Naval ROTC - Naval Science

Captain Paul Young, U.S. Navy, Professor and Chair
290 West Brooks St., Room 12
Norman, OK 73019-4102
Phone: (405) 325-2021
FAX: (405) 325-7639

The Naval ROTC is a highly competitive program maintained for one purpose — to educate and train qualified men and women for service as commissioned officers in the Marine Corps and in the Navy as unrestricted line officers. The officer’s commission is earned by the successful completion of degree requirements in the student’s chosen academic field of study, and the completion of the naval science curriculum. The increasingly technical complexion of today’s military prompts many NROTC midshipmen to enroll in demanding majors that will place them at the forefront of tomorrow's technology.

Naval Science courses are open to all accepted University of Oklahoma students. The courses are accredited. The Naval ROTC program consists of specific naval technical courses, University courses, and leadership development seminars. No military obligation is incurred until a student accepts a scholarship. In addition to their diploma at graduation, a NROTC graduate is commissioned and placed on active duty as a leader, as well as the exciting opportunity to proudly serve our country as a naval aviator, submarine officer, surface warfare officer, special warfare officer (SEAL), explosive ordnance disposal officer or Marine officer.

Students selected to participate in The University of Oklahoma’s NROTC Program make their own arrangements for college enrollment and room and board. They take the normal course load required by the college or university for degree completion as well as courses required for participation in NROTC. Additionally, all midshipmen are required to follow specific academic guidelines. Contact Naval ROTC for information concerning specific requirements. 

Naval Science Minor

Students have the option of adding the Naval Science Minor to their degree, and should consult their academic counselor to enroll.


OU NROTC offers opportunities for students to earn a commission in a variety of ways; NROTC scholarships, college program and enlisted commissioning programs. Visit NROTC for more information on scholarship application requirements. Selected applicants for the NROTC Scholarship Program are awarded scholarships through a highly competitive national selection process. Scholarship selectees receive full tuition, books, educational fees at the University of Oklahoma, and a monthly subsistence allowance.

High School Seniors - 4 Year Scholarship Program

Qualified high school seniors can elect to apply for a 4-Year Scholarship that will lead them to a career as a naval officer in the United States Navy or Marine Corps.

Available Program for College Students

Students enrolled at The University of Oklahoma who wish to pursue a Navy or Marine Corps career may enroll into NROTC as a college program student. College program students who perform well academically, physically, and professionally may be awarded with a full scholarship that will cover his/ her remaining semesters. College program students who are awarded with the scholarship will also receive a monthly stipend and a stipend for textbooks every semester.

College Program

ROTC College Program

The College Program is for incoming freshman or sophomore students who desire a commission in the United States Navy or Marine Corps who have not been selected for the NROTC National Scholarship. Students accepted to the NROTC College Program are required to participate in all NROTC events and activities to be eligible for NROTC benefits. Students can apply for a scholarship at the end of the freshman and sophomore years. All NROTC College Program students are eligible for IN-STATE tuition.

Non-Affiliated Students

Non-Affiliated Scholarships are for freshman or sophomore students who desire a commission in the United States Navy or Marine Corps but have not previously participated in NROTC. Students selected for two- or three-year NROTC scholarship receive the associated scholarship benefits going forward and matriculate toward a commission in the United States Navy or Marine Corps.  Participation in all NROTC events and activities is required to maintain scholarship.  Additionally, students are required to take the applicable Naval Science classes in addition to your normal classes. 

Visit NROTC Scholarships for additional information is available.

Financial Assistance

Regardless of financial situation, it is highly recommended that students submit a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Admission to an educational institution is not needed to submit a FAFSA. A Student Aid Report (SAR) will then be sent, which will list for what aid the student is qualified. If OU is listed on the FAFSA, the OU Financial Aid Services office will also receive he Student Aid Report. 

MECEP – Marine Enlisted Commissioning Education Program

The Marine Enlisted Commissioning Education Program (MECEP) is an enlisted to officer commissioning program designed to provide outstanding enlisted Marines the opportunity to serve as Marine Corps officers. Marines selected for MECEP who successfully complete Officer Candidates School and graduate with a Bachelor’s Degree will be commissioned a Second Lieutenant in the U.S. Marine Corps.

STA-21 - Seaman to Admiral Program

STA-21 is designed to provide an opportunity for Navy enlisted personnel who possess outstanding qualifications and motivation for a naval career to obtain a commission. The STA-21 Program will keep all participants on active duty at their current enlisted pay grade. This means they will receive all the pay, allowances, benefits, and privileges they currently enjoy and will still be eligible for enlisted advancement while in the program. 


Midshipmen students, on a voluntary basis, may participate in a diversified field of unit-sponsored activities. These include precision drill teams, color guard, rifle and pistol team, intramural athletics, endurance team, unit publications such as the “Flaghoist,” midshipmen social and professional organizations, and fleet orientation trips. Participation in extracurricular activities is not limited solely to those areas sponsored by the Naval ROTC unit. Midshipmen are encouraged to participate in a broad spectrum of University activities.

