School of Geosciences Math & Science Elective Lists

For the most current list of approved courses, please consult the School of Geosciences.


MATH 2443Calculus and Analytic Geometry IV3
MATH 2934Differential and Integral Calculus III4
CHEM 3053Organic Chemistry I: Biological Emphasis3
CHEM 3423Physical Chemistry I3


ANTH 4713Statistical Concepts in Anthropology3
BIOL 2913Intro to Quantitative Biology3
BIOL 4913Quantitative Biology3
COMM 2513Introduction to Statistics3
ECON 2843Elements of Statistics3
ECON 4223Econometric Analysis3
ECON 4773Economic Game Theory3
GIS 4923Spatial Statistics3
MATH 4743Introduction to Mathematical Statistics3
MATH 4753Applied Statistical Methods3
MATH 4743Introduction to Mathematical Statistics3
MATH 4753Applied Statistical Methods3
MATH 4773Applied Regression Analysis3
P SC 2013Introduction to Political Analysis3
PSY 2003Understanding Statistics3
PSY 3114Research Methods: Applications and Experimental Design4
S WK 2223Statistics for Social Work3
SOC 3133Methods of Social Research3
SOC/P SC 3123Social Statistics3


ASTR 3190Topics in Astronomy (Topic: Introduction to Research)1-3
C S 1213Programming for Non-Majors with Python3
C S 4033Machine Learning Fundamentals3
GPHY 3013Data Analysis in Geoscience3
LIS 4623Advanced Data Analytics3
LIS 4643Introduction to Data Analytics3
MBIO 4783Introduction to Python Programming for Data Analytics3
METR 1313Introduction to Programming for Meteorology3
METR 4330Information Technology Skills for Meteorology1-3
PSY 2503Computing for Behavioral Sciences3


GEOG 3513Political Geography3
LIS 4613Dynamic Web Development3
LIS 4453Digital Collections3
LIS 4673Introduction to Information Visualization3
LIS 4683Database Design for Information Organizations3
LIS 4693Information Retrieval and Text Mining3
LIS 4970Special Topics/Seminar (Topic: Data Stewardship)1-3
MATH 3333Linear Algebra I3
MBIO/PBIO 3673Practical Bioinformatics3