Education Administration - Curriculum/Supervision Option, Ed.D.

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Minimum Total Hours: 84-90

Program Code: D317 (D318 Online)

Program Requirements

Common Core - Core Coursework (6 hours)
EACS 6103Visionary Leadership in Education3
EACS 6263Educational and Community Relations3
Common Core - Research Tools (18 hours)
EACS 6713Pro Seminar3
EACS 6023Applied Quantitative Research Methods in Educational Administration3
EACS 6133Qualitative Inquiry for Practitioners3
EACS 6213Program Evaluation3
EACS 6673Advanced Inquiry3
EACS 6813Prospectus Development3
Concentration Coursework (21-24 hours)
21-24 hours (depending on concentration selected) of graduate-level coursework as approved by the student's doctoral committee21-24
Additional Hours (minimum 3 hours)
Pick at least 1 course (3 hours, Standard and Educational Leadership concentrations) or 2 courses (6 hours, Higher Education Leadership concentration) from a list maintained by the academic unit and approved by the Graduate College. Additional electives and transfer credit (including from a completed master’s degree) as approved by the doctoral advisory committee as needed to complete 84-90 hours beyond the baccalaureate degree may also count. 13-42
Dissertation Research (3 hours minimum, 15 hours maximum)
EACS 6980Research for Doctoral Dissertation3-15
Total Credit Hours84-90

Students in the on-campus concentration (D317 R155) must complete 90 hours minimum for the degree.

Students in the online concentrations (D318 R200 or D318 R333) must complete 84-90 hours minimum for the degree. 

Concentration Coursework

Curriculum/Supervision (Standard) - Major Code: D317 R155

This concentration requires 22 hours of specific coursework:

EACS 6203Instructional Leadership in Educational Administration3
EACS 6693Educational Technology Leadership3
EACS 6663Special Education Law3
EACS 6303Strategic and Financial Planning in Education3
EACS 6503Ethics in Educational Administration3
EACS 6970Post-Master's Seminar (Topic: Readings for Prospectus)3
EACS 6920Internship in Education--Doctoral (Topic: Superintendent Internship)4
Total Credit Hours22

Educational Leadership (OL) - MAJOR CODE: D318 R200

This concentration requires 24 or more hours of specific coursework:

EACS 6303Strategic and Financial Planning in Education3
EACS 6203Instructional Leadership in Educational Administration3
EACS 6970Post-Master's Seminar (Topic: Readings for Prospectus)3
EDUC 6113Theoretical Paradigms in Educational Research3
EACS 6663Special Education Law3
EACS 6920Internship in Education--Doctoral (Topic: Superintendent Internship taken 3 hrs for two semesters)6
EDUC 6223Dissertation Development & Advisory (may be repeated)3
Total Credit Hours24

Higher Education Leadership (OL) - MAJOR CODE: D318 R333

This concentration requires 21 or more hours of specific coursework, and also 6 total hours (minimum) of graduate electives:

EACS 6303Strategic and Financial Planning in Education3
EDAH 5023Administration of Adult and Higher Education3
EACS 6970Post-Master's Seminar (Topic: Readings for Prospectus)3
EDUC 6113Theoretical Paradigms in Educational Research3
EDAH 5173Leadership and Administration in Student Affairs3
EDAH 5033Critical Literature in Adult and Higher Education3
EDUC 6223Dissertation Development & Advisory (may be repeated)3
Total Credit Hours21

General Requirements for Doctoral Degrees

A student should expect to spend at least the equivalent of three full academic years beyond the bachelor’s degree to obtain the doctoral degree. During this period the student will take appropriate graduate coursework, successfully complete the general examination, and successfully defend and submit the final dissertation.

All coursework applied to the doctoral degree must carry graduate credit.

The doctoral degree requires at least 90 post-baccalaureate hours, including both formal coursework and hours of research.

The minimum hour requirement for a specific doctoral degree program cannot be waived.

No more than one-half of the credit hours, both OU and overall, excluding Research for Doctoral Dissertation (6980), may be S/U-graded coursework.

The student must be in residence at OU for at least two consecutive 16-week semesters during the pursuit of the doctoral degree while enrolled and engaged in coursework or research activities as prescribed by the major academic unit.

For more detailed regulations and requirements for Doctoral degrees, please consult the Graduate College Bulletin: