College of Engineering Administrated Programs

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Undergraduate Certificates

Graduates of engineering and applied science degree programs are often elevated to leadership positions early in their careers. Gallogly College of Engineering offers two Undergraduate Certificates in Engineering Leadership, and Engineering Leadership: Sustainability, which allow students wishing to further develop their leadership skills a tangible and intensive format for doing so. The certificates are available to undergraduate students enrolled in degree programs within the Gallogly College of Engineering or the Mewbourne College of Earth and Energy.

Master of Science

The Applied Computing, Master of Science, with substantial built-in project components, will enable students to acquire knowledge and skills necessary to identify problems and devise solutions for issues relating to computing. Graduates will be able to go into industry positions that require advanced technical skills and continue in similar industry positions throughout their careers. This program will also allow students who did not complete a bachelor's in computer science to break into the tech industry. 

The Engineering, Master of Science program is designed to provide students flexibility to pursue a multidisciplinary curriculum not available through a traditional departmental track.

The Engineering Leadership and Management, Master of Science will enable students to successfully establish, lead, manage and work in multidisciplinary teams to solve complex real-world problems effectively and efficiently. Graduates of this program will be able to grow intellectually through practicing the skills and knowledge of Engineering Leadership and management, continue to be lifelong learners, and focus on self-improvement through professional development.

Doctor of Philosophy

The Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering is designed to provide students flexibility to pursue a multidisciplinary curriculum not available through a traditional departmental track.

The Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering  with a specialization in Engineering Education blends important core topics in the new science of engineering education with a solid foundation in qualitative and quantitative research methods.


ACS 5113. Programming Principles.3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Graduate Standing. This course introduces the fundamental concepts of structured and object-oriented programming and provides a comprehensive introduction to programming for computer science and technology majors. Topics include software development methodology, data types, control structures, functions, arrays, classes, methods, object-oriented programming concepts, sorting and searching, and the mechanics of running, testing, and debugging. (F, Sp, Su)

ACS 5123. Mathematics for Computer Science.3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Graduate Standing. This course covers widely applicable mathematical tools for computer science, including topics from logic, set theory, combinatorics, linear algebra, number theory, probability theory, and graph theory. It includes practice in reasoning formally and proving theorems. (F, Sp, Su)

ACS 5213. Practical Data Structures and Algorithms.3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Graduate Standing; ACS 5113, ACS 5123. This course covers fundamental concepts and the application of data structures and algorithms. Topics include abstract data types, dynamic arrays, iterators, linked lists, generics, stacks, queues, binary search trees, collections, hashing, graphs, and sorting. (F, Sp, Su)

ACS 5223. Introduction to Software Engineering.3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Graduate Standing; ACS 5113, ACS 5213. This course is a team project course focused on the practical application of common, modern techniques to all aspects of software project development. Students will learn about effective processes for software requirements specification, planning, design, documentation, development, review, defect tracking, testing, product delivery, and product evaluation. There is some emphasis on resource tracking and software quality. (F, Sp, Su)

ACS 5313. Applied Database System Technologies.3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Graduate Standing; ACS 5213, ACS 5223. This course concentrates on the concepts and structures necessary to design, implement, and use a database system. It is oriented towards the general principles, their applications, and the relevant theoretical foundation. This course will give you skills to design, develop, manage, and administer cutting-edge database systems. You will learn about relational database systems with SQL and databases. (F, Sp, Su)

ACS 5323. Data Security, Networks and Network Security.3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Graduate Standing; ACS 5113, ACS 5213. This course will begin by introducing Data Security and Information Security. Discussions about Risk Management, its principles, methods, and types will be included in the course. This course will explain the different ways of securing and protecting data on both hardware and software platforms. Network Security will cover various security issues and vulnerabilities in various network layers. (F, Sp, Su)

