing; ARCH 5842; majors only. Explores the realities of building impacts on the environment through sustainable design case studies. Introduces the case study method of analysis using the AIA Framework for Design Excellence. Introduces tools and methods for undertaking case study analysis of built works. (F, Sp)

ARCH 5923. Methods IX - Entrepreneurial Architect and Leadership.3 Credit Hours.

(Slashlisted with ARCH 4923) Prerequisites: Program admission or permission of graduate liaison. Explores finance and leadership issues that currently confront the development, design, and construction industries. Expertise and decision-making capabilities with be explored. No student may earn credit for both 4923 and 5923. (F)

ARCH 5932. Sustainable Design Literature Reviews.2 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Graduate standing; ARCH 5912; majors only. Introduces literature reviews in the context of architectural research questions. Explores design research methods and process through a review of existing literature on a topic. Develops an understanding of how to identify gaps in existing knowledge. (F, Sp)

ARCH 5942. Case Study Research.2 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Graduate standing; ARCH 5932; majors only. Explores examples of sustainable building design and construction through case study analysis following the American Institute of Architects case study format. Provides an opportunity for individual research project development. Includes consideration of sustainable design standards such as LEED and/or WELL. (F, Sp)

ARCH 5952. Comprehensive Exam.2 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Graduate standing; ARCH 5882 and ARCH 5892; majors only. This course prepares students to take the Comprehensive Examination, given at the end of the course, demonstrating: 1) their experience in secondary research in their area of program concentration; 2) their knowledge of the areas and subareas of the discipline and their position relative to these areas; and (3) their pedagogical knowledge, techniques and literature. (F, Sp, Su)

ARCH 5960. Directed Readings.1-4 Credit Hours.

1 to 4 hours. Prerequisite: fifth year or graduate standing in architecture and permission of instructor. May be repeated with change of subject; maximum credit nine hours. Studies in major field as approved by instructor. (F, Sp, Su)

ARCH 5962. Case Study Development and Presentation.2 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Graduate standing; ARCH 5942; majors only. Building on ARCH 5942, case studies are developed through peer reviews and presentations. Publication venues are investigated. (F, Sp)

ARCH 5970. General Departmental Seminar.1-4 Credit Hours.

1 to 4 hours. Prerequisite: graduate standing or permission of instructor. May be repeated; maximum credit 12 hours. Advanced professional topics in architecture, construction science, urban design or environmental design. Lectures, team and individual assignments. (F)

ARCH 5980. Research for Master's Thesis.2-9 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Graduate standing. Variable enrollment, two to nine hours; Laboratory (F, Sp, Su)

ARCH 5990. Special Studies in Architecture.1-6 Credit Hours.

1 to 6 hours. Prerequisite: fifth year or graduate standing and permission of instructor. May be repeated; maximum credit nine hours. Subject as assigned by instructor will be explored in depth. Documentation and presentation varies with nature of problem. Laboratory (Sp, Su)

ARCH 6056. Design X- Comprehensive Architecture II.6 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Graduate standing and ARCH 6956, or permission of graduate liaison. This course is a continuation of ARCH 6956. Analytical and methodological aspects of the design process introduced in the Fall are reinforced in the context of individual architectural projects. Schematic design alternatives developed at the end of ARCH 6956 will be developed. Fundamental issues of form, order, site, program, and building systems integration are developed for the final project. (Sp)

ARCH 6156. Graduate Studio I.6 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Permission of graduate liaison. The class introduces fundamental design and visual communication skills through the use of material, formal, and spatial properties of architecture. Fabrication safety, craft, and techniques will be introduced and developed through the making. Ideas involving creating-making are explored through exercises in the formal, spatial and material qualities of human environments.(Su)

ARCH 6590. Professional Project Research.1-4 Credit Hours.

1 to 4 hours. Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Research and development on subjects related to the professional project in architectural studies, architectural technology, historic preservation, urban design or other approved topics. (F, Sp, Su)

ARCH 6643. Urban Design Theory.3 Credit Hours.

(Crosslisted with L A 6643 and RCPL 6643) Prerequisite: graduate standing. A survey of theory relevant to the urban design process, including social and behavioral concepts, visual and aesthetic theory, spatial and geographic factors of urban form. (Sp)

ARCH 6680. Urban Design Studio.1-6 Credit Hours.

1 to 6 hours. Prerequisite: graduate standing. May be repeated with different content; maximum credit six hours. The course involves advanced architectural design projects with an emphasis in architectural studies, architectural technology, historic preservation, urban design, or other approved topics. Laboratory. (F, Sp)

ARCH 6690. Professional Project.1-6 Credit Hours.

1 to 6 hours. Prerequisite: 5595 or 6680. May be repeated; maximum credit six hours. A terminal professional project demonstrating comprehensive understanding and integrative capabilities in architectural studies, architectural technology, historic preservation, urban design or other approved topics. Laboratory (F, Sp, Su)

ARCH 6956. Design IX- Comprehensive Architecture I.6 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Program admission or permission of graduate liaison. This is the first of a two-semester sequence that concludes with ARCH 6056. The course encourages innovative exploration, analysis, speculation, and experimentation in developing schematic proposals. Building design concepts will consider attitudes towards ethical, environmental, site, sustainable, social, financial, material, and historical issues within the built environment and the program's Creating-Making curriculum. (F)

ARCH 6960. Directed Readings.1-3 Credit Hours.

1 to 3 hours. Prerequisite: graduate standing or permission of instructor. May be repeated; maximum credit six hours. Directed readings and/or literature review under the direction of a faculty member. (Irreg.)

