Course Lists

Biomedical Engineering Electives (BME Electives)

BME/AME 5213Biomechanics I3
BME 5233Biomaterials3
BME/CH E 5243Biochemical Engineering3
BME/CH E 5293Transport in Biological Systems3
BME/CH E 5373Tissue Engineering3
BME 5413Nanomedicine3
BME/AME 5970Special Topics/Seminar (Intro to Medical Device Design)1-3
BME 5533Neural Engineering3
BME 5283ImmunoEngineering3
BME 5113Special Topics in Cancer3
BME 5990Independent Study (limit 3 hours)1-3
BME 5971Seminar in Biomedical Engineering Research (limit 3 hours)1
ECE 4823Engineering Principles of the Human Body3
ECE 5843Medical Imaging Systems3
ECE/BME 5853Biomedical Signals and Systems3
ECE 5973Special Topics in Electrical and Computer Engineering3
ECE 6813Advanced Topics in Biomedical Engineering3

Life Sciences Electives 

CHEM 3653Introduction to Biochemistry3
CHEM 5291Seminar in Biochemistry1
CHEM 5260Special Topics in Biochemistry I1-3
HES 5823Exercise Physiology3
HES 5833Advanced Exercise Physiology Laboratory3
HES 5863Physiology of Aging3
MBIO 4833Basic Immunology3
MBIO 5620Investigations in Microbiology1-6
MBIO 5971Seminar in Microbiology1
BIOL 3101Principles of Physiology Lab1
BIOL 3103Principles of Physiology3
BIOL 3333Genetics3
BIOL 4913Quantitative Biology3
BIOL 5364Transmissn Electron Microscopy4
BIOL 5374Scanning Electron Microscopy4
BIOL 5871Current Topics in Neurobiology1
BIOL 5893Behavioral Neurobiology3
PSY 4253Selected Topics in Cognitive Science3
PSY 4920Current Topics in Basic and Applied Psychology1-3

Addtional Science, Engineering, and Math Electives (STEM Electives) 

Open list, but courses in this category should NOT be those in the lists for BME or Life Sciences electives.
  • According to the Graduate College requirement, only courses that carry graduate credit are counted toward graduate study programs. When enrolling in courses cross-listed for both undergraduate and graduate sections, make sure to enroll in the graduate section. If a course no longer offers graduate credit, please do not enroll, and contact the departmental program assistant for help.
  • The lists here only indicate the courses that are allowed to be counted toward each course category for the graduate programs of study. They do not necessarily indicate that any combination of them is a valid graduate program of study. Check out the degree requirements at both Graduate College and the Stephenson School of Biomedical Engineering.
  • Courses in other engineering disciplines and outside of engineering will require a permission override from the course department. Contact the departmental program assistant for an override.