ACS 5413. Mobile Devices Software Development.3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Graduate Standing; ACS 5223, ACS 5313. This course introduces the concepts, practices, and technologies to design, develop, and manage cross-platform websites and applications running on modern mobile devices. The students will gain plenty of experience from hands-on exercises. The course also provides a higher-level survey of technologies, principles, strategies, and frameworks for mobile device software development. The class will focus on UI design and programming. (F, Sp, Su)

ACS 5423. Software Development for World Wide Web.3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Graduate standing and ACS 5223. This course will introduce concepts in programming web application servers. At the conclusion of this course, you will understand the fundamental concepts of software engineering as it is applied to web application design and programming, know the modern tools used to program web application servers, and be able to produce substantial web applications as part of a team. (F, Sp, Su)

ACS 5513. Machine Learning Practice.3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Graduate Standing and ACS 5213. Machine learning is the data-driven process of constructing mathematical models that can be predictive of data observed in the future. In this course, we will study the use of a range of supervised, semi-supervised and unsupervised methods to solve both classification and regression problems. (F, Sp, Su)

ACS 5523. Introduction to Cloud Computing.3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Graduate Standing and ACS 5213. This course gives students an overview of the field of Cloud Computing, its enabling technologies, main building blocks, and hands-on experience through projects utilizing public cloud infrastructures. Cloud computing services are being adopted widely across a variety of organizations and in many domains. (F, Sp, Su)

ELM 5123. Strategic Communication for Engineering Leaders.3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Graduate standing. The goal of this course is to impart effective communication abilities to engineers. The course will teach Engineers at all stages of their career skills for effective communication with teammates, clients, and employees and/or pursuing the next level of leadership opportunities. Students will learn to create and deliver powerful presentations and documents. (F, Sp, Su)

ELM 5213. Data Science and Analytics for Engineering Management Decisions.3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Graduate standing. It covers various tools that can be applied to data to extract the knowledge that can be applied for engineering management decision-making. The main objective is to understand the world of data science and analytics, including descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive analytics as a tool for informed decision-making. (F, Sp, Su)

ELM 5293. Cost Engineering.3 Credit Hours.

(Crosslisted with ISE 5293) Prerequisite: Graduate Standing. This course will discuss the application of scientific principles and techniques to problems of cost estimating, cost control, business planning, profitability analysis, project management, and planning and scheduling. It will provide an understanding of both the tools and models that can be used throughout the design, development, and support phases, and examine the trade-offs between system performance and life-cycle cost. (Su)

ELM 5313. Systems Thinking.3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Graduate standing. In this course, you will learn that engineering systems are made of complex interconnections of interrelated subsystems. You will learn how to recognize these subsystems and understand their relationships to build efficient engineering systems. You will learn to use and develop optimization models, understand systems engineering life-cycle, and model-based systems thinking. (F, Sp, Su)

ELM 5323. Leading Creative Teams.3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Graduate Standing. In this course, you will learn to assemble the skills, talents, and resources of individuals and groups in effective and efficient ways to best solve the engineering problem at hand. You will learn inter-personnel management skills and tools for creating positive and supportive team cultures and incorporating and supporting diversity in teams. (F, Sp, Su)

ELM 5423. Negotiating Skills for Technical Leaders.3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Graduate Standing. In this course, you will learn the underlying principles of negotiation and influence skills that can be effectively employed with supervisors, peers, and team members in engineering environments. Concepts such as the zone of possible agreements, the best alternative to negotiated agreements, and sources of influence are put into practice. (F, Sp, Su)

ELM 5523. Capstone Project.3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Graduate Standing. In this capstone course, students work on a team-based multi-disciplinary project that addresses an industry-based engineering management problem. It is meant to integrate the many tools utilized by engineering managers as taught in the course work of the engineering management and leadership program. Students are required to produce a written report and give an oral presentation. (F, Sp, Su)

ELM 5543. Decision Analysis.3 Credit Hours.

