| |
| Open Channel Flow | |
| Water Technologies for Emerging Regions | |
| Statistics and Probability | |
| Hazardous and Solid Waste Management | |
| Geomatics Engineering | |
| Structural Design - Wood | |
| Civil Engineering Problems | |
| Special Topics in Civil Engineering | |
| Technical Communications | |
| Aquatic Chemistry | |
| Water Sustainability | |
| Physicochemical Water Treatment Processes | |
| Geosynthetics | |
| Environmental Biology and Ecology | |
| Introduction to Soil Dynamics | |
| Ecological Engineering Science | |
| Water Resources Systems Modeling | |
| Earthquake Engineering | |
| Soil-Structure Interaction | |
| Unsaturated Soil Mechanics | |
| Forensic Geotechnical Engineering | |
| Highway Engineering | |
| Traffic Engineering | |
| Transportation Asset Management | |
| Multimodal Transportation | |
| Water Law | |
| Watershed Management and Restoration | |
| Biological Waste Treatment | |
| Quantitative Hydrometeorology | |
| Colloid and Surface Science | |
| Structural Design of Pavements | |
| Hydroclimatology | |
| Water Treatment, Reuse, and Health Impacts | |
| Ground Water Quality Protection | |
| Hydrology | |
| Groundwater and Seepage | |
| Water Quality Management | |
| Environmental Modeling | |
| Climate Change and Water Sustainability | |
| Directed Readings | |
| Water Security | |
| Special Topics/Seminar | |
| Independent Study | |
| Introduction to the Finite Element Method | |
| Wetlands Ecology | |
| Scientific Computing I | |
| Leadership and Management for Engineers | |
| Fundamentals of Project Management | |
| Introduction to Sustainable Engineering | |
| Applied Statistical Methods | |
| Mathematical Models | |
| Partial Differential Equations | |
| Advanced Numerical Analysis I | |
| Introduction to Mathematical Statistics | |
| Computational Fluid Dynamics I | |
| Hydrometeorology | |