ARCH 6970. Special Topics/Seminar.1-3 Credit Hours.

1 to 3 hours. Prerequisite: graduate standing or permission of instructor. May be repeated; maximum credit 12 hours. Special topics or seminar course for content not currently offered in regularly scheduled courses. May include library and/or research and field projects. (Irreg.)

ARCH 6990. Special Studies in Architecture.1-6 Credit Hours.

1 to 6 hours. Prerequisite: graduate standing. May be repeated; maximum credit 12 hours. The candidate will thoroughly explore the particular phase of architecture selected for advanced study by the student and the graduate committee; presentation of the work will be determined by the nature of the contribution. Laboratory (F, Sp, Su)


Last Name First/Middle Name Middle init. OU Service start Title(s), date(s) appointed Degrees Earned, Schools, Dates Completed
Boeck David L 2006 ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF ARCHITECTURE, 2006 B Arch, Univ of Oklahoma, 1979; M Arch, Univ of Oklahoma, 1979; B Env Design, Univ of Oklahoma, 1978
Bozorgi Khosrow 2000 PROFESSOR OF ARCHITECTURE, 2006; FARZANEH FAMILY PRESIDENTIAL PROFESSOR IN IRANIAN ARCHITECTURE AND CULTURE, 2015 PhD, Univ of Pennsylvania, 1987; M Arch, Natl Univ of Iran, 1977; B Arch, Natl Univ of Iran, 1973
Butko Daniel J 2010 ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF ARCHITECTURE, 2016; ACADEMIC ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR, ARCHITECTURE, 2018 MS, Univ of Florida, 2005; BS, Univ of Florida, 1998
Callahan Marjorie P 2000 ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF ARCHITECTURE, 2007; GRADUATE LIAISON, DIVISION OF ARCHITECTURE, 2014 MS, Univ of Massachusetts, 1990; B Arch Univ of Oklahoma, 1995; BA, Mills College, 1977
Callahan Sam E 2008 LECTURER, 2015 B Arch, Univ of Oklahoma, MS Architecture, Univ of Oklahoma
Cavieres Pinilla Andres F 2015 ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF ARCHITECTURE, 2022 PhD. Arch Georgia Institute of Technology, MS. Arch, Georgia Institute of Technology, Prof. Degree, Univ of Chile, 2002; BA, Univ of Chile, 2000
Cianfarani Francesco 2017 ASSISTANT PROFESSOR, 2020 School of Architecture Valle Giulia, Sapienza Univ of Rome, Italy Doctor in Architecture, Degree Course in EU Architecture
Cricchio Anthony J 2008 ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF ARCHITECTURE, 2014 M Arch, Univ of Texas Arlington, 1995; BS Arch, Univ of Texas At Arlington, 1993
Fithian Lee A 2005 ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF ARCHITECTURE, 2011; ADJUNCT ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF LIBERAL STUDIES, 2011 PhD, Univ of Oklahoma 2018; M Arch, Univ of Oklahoma, 1998; BS, Univ of Oklahoma, 1986; BS Engr, Univ of Oklahoma, 1984
Hwang Youngjin 2022 ASSISTANT PROFESSOR, 2022 PhD. Architectural Science, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, M. EBD Univ of Pennsylvania, ,MA , Hanyang Univ, BA, Hanyang Univ
Leveno Amy 2021 ASSISTANT PROFESSOR, 2021 MArch, Univ of Texas at Austin, BS, Civil Engineering, Lehigh Univ, BA, Architecture Lehigh Univ
Liebermann Wanda K 2021 ASSISTANT PROFESSOR, 2021 Doctor of Design, Harvard Univ, MArch Univ of California Berkeley, BA, Architecture, Univ of California at Berkeley
Marold Ken 2017 ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF ARCHITECTURE, 2017 MA, Univ of New Mexico, 2008; BA, Roger Williams Univ, 1999
Morrey Chris 2021 LECTURER, 2021 MFL, Sculpture, Univ of Missouri, BFA, Sculpture, Kansas City Art Institute
Peralta Rene' 2022 LECTURER 2022 MS Arch, University of Oklahoma, BArch, New School of Architecture and Design
Person Angela M 2016 ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR, 2023 Ph.D., Geography MA, Museum Studies BS, Environmental Design, Minor in Geology; Univ of Oklahoma
Pilat Stephanie Z 2010 ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF ARCHITECTURE, 2016; EDITH KINNEY GAYLORD PRESIDENTIAL PROFESSOR, 2017; W. EDWIN BRYAN, JR. PROFESSORSHIP OF ARCHITECTURE, 2017 PhD, Univ of Michigan, 2009; MS, Univ of Michigan, 2002; B Arch, Univ of Cincinnati, 1999
Proietti Tiziana 2021 ASSISTANT PROFESSOR, 2021 Ph.D., Department of Architecture of the Sapienza,
Richards Deborah A 2014 ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF ARCHITECTURE, 2017 M Arch, Columbia Univ, 2009; BS Arch, Univ of Michigan, 2006
Shadravan Shideh 2014 ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF ARCHITECTURE, 2014 PhD, Univ of Oklahoma, 2011; MS, Univ of Oklahoma, 2007; BE, Ferdowsi Univ, 1988
Shimul Shakil A 2022 ASSISTANT PROFESSOR, 2022 PhD, Texas Tech Univ MS, Arch, Texas Tech Univ, BArch, Univ of Bangladesh
Zinger Tamar 2021 ASSISTANT PROFESSOR, 2021 PhD. Princeton Univ, MS Architecture, Technion Israel Institute of Technology, BArch, The Cooper Union