(Crosslisted with ISE 5543) Prerequisite: Graduate standing. This course provides the fundamentals of decision analysis and explores how analyzing risk can be incorporated into good decision-making. Normative and prescriptive approaches to making decisions when uncertainty exists are central to this course. Topics covered include structuring decision problems, developing alternatives, single and multiple objectives, utility theory, risk tolerance, data-driven, and subjective probability, and psychological pitfalls, among others. (F, Sp, Su)

ELM 5773. Systems Requirements and Architecting.3 Credit Hours.

(Crosslisted with ISE 5773) Prerequisite: Graduate Standing. This course provides the fundamentals of systems engineering by offering an overview of the discipline and then focusing on the management of system requirements and developing how a system will meet them. We will discuss the definition of systems, the system development life cycle, and the systems engineering method. Topics include Detail design, requirement analysis and decomposition, and system architecting. (F, Sp, Su)

ENGR 1401. Dean's Leadership Council.1 Credit Hour.

Prerequisite: must have submitted an application and be approved by the college. This course is required of all DLC mentors and lead mentors. The purpose of the Dean's Leadership Council is to engage with new students pursuing a degree in the Gallogly College of Engineering. DLC mentors provide support to assist students with the transition to college life at OU, increase student involvement in the engineering community, and increase academic student success. (F, Sp)

ENGR 1411. Pathways to Engineering Thinking.1 Credit Hour.

Prerequisite: Freshman standing or departmental permission. Students investigate and practice what it means to engineer. Students are empowered through building awareness of the breadth of engineering in everyday life and how engineering is embedded in society. Students engage in team-based engineering design projects at multiple scales, considering local engineering challenges. Excitement is fostered through design and creation of solutions in authentic, student-centered product development challenges. (F, Sp)

ENGR 1413. Pathways to Engineering Thinking.3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Freshman standing or departmental permission. Students investigate and practice what it means to engineer. They are empowered through engineering community building as they learn the impact and cultural connections of engineering in society. Students develop critical thinking and civil discourse skills in engineering design projects addressing authentic community-based engineering challenges, building excitement for their futures. Co-curricular engagements support students' transition to OU and GCoE. (F, Sp) [V-FYE].

ENGR 1421. Engineering Design in Action.1 Credit Hour.

Prerequisite: ENGR 1411 and freshman standing, or departmental permission. Students apply engineering design under constraints addressing a relevant problem. Students address the needs of stakeholders as they design, build, test, and iterate solutions. The process requires developing relevant engineering or science knowledge and project management plans and applying ethical and societal considerations. The project and reflections will be documented in a comprehensive engineering design report and a design presentation. (F, Sp)

ENGR 1501. Resources for Engineers in Mathematics.1 Credit Hour.

Prerequisite: Departmental Permission, GCoE majors only; Co-requisite: the MATH course aligned with the section of 1501. The course guides students to identify strategies and resources for independent studying and learning of mathematics as a novice engineer, to build transferable engineering problem-solving skills, and to work through engineering and computing applications tied to their mathematics course. May be repeated up to 3 hours in support of different math courses (i.e., MATH 1503, 1523, 1823, and/or 1914). (F, Sp, Su)

ENGR 1510. Selected Topics.3 Credit Hours.

0 to 3 hours. Selected topics on current or special topics relating to engineering to be structured for students in engineering and other areas. (F, Sp, Su)

ENGR 1552. Math Catalyst.2 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Corequisite: ENGR 1652; departmental permission and majors only; may be repeated up to 6 hours. The course guides Engineering Catalyst Scholars to build transferable problem-solving skills while developing engineering competency and confidence through applications of mathematics fundamentals. May be repeated up to 6 hours in support of different math courses (i.e., MATH 1503, MATH 1523, MATH 1823, MATH 2423). For Engineering Catalyst Scholars only. (F, Sp, Su)

ENGR 1652. Engineering Catalyst.2 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Corequisite: ENGR 1552; departmental permission and majors only; may be repeated up to 6 hours. Prepares Engineering Catalyst Scholars to optimize their successful study of engineering. The course focuses on building academic success skills, engineering identity, and belonging in the Engineer Catalyst community and the OU Gallogly College of Engineering. May be repeated up to 6 hours. For Engineering Catalyst Scholars only. (F, Sp, Su)

ENGR 1701. Broadening Engineering Impacts - First Year Seminar.1 Credit Hour.

