Army ROTC - Military Science
Lieutenant Colonel Kevin Wolf, Field Artillery, U.S. Army, Professor and Department Chair
Master Sergeant Marshall J. Schmidt, Field Artillery, U.S. Army, Senior Military Instructor
290 West Brooks, Room 1
Norman, OK 73019-6021
Phone: (405) 325-3012
FAX: (405) 325-3320
General Information
The training goals of the OU Army ROTC are to develop cadets mentally, physically, and scholastically. The course focuses on developing basic soldier skills, leadership qualities, physical fitness, and officership. The intent of the program is to prepare college-age men and women to lead American Soldiers in armed conflict. Upon graduation those who complete their Military Science and degree requirements will be commissioned as second lieutenants and serve as officers in either the Active Army, Army National Guard or Army Reserve.
Since Army ROTC is a university elective course, enrollment into Army ROTC can be done online or through your OU academic advisor after being accepted into The University of Oklahoma.
Contact Army ROTC for more information concerning requirements and enrollment..
Minor in Military Science
Cadets cannot major in Military Science, but have the option of adding the Minor in Military Science to their degree. To enroll in this option students should see their academic counselor.
Green to Gold
The Green to Gold program seeks talented young enlisted soldiers who have decided to leave, or are considering leaving, active duty to attend college. Quality enlisted soldiers with officer potential who have served at least two years on active duty are allowed to voluntarily request discharge from active duty, and enroll in Army ROTC to earn baccalaureate degrees and commissions as Second Lieutenants.
Critical Language Incentive Program
Cadets studying any of 70 languages designated by the Department of the Army as “critical” can receive up to $2,500 each year for receiving passing grades. Current languages eligible for the bonus pay include Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Pashto, Persian, Portuguese, Russian and over 60 more. This program is eligible to Basic Course and Advanced Course cadets. To apply, students must submit a proposal to the Professor of Military Science at the beginning of the semester. Bonuses are paid at the end of the semester in which a successful grade was achieved.
Ranger Challenge
Ranger Challenge is the varsity sport of Army ROTC. Each year students compete for a spot on an eight-man team to compete against other colleges in a series of military events. Events include a medical assault course, grenade assault course, one rope bridge, assembly/dis-assembly of an M16 rifle, obstacle course, improvised raft course, and a 10k ruck march. Try-outs are rigorous, and the training requires a commitment of additional time and dedication. Winners of regional competitions go on to compete at the national level against ROTC departments from across the country.
Summer Training Opportunities
Each summer selected students who are enrolled in Military Science have the opportunity to attend Airborne, Air Assault, Mountain Warfare training, or Cadet Troop Leader Training. These courses are offered to cadets on a voluntary and limited basis. Unlike CIET and CLC, which are specifically for ROTC cadets, these are regular US Army courses and cadets attend right along side current Army soldiers and officers.
Simultaneous Membership Program
The Simultaneous Membership Program (SMP) allows enlisted members of the National Guard and Army Reserve to enroll in ROTC courses as a means of earning an officer’s commission. While in the SMP students continue to drill with their current unit while taking Military Science courses, but are given the rank of cadet, are placed in officer trainee positions within their units, receive E-5 drill pay, and are non-deployable for as long as they are in school. SMP cadets receive all the tuition benefits available from the National Guard or Army Reserve in addition to ROTC benefits, such as the monthly stipend and scholarship opportunities. Upon graduation SMP participants have the option of serving on Active Duty, or part-time in the National Guard or Army Reserves.
SMP Scholarship Opportunities
Students currently serving (or soon enlisting) in the Army National Guard or Army Reserves can apply for the Dedicated Reserve component scholarships for either the National Guard or US Army Reserves. With a Dedicated Scholarship Reservists and Guardsmen continue to drill with their current unit while enrolled in Military Science, and receive National Guard or Army Reserve education benefits in addition to the scholarship benefits listed above. Please speak to a scholarship and enrollment officer for full details. Upon graduation, DED scholarship winners will not be considered for Active Duty appointments, and serve their military commitment with part-time service as officers in the Army National Guard or Army Reserves.
SMP Non-Scholarship Opportunities
Eligible students, who do not wish to obligate their military career to a Reserve component, may compete to serve Active Duty upon commissioning. This opportunity will include a promotion to E-5 and a monthly ROTC stipend. Students may also be eligible for any benefits earned; Montgomery GI Bill, GI Bill Kicker, or Post 9-11 GI Bill®1 Benefits.
Campus-Based Scholarship Program
Campus-based scholarships are available to eligible students at the University of Oklahoma and are merit based; awarded to students that are enrolled in the Army ROTC Program and apply for a scholarship. These cadets prove themselves through their moral character, college GPA, leadership potential, and PT test scores. Application can be made by contacting the Military Science Department.
High School Scholarship Program
The High School Scholarship application process is for high school students planning on attending a four-year college program. Contact your high school academic advisor or campus Military Science department for more information.
Financial Assistance
All students enrolled in Military Science are furnished with necessary military science textbooks, equipment and uniforms at no cost. All advanced course students and scholarship winners are paid a monthly stipend. The OU Army ROTC can provide tuition assistance each year based on merit and need. There are over a dozen other military scholarships and awards that students may compete for each year. Award deadlines and requirements vary and require current enrollment in Military Science classes.
Qualified veterans may receive Basic Course credit enabling them to complete Army commissioning requirements in two years in the Advanced Course. Veterans receive the same benefits as other students in addition to their GI Bill and VA benefits. Veterans, as well as current Army Reserve and National Guard soldier/students, are also eligible to compete for scholarships.