Summer Training

Summer training is provided to midshipmen in fleet units worldwide. The training is for the individual's introduction and participation in fleet operations. Additionally, such training assists the midshipmen in requesting a military specialty prior to commissioning.  In the summer prior to starting college, scholarship candidates and selected College Program candidates will attend the NROTC Indoctrination Program and Naval Station Great Lakes.  College Program students that do not attend prior to their Freshman year will attend between their Freshman and Sophomore year.

Scholarship students, between their freshman and sophomore years, participate in a four-week career orientation program in which a week is spent each with Naval Aviation, Submarine Force, Surface Force, and the Marine Corps. Between their sophomore and junior years, Midshipmen attend a four-week cruise on various commands throughout the fleet serving in the capacity of enlisted sailors. During the period between the junior and senior years, Navy option midshipmen participate in a cruise on maritime platforms in various areas of the world serving in the capacity of junior officers. Additionally, Navy option midshipman will attend Sea Trials, a professional and military training and evaluation.  For the Marine Corps option midshipmen, six weeks of training is conducted at Quantico, Virginia. Funds are provided to the individual for summer training.

Career Opportunities

The qualified young men and women who complete the Naval ROTC Program at the University will not have to worry about seeking employment after graduation. Upon graduation, midshipmen are commissioned as officers in either the Navy or Marine Corps, and during their final semester are allowed to choose their military specialty from among those fields for which they are qualified. Navy ensigns can select a career in aviation, surface warfare,  submarines, explosive ordnance disposal or special warfare. The Marine Corps second lieutenants have a choice between aviation, cyber and ground fields, including infantry, artillery, armor, communication-electronics, combat engineering, intelligence, air control, computer systems, logistics and manpower.


N S 0110. Leadership Development.0 Credit Hours.

Designed to expose NROTC students to the professional development of a military officer. This is accomplished through military drill, guest lecturers, command situation and role enactment training. The goal is to better prepare young men and women to serve as naval officers in various fleet assignments. (F, Sp)

N S 1123. Introduction to Naval Science.3 Credit Hours.

Presents an overview of the mission and organization of the Department of Defense with particular emphasis on the Naval Service. Among the topics covered are military law, leadership fundamentals, naval heritage, naval customs and traditions, and career opportunities for Navy and Marine Corps officers. The course is designed for freshmen enrolled in NROTC but is open to all interested students. (F)

N S 1133. Sea Power And Maritime Affairs.3 Credit Hours.

Sea Power And Maritime Affairs. Traces The Development Of Sea Power And Analyzes Its Influence On Maritime Strategy Through The Study Of Major Events In Naval History. Students Will Develop An Appreciation For The Overlapping Roles That National Interests, Technical Advances, Maritime Strategists, And Individual Leaders Play In The Formulation Of U.S. Security Strategy And Policy. (Sp)

N S 2113. Leadership and Management.3 Credit Hours.

Designed to teach introductory-level leadership and management concepts and applications to sophomore-level Naval ROTC midshipmen and all other interested University students. (F)

N S 2133. Navigation.3 Credit Hours.

Introduction to marine navigation, including both traditional and electronic navigation theory and practical applications. Includes concepts in navigational safety, rules of the nautical road, and an introduction to relative motion. (Sp)

N S 3223. Naval Ship Systems I: Naval Engineering Systems.3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: N S 1123 or permission of instructor. Detailed study of the engineering principles that define Naval Ship Systems. Course focus is on the application of electrical, mechanical, and computer engineering while introducing concepts in ship design, hydrodynamics, and the steam cycle. (F)

N S 3333. Evolution of Warfare.3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: ENGL 1213 or equivalent. Examines the evolution of warfare throughout history by focusing on warfare concepts, historical case studies, common threads, themes, military leadership, and the relationship between the elements of national power and the strategic, operational, tactical, and technical aspects of war. (Sp)

N S 3433. Naval Ship Systems II - Naval Weapons Systems.3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: N S 3223 or permission of instructor. Outlines the engineering principles of weapons systems. Course focus is on the application of radar, sonar, and ballistics while introducing the concept of weapons employment through the detect to engage sequence. (Sp)

N S 4433. Naval Operations and Seamanship.3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: 2133 or permission of instructor. Advanced navigation concepts, including applications to shipboard evolutions and operations. Overview of operational security and tactical communications. Introduction to the law of the sea and international maritime law, naval warfare doctrine and joint operations. (F)

N S 4443. Fundamentals of Maneuver Warfare.3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: ENGL 1213. To provide students with the necessary knowledge to understand the fundamentals of maneuver warfare and appreciate the complexities and dynamics posed by the art and science of warfare. (Sp)

N S 4633. Naval Leadership and Ethics.3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Junior standing or permission of instructor. An examination of leadership, ethical concepts, and management of naval (Navy and Marine Corps) resources. Objective is to learn the leadership skills, ethical expectations, and management techniques necessary to succeed as a naval officer in leading people and using limited resources in the most efficient manner. Encompasses leadership and ethics readings, and discussion of the uniform code of military justice. (F, Sp)