Prerequisite: Freshman standing and permission of instructor. This seminar is aimed at introducing students to the various disciplines in the Gallogly College of Engineering and Mewbourne College of Earth and Energy at the University of Oklahoma. The ultimate goal of the seminar is to help students clarify and strengthen their commitment to success in engineering and STEM studies. (F, Sp)

ENGR 2002. Professional Responsibilities and Skills of Engineers and Scientists.2 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: ENGR 1410 or ENGR 1411 or ENGR 1421; or ENGR 3511 or concurrent enrollment; ENGL 1213 or EXPO 1213, sophomore standing. This course will connect what you might have learned in humanities and social science classes to your education and professional career as an engineer. Serious and diverse professional responsibilities accompany the rights and privileges that engineers and scientists enjoy. This course guides you to start developing and practicing the non-technical aspects of engineering. (F, Sp, Su)

ENGR 2411. Applied Engineering Statics.1 Credit Hour.

Prerequisites: Physics 2514 and Mathematics 2433 or concurrent enrollment in Mathematics 2433. Review of fundamentals of statics calculations and their applications to common engineering situations. (Sp)

ENGR 2431. Electrical Circuits.1 Credit Hour.

Prerequisite: MATH 2423 or 2924; and PHYS 2524 or concurrent enrollment. Introduction to basic principles of electrical circuits. Topics include DC circuits analysis, DC transients, static electrical fields, static magnetic fields, capacitors, inductors, and filters. (F, Sp)

ENGR 2461. Thermodynamics.1 Credit Hour.

Prerequisite: MATH 2433 or 2934; and PHYS 2524 or concurrent enrollment. Introduction to basic principles of thermodynamics. Topics include density, pressure, and temperature, the first law of thermodynamics for a system, the first law of thermodynamics for a control volume, the second law of thermodynamics, and psychometrics. (F)

ENGR 2531. Electrical Circuits II.1 Credit Hour.

Prerequisite: ENGR 2431 or concurrent enrollment. Introduction to intermediate principles of electrical circuits. Topics include amplifiers, filters, signal conditioning, A/D and D/A conversion, and common digital and analog circuits. (Sp)

ENGR 2551. Intermediate Math Catalyst.1 Credit Hour.

Prerequisite: ENGR 1552 Math Catalyst (4 credits); good standing in the Engineering Catalyst program; majors only; sophomore standing; departmental permission. This course guides Engineering Catalyst Scholars toward independence in their major-based learning. Students will continue to build transferable problem-solving skills in new engineering and science applications of mathematics content. Topics (through engineering learning contexts) include reading STEM-based texts, reviewing notes, studying for deep learning, dry labs, etc. May be repeated up to 4 hours in support of different math (F, Sp, Su)

ENGR 2652. Research Catalyst.2 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: ENGL 1213 or EXPO 1213; ENGR 1552; ENGR 1652; and departmental permission. This course guides student development of understanding of the research process through the design, research, collaborative authorship, and iterative review-based refinement of research ideas. Students will find and analyze primary literature, think creatively, author and communicate in a scholarly fashion, and work collaboratively to solve scientific and societal problems using technology, delegation, and productive team communication. (F)

ENGR 2970. Special Topics/Seminar.1-3 Credit Hours.

1 to 3 hours. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. May be repeated; maximum credit nine hours. Special topics or seminar course for content not currently offered in regularly scheduled courses. May include library and/or laboratory research and field projects. (Irreg.)

ENGR 3051. Experiential Leadership.1 Credit Hour.

Prerequisite: Instructor permission and enrollment in Engineering Leadership Undergraduate Certificate. Participatory course with formal, extended activity that provides opportunity for leadership development. Includes written proposal describing the activity; creation of a personal leadership development plan (PLDP); periodic reflections regarding leadership learning and development; and coaching and/or mentoring. The leadership develop plan will align with the Leadership Capabilities espoused by the Jerry Holmes Leadership Program for Engineers and Scientists. (F, Sp)

ENGR 3401. Engineering Economics.1 Credit Hour.

