Medieval & Renaissance Studies, Minor

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Minimum Total Credit Hours: 18

Minimum Upper-Division Hours: 9

Program Code: N679

  • The requirements for a minor must be completed concurrently with the major degree requirements.
  • No minor may be added by completing courses after receiving the bachelor’s degree.

At least six (6) credit hours must be earned in courses acceptable for residence credit by standards set forth by the Dodge College of Arts and Sciences, excluding transfer, correspondence, and examination (AP, CLEP, Advanced Standing) credit. Courses for the minor may not be taken Pass/ No Pass.

No single course may be used by a student to satisfy a major requirement and a minor requirement. A course may be used, however, to satisfy both a major support requirement and a minor requirement. 

Courses on Medieval and Renaissance topics not listed here may count towards the MRS minor if approved, in writing, by the MRS advisor.

Required Courses

Students must successfully complete at least 18 hours of coursework, including at least nine (9) hours at the upper-division level, and six (6) hours from each of the three core areas, from the approved courses listed. No more than three (3) of the 18 hours may be earned in Independent Study courses (MRS 3990 or MRS 4990).

See for a full listing of course numbers and names. See for listing of courses currently being taught, recently taught, or scheduled for the next semester.

The following MRS courses may count in any appropriate area, as approved by the advisor: MRS 3023MRS 3990MRS 4990.

History, Philosophy, or Religious Studies
Choose two courses from the History, Philosophy, or Religious Studies course list6
History of the Arts
Choose two courses from the History of the Arts course list6
Choose two courses from the Literature course list6
Total Credit Hours18
  • Minors in the Dodge College of Arts & Sciences are available to all undergraduate students at OU. If the minor is officially declared, successfully completed, and noted on the graduation application, the student’s transcript will so indicate at the time the bachelor’s degree is posted.

Medieval & Renaissance Studies Category Course Lists


HIST 1113History of Medieval Europe3
HIST 1223Europe, 1500 to 18153
HIST 3053Medieval Italy3
HIST 3073The Renaissance3
HIST 3113The Crusades3
HIST 3133Medieval Women3
HIST 3143The Era of the Reformation3
HIST 3323Tudor England3
HIST 3733History of Heaven and Hell in Judaism and Christianity3
HIST 4023Inquisitions3
HSTM 3013History of Science to the Age of Newton3
HSTM 3453Science and Civilization in Islam3
HSTM 3823Science in Medieval Culture3
HSTM 3833The Scientific Revolution3
HSTM 5513Advanced Studies in the History of Ancient and Medieval Science3
HSTM 5523Adv. Stds. In The History Of Renaissance & Early Modern Sci.3
PHIL 3423Ancient and Medieval Religious Philosophy3
RELS 2303Introduction to Islam3


A HI 3263Survey of Byzantine Art and Architecture3
A HI 3303Renaissance Art in Italy 1200-16003
A HI 3403Baroque Art and Architecture in Europe:1600-17003
A HI 4273Byzantine Icons3
A HI 4373The Italian City: Renaissance and Baroque Architecture3
A HI 4383Italian Renaissance Art and Science3
A HI 4463Issues in Northern Baroque Art3
DRAM 3713History of the Theatre I3
MUSC 2313Ancient Times to 17003
MUSC 5513Music in the Middle Ages3
MUSC 5523Music in the Renaissance: Style, Theory and Performance3
MUSC 5543The Baroque Era3


CL C 3053Origins of Christianity: Jesus to Augustine3
CL C 3163Visions of Heaven and Hell: Virgil, Dante, and Milton3
ENGL 2543English Literature from 1375 to 17003
ENGL 3513Medieval English Literature3
ENGL 3523Sixteenth-Century English Literature3
ENGL 3573Arthurian Legend and Literature3
ENGL 4133History Of the English Language3
ENGL 4523Shakespeare Comedies3
ENGL 4533Shakespeare Tragedies3
ENGL 4553Milton3
ENGL 4603Topics in Early Modern Literature and Culture3
ENGL 5513Major Medieval Authors3
ENGL 5543Topics in Early Modern Literature and Culture3
FR 4153Survey of French Literature to 18003
FR 4313From Lascaux to la Terreur3
FR 5323Old French Readings3
FR 5623Seventeenth-Century Prose and Poetry3
GERM 4113The Middle Ages3
GERM 4313Literature and Culture Pre-17003
ITAL 3553Authors and Ideas: From Dante to our Time3
ITAL 4513Topics in Medieval and Renaissance Italian Literature and Culture3
LTRS 3123The Examined Life II: Middle Ages and Renaissance3
MLLL 3303The World of Dante3
MLLL 3573Arthurian Legend and Literature3
SPAN 4713History of the Spanish Language3
SPAN 5203Prose Fiction of Cervantes-The Quijote3
SPAN 5603Studies in Renaissance and Baroque Prose3
SPAN 5623Studies in Renaissance and Baroque Poetry3