Medical/Pre-Med Students
Army ROTC provides a pathway to becoming an Army doctor (including dentists and veterinarians) in specialties ranging from Anesthesiology and Cardiology to Radiology and Vascular Surgery. Cadets with pre-med majors receive the same training—with the same requirements—as every other cadet while they complete ROTC. Upon graduation they are commissioned as second lieutenants, but instead of immediately beginning their officer service, cadets who are accepted into a medical school may delay their military obligation until completion of the medical training, at which time they enter service as officers in the Army Medical (Dental, or Veterinarian) Corps.
After completing a bachelor’s degree, opportunities for fully-funded medical training are available under two programs: the Armed Forces Health Professions Scholarship Program (HPSP), and the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USUHS). The HPSP scholarship can be used at any accredited medical school in the United States, and includes full tuition and a stipend of over $2000 per month. USUHS is a DOD medical school located in Bethesda, MD, and offers free tuition plus second lieutenant pay, benefits and allowances for all four years of school.
- 1
GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at
M S 1011. Military Conditioning.1 Credit Hour.
A physical conditioning course using exercises developed for use by the US Army and classroom instruction. This is a progressive program of exercise that promotes muscular strength and endurance, cardio-respiratory endurance, flexibility, and a healthy body fat content. Classroom instruction includes nutrition and the aspects of physical fitness in accordance with military service. (F, Sp, Su)
M S 1113. Introduction to Leadership I.3 Credit Hours.
Introduction to the organization of the US Army and the ROTC program. Overview of leadership principles, problem solving, military fitness, and effective communication. Introduces small unit tactics, map reading, land navigation, and the principles of officership. Laboratory (F)
M S 1213. Adaptive Leadership and Professional Competence.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: MS 1113 or department permission. Introduces students to the personal challenges and competencies that are critical for adaptive leadership. Students learn the basics of the communications process and the importance for leaders to develop the essential skills to effectively communicate in the Army. Students will examine the Army Profession and what it means to be a professional in the U.S. Army. Laboratory. (Sp)
M S 2323. Foundations of Leadership I.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: M S 1113 and M S 1213; or permission of the department. Examines the challenges of leading tactical teams in the complex Contemporary Operating Environment. Highlights dimensions of terrain analysis, patrolling, and operation orders. Further study of the theoretical basis of the Army leadership framework. Covers troop leading procedures, Army problem solving, land navigation, squad organization, fundamentals of the offense and defense, and battle drills. Laboratory (F)
M S 2423. Foundations of Leadership II.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: M S 2323, or permission of department. Develops knowledge, understanding and skill in land navigation, military operations, leadership and basic tactics. Instruction focuses on applying leadership and management theory to the area of organization effectiveness. Laboratory (Sp)
M S 3123. Adaptive Team Leadership.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: M S 2423. Uses increasingly intense situational leadership challenges to build skill in leading tactical operations. Exercises focus on platoon level tactics in combat, stability, and support operations. Students conduct military briefings and develop proficiency in preparing orders, decision making, and building effective teams. Laboratory (F)
M S 3223. Applied Team Leadership.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: M S 3123. Theory, methods and principles for understanding leadership and behavior in groups. Analysis of the leader's role in directing and coordinating the efforts of individuals and small units in the execution of offensive and defensive tactical missions, to include communication systems, internal defense/development and the military team; intelligence gathering, and the role of the various branches of the Army. Laboratory (Sp)
M S 3413. United States Military History and Heritage: 1607-Present.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: M S 1113, M S 1213, and ENGL/EXPO 1213; or Departmental Permission. This course will develop a student's awareness of the relationship of the U.S. military to American society. It will cover the evolution of war and strategy, the progression of military professionalism, the history and purpose of joint operations, as well as the role of history and heritage in understanding the US Army as a profession. Commissioning requirement for Army ROTC. (F, Sp)
M S 3440. Mentored Research Experience.3 Credit Hours.
0 to 3 hours. Prerequisite: ENGL 1113 or equivalent, and permission of instructor; May be repeated, maximum credit 12 hours. For the inquisitive student to apply the scholarly processes of the discipline to a research or creative project under the mentorship of a faculty member. Student and instructor should complete an Undergraduate Research & Creative Projects (URCP) Mentoring Agreement and file it with the URCP office. Not for honors credit. (F, Sp, Su)
M S 3980. Honors Research.1-3 Credit Hours.
1 to 3 hours. Prerequisite: admission to Honors Program; May be repeated, maximum credit six hours. Provides an opportunity for the gifted Honors candidate to work at a special project in the student's field. (F, Sp, Su)
M S 4213. Seminar in Leadership and Management.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: advanced standing in military science. Analysis of selected leadership and management problems involved in staff organization and function, and military justice. Application of leadership principles, stressing responsibilities of the leader, and affording experience through practical exercises. Obligations and responsibilities of an officer on active duty; chain of command; and officer-enlisted relationships. Laboratory (Sp)
M S 4223. Mission Command and the Company Grade Officer.3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: M S 4123. Introduces students to the challenges of mission command and gaining an understanding of the Army Profession. Students learn the basics of what mission command is and how it is used in Army operations. Students will examine the Army Profession and what it means to be a professional in the U.S. Army. (Sp)
M S 4510. Seminar in Military Leadership.1-3 Credit Hours.
1 to 3 hours. Prerequisite: junior standing and permission of department. May be repeated with change of content; maximum credit nine hours. Students will learn various theories of leadership and organizational culture and gain practical experience in the application of those theories within a peer leadership setting. Additionally, the course may include elements of military history, social theory, ethics, and military law. (Irreg.)
M S 4610. Comparative Military History.1-3 Credit Hours.
1 to 3 hours. Prerequisite: 3610 or permission of department chair. May be repeated; maximum credit three hours. Students will examine events leading to national and world crisis. Focus points will be socio-economic as well as goals and personalities of political and military leaders. (F, Sp)