Prerequisite: MATH 1823 or 1914. Introduction to basic principles of engineering economics. Topics include value and interest, cash flow diagrams and patterns, equivalence of cash flow patterns, unusual cash flows and interest periods, evaluating alternatives (annual equivalent cost comparisons, present equivalent cost comparisons, incremental approach, rate of return comparisons, benefit/cost comparisons, MARR, replacement problems, always ignore the past, break-even analysis), income tax, depreciation, and inflation. (F, Sp)

ENGR 3431. Electromechanical Systems.1 Credit Hour.

Prerequisite: ENGR 2431 or concurrent enrollment. Introduction to basic principles of electromechanical systems. Topics include physical principles of sensing and actuation, types of sensors and actuators, and interfacing and communication protocols. (F, Sp)

ENGR 3440. Mentored Research Experience.3 Credit Hours.

0 to 3 hours. Prerequisites: ENGL 1113 or equivalent, and permission of instructor. May be repeated; maximum credit 12 hours. For the inquisitive student to apply the scholarly processes of the discipline to a research or creative project under the mentorship of a faculty member. Student and instructor should complete an Undergraduate Research & Creative Projects (URCP) Mentoring Agreement and file it with the URCP office. Not for honors credit. (F, Sp, Su)

ENGR 3441. Fluid Mechanics.1 Credit Hour.

Prerequisite: Mathematics 2433 or 2934; and Physics 2524 or concurrent enrollment. Introduction to basic principles of fluid mechanics. Topics include fluid properties, fluid statics, dimensionless parameters and similitude, control volume equations, open channel flow, and external flow. (Sp)

ENGR 3511. Engineering Orientation Experience for Transfer Students.1 Credit Hour.

Prerequisite: sophomore standing. Required of all incoming transfer students with a declared major in Engineering. The lecture hours cover a variety of topics including: majors and minors; career planning; advising; and extra-curricular activities. Students also meet with mentors and work on multidisciplinary engineering projects. Also open to students with an interest in engineering. (F, Sp)

ENGR 3611. Business Principles for Engineers and Scientists.1 Credit Hour.

Prerequisite: Junior Standing and GCoE or MCEE major. This course will introduce engineering and science students to the basic business principles that they will encounter once they join the workforce. The aim is to expose students to the concepts and terminology of business to make them more effective immediately upon employment. This course will address leadership, change management, and organizational culture, business structure, capital and ethics. (F, Sp)

ENGR 3621. Finance and Accounting for Engineers and Scientists.1 Credit Hour.

Prerequisite: Junior Standing and GCoE or MCEE major. This course introduces students to workforce principles of finance and accounting. The course addresses accounting methods and the requirements to report financial performance in a consistent manner. More specifically, the course will address income statements, balance sheets, cash flow statements and financial statement analysis. In addition, this course will address both the budgeting and forecasting process. (F, Sp)

ENGR 3631. Investment Decisions for Engineers and Scientists.1 Credit Hour.

Prerequisite: Junior Standing and GCoE or MCEE major. This course introduces engineers to basic business workplace principles. This course covers macroeconomics of commodities including interactions between supply, demand and inventory and the related impact on price. Profit measures are introduced such as profit margins, break-even calculations and cost-volume profit analysis. This course also addresses microeconomics, investment metrics, and considerations of cost of capital. (F, Sp)

ENGR 3960. Honors Reading.1-3 Credit Hours.

1 to 3 hours. Prerequisite: admission to Honors Program. May be repeated; maximum credit six hours. Consists of topics designated by the instructor in keeping with the student's major program. Cover materials not usually presented in the regular courses. (Sp)

ENGR 3970. Honors Seminar.1-3 Credit Hours.

1 to 3 hours. Prerequisite: admission to Honors Program. May be repeated; maximum credit six hours. Projects covered will vary. Deal with concepts not usually presented in regular coursework. (Irreg.)

ENGR 3980. Honors Research.1-3 Credit Hours.

1 to 3 hours. Prerequisite: admission to Honors Program. May be repeated; maximum credit six hours. Provides an opportunity for the gifted Honors candidate to work on a special project in the student's field. (F, Sp, Su)

ENGR 3990. Independent Study.1-3 Credit Hours.

1 to 3 hours. Prerequisite: permission of instructor and junior standing. May be repeated once with change of content. Independent study may be arranged to study a subject not available through regular course offerings. (F, Sp, Su)

ENGR 4003. Engineering Practice.3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisites: ENGR 2002 or 2003, junior or senior standing, and permission of the instructor. Focuses on real world application of the skills taught in major courses and the core course, professional development. Allows a student to earn credit toward degree requirements through the completion of an intense internship experience. A written report detailing the responsibilities and results of the experience is required upon completion along with an oral presentation. Other service experience learning may qualify. (F, Su)

ENGR G4013. Leadership and Management for Engineers.3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisites: junior standing or senior standing; or graduate standing; or instructor permission. This course will help prepare students for leadership and management positions in a global culture. The course emphasizes team building attributes in a multi-cultural organization, how to build commitment among team members, and how to organize to compete in the global marketplace. Students will gain a better understanding of themselves and their personal and professional goals. (F, Sp)

ENGR G4023. Disruptive and Innovative Technology Ideation.3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisites: sophomore standing, junior standing, or senior standing; or graduate standing; at least one semester of calculus, a working knowledge of basic statistics, and departmental permission. Ideation is the process of conceiving or forming ideas. In the context of this class, the process of ideation will be investigated with regard to both disruptive and innovative commercial technologies. (F, Su)

ENGR 4051. Lincoln, Leadership & Innovation.1 Credit Hour.

Prerequisite: Junior standing or instructor permission. Students will learn from the example of Lincoln's leadership, his ability to be innovative and employ technology-driven solutions, and his methods of personal and professional development. Students will reflect on and develop their own personal leadership philosophy in response to Lincoln's example. The course will provide students the opportunity to delve into an area of Lincoln's leadership of personal interest. (Sp)

ENGR G4223. Fundamentals of Project Management.3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Senior standing or permission of instructor. Foundational survey course that considers both technical and sociocultural aspects of project management across the full project life cycle. (F, Su)

ENGR G4510. Selected Topics.1-6 Credit Hours.

1 to 6 hours. Prerequisite: upper-division or graduate standing. Selected topics on current or special topics relating to engineering. May be structured for students in other areas. (Sp)

ENGR G4513. Introduction to Sustainable Engineering.3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: upper-division or graduate standing in the College of Engineering or permission of the instructor. An introduction to the concepts of sustainable development, sustainable engineering, global resource reserves, and global environmental concerns. The main focus of the class will be application of life cycle assessment to minimize the adverse environmental impacts of products (e.g., a pencil) or processes (e.g., wastewater treatment). Tools for life cycle assessment will include public domain software and SimaPro. (Sp)

ENGR 4960. Directed Readings.1-4 Credit Hours.

1 to 4 hours. Prerequisite: good standing in University; permission of instructor and dean. May be repeated; maximum credit four hours. Designed for upper-division students who need opportunity to study a specific problem in greater depth than formal course content permits. (Irreg.)

ENGR 4970. Special Topics/Seminar.1-3 Credit Hours.

1 to 3 hours. Prerequisite: Senior standing or permission of instructor. May be repeated; maximum credit nine hours. Special topics or seminar course for content not currently offered in regularly scheduled courses. May include library and/or laboratory research and field projects. (Irreg.)

ENGR 4990. Independent Study.1-3 Credit Hours.

1 to 3 hours. Prerequisite: Senior standing and permission of instructor. May be repeated; maximum credit nine hours. Contracted independent study for a topic not currently offered in regularly scheduled courses. Independent study may include library and/or laboratory research and field projects. (Irreg.)

ENGR 5122. Entrepreneurship for Science and Technology.2 Credit Hours.

(Crosslisted with ENT 5122) Prerequisite: Graduate standing and departmental permission. This course will introduce entrepreneurship from the science and technology perspective. We will start with ideas, analyze them, and see how they could grow into a business. The course will cover areas such as innovation, prototyping, competition, customer discovery, business model canvas, networking, funding, and legal issues, including patents and intellectual property. (F, Sp)

ENGR 5213. Foundations of Engineering Education.3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: graduate standing in the College of Engineering or permission of instructor; undergraduate engineering students may take this course with permission of instructor. This course introduces the field of engineering education. It is designed for graduate students pursuing engineering education research and those in technical engineering disciplines who are interested in learning about engineering education. Topics include the history of engineering education, an overview of engineering education research methodologies, current issues, theoretical frameworks and applications of engineering education. (Irreg.)

ENGR 5223. Curriculum Design, Delivery and Assessment.3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: graduate standing or permission of the instructor. This course will cover curriculum design, delivery, and assessment practices in the field of engineering education. This course will enable graduate students to understand principles of student-centered teaching and learning; course design focused on student learning outcomes; active and collaborative learning strategies; use of technology for learning and design of assessment tools. (Irreg.)

ENGR 5900. Engineering Professional Practice.1-6 Credit Hours.

1-6 hours. Prerequisite: Graduate standing and departmental permission. May be repeated; maximum credit six hours. Participation in a professional experience with an approved project sponsor and topic. A written report detailing the responsibilities and results of the experience is required upon completion along with an oral presentation. (F, Sp, Su)

ENGR 5960. Directed Readings.1-3 Credit Hours.

1 to 3 hours. Prerequisite: graduate standing and permission of department. May be repeated; maximum credit twelve hours. Directed readings and/or literature reviews under the direction of a faculty member. (F, Sp, Su)

ENGR 5970. Special Topics/Seminar.1-3 Credit Hours.

1 to 3 hours. Prerequisite: Graduate standing or permission of instructor. May be repeated; maximum credit nine hours. Special topics or seminar course for content not currently offered in regularly scheduled courses. May include library and/or laboratory research and field projects. (Irreg.)

ENGR 5980. Research for Master's Thesis.2-9 Credit Hours.

Variable enrollment, two to nine hours; maximum credit applicable toward degree, four hours. (F, Sp, Su)

ENGR 5990. Independent Study.1-3 Credit Hours.

1 to 3 hours. Prerequisite: Graduate standing and permission of instructor. May be repeated; maximum credit nine hours. Contracted independent study for a topic not currently offered in regularly scheduled courses. Independent study may include library and/or laboratory research and field projects. (Irreg.)

ENGR 6960. Directed Readings.1-3 Credit Hours.

1 to 3 hours. Prerequisite: graduate standing or permission of instructor. May be repeated; maximum credit six hours. Directed readings and/or literature review under the direction of a faculty member. (Irreg.)

ENGR 6970. Special Topics/Seminar.1-3 Credit Hours.

1 to 3 hours. Prerequisite: graduate standing or permission of instructor. May be repeated; maximum credit 12 hours. Special topics or seminar course for content not currently offered in regularly scheduled courses. May include library and/or research and field projects. (Irreg.)

ENGR 6980. Research for Doctoral Dissertation.2-16 Credit Hours.

2 to 16 hours. Prerequisite: Graduate standing and permission of instructor; may be repeated. Directed research culminating in the completion of the doctoral dissertation. (F, Sp, Su)

ENGR 6990. Independent Study.1-3 Credit Hours.

1 to 3 hours. Prerequisite: Graduate standing and permission of instructor. May be repeated; maximum credit nine hours. Contracted independent study for a topic not currently offered in regularly scheduled courses. Independent study may include library and/or laboratory research and field projects. (Irreg.)