Katie McIntyre, Registrar
Debbie Blevins, Coordinator of Registration & Student Services
Lisa Cannon, Coordinator of Academic Publications & Curriculum
Buchanan Hall
1000 Asp Ave., Room 230
Norman, OK 73019-4076
Phone: (405) 325-4147
FAX: (405) 325-7047
Classroom Management
Classroom Management (233 Buchanan Hall) is responsible for the scheduling of general-purpose classrooms, event room scheduling, pertinent information for the class schedule (such as allocation guidelines, schedule changes, course grading, and course cancellation), forms, and class roll information.
Academic Publications and Curriculum
The office of Academic Publications and Curriculum (233 Buchanan Hall) is responsible for producing the general catalog, degree checksheets, and the degree inventory. The Academic Curriculum Specialists are responsible for maintaining and updating the degree audit software, Degree Navigator (DN). DN is a web-based degree audit system and is intended to be used as a supplement to degree check sheets, the general catalog, and academic advising. DN has the ability to allow the students to see degree requirements, course requirements, and degree audits in multiple report formats. DN allows students to shop their credits into any of the institution’s other major/minor programs.
Registration: Online Enrollment
Registration (230 Buchanan Hall) includes the University’s online enrollment process which is done through one.ou.edu. Students should refer to the Enrollment Services website for specific dates, deadlines, and procedures that apply to the registration process.
Generally, registration consists of advisement through the college office, enrollment in courses, and payment of tuition and fees. Advisement and enrollment should take place before classes begin; tuition can be paid following enrollment and must be paid by the date published on the Bursar Office website.
In addition to the normal registration process, students enrolled at either the Norman Campus or the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center in Oklahoma City may cross-enroll in courses at the other campus. Students should check with the Registration Office of their home campus for more specific information on the cross-enrollment procedure.
The University of Oklahoma offers courses in the fall semester (late August to early January), the spring semester (mid-January to mid-May), and the summer session (mid-May to mid-August). For current academic calendars, see the Office of the Registrar website.
Academic Workload
A student desiring to carry an academic overload (number of semester-credit-hours 25 percent or more than the number of weeks in the applicable academic semester or summer term), must have demonstrated readiness to perform on an overload basis, either through superior performance on a college aptitude test or on the basis of superior academic achievement in high school or college.
An academic overload is defined as a number of semester-credit-hours 25 percent or more than the number of weeks in the applicable academic semester or summer term. A student wishing to enroll in an academic overload must obtain permission from his or her dean. The fall/spring semesters are periods of 16 weeks; consequently, 20 credit hours are considered an overload, and the maximum enrollment permitted under any circumstances is 24 hours. Likewise, the summer session is a period of eight weeks; consequently, 10 credit hours are considered an overload, and the maximum enrollment permitted under any circumstances is 12 hours.
The maximum student overload in any given semester or term is limited to a number of semester-credit-hours which is 50 percent greater than the total number of weeks in the applicable academic semester term. A student simultaneously enrolled in two or more institutions should not exceed the standards set forth in this policy.
Attendance Policy
Students are responsible for the content of the courses in which they are enrolled. Specific policy concerning attendance requirements and announced and unannounced examinations is the responsibility of the individual instructor. Students have a responsibility to inform faculty prior to absences whenever possible. Faculty should make every effort to find a reasonable accommodation for students who miss class as a result of participation in Provost approved or Director of Athletics approved University-sponsored activities or legally required activities such as emergency military service. Students missing class on account of jury duty must receive such accommodation. The student is responsible for class attendance after completion of registration. The student must cancel before the first day of classes to avoid being charged fees and tuition. Students who do not attend classes beginning the first day may be canceled from a course if there is high demand for seats from students who are waiting to enroll in courses. However, students should understand that non-attendance and/or non-payment of fees will not automatically result in the cancellation of enrollment. The student is responsible for dropping courses by the appropriate deadlines in order to avoid tuition charges.
Final Examinations
Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education regulations require that those institutions that reserve the final week of the semester as a testing period shall ensure that all classes meet during the testing period. Final examinations are given at the discretion of the instructor, or, in the case of multiple sections, the department in which the course is offered. The current schedule for final exams is listed on the Office of the Registrar's website.
(Exceptions: The Gallogly College of Engineering and the Mewbourne College of Earth and Energy require comprehensive examinations to be given during the regularly scheduled examination periods in all undergraduate courses excluding directed readings, pure laboratory courses, and project-type design courses and seminars.)
When a final examination is given, the student must take the examination. If a final examination is given, no faculty member is authorized to depart from the published examination schedule for either a class or an individual without approval, as stated in the Faculty Handbook. Early final examinations are prohibited.
Final Examination has been defined as follows: an examination that is comprehensive in nature or which accounts for a greater proportion of the final grade than an examination given during the semester. (President, 2-10-86) A student will not be expected to take more than two final examinations in one day. In cases where a student has three or more exams scheduled for the same day, instructors must offer make-up exams. The student’s number of exams will be brought down to two by the following procedure:
- If a student has three or more exams on the same day, the instructor(s) giving the third and subsequent exams must provide make-up exams during the week designated for final exams for that semester;
- The student must notify the instructor or department of the third and subsequent final exams scheduled within a single day. Such notification must be given to the specific instructor or department before the end of the twelfth week of classes (sixth week of the summer term).
In the event a conflict should arise from the scheduling of two or more final examinations at the same time, the student will attend the examination for the class that met first during the week, according to the student’s class schedule. The instructor(s) giving the second and subsequent exams must provide make-up exams during the week designated for final exams that semester.
Change of Address
A student may change their billing, mailing, parent, and permanent addresses and phone numbers online through one.ou.edu, through the Personal Information channel on the home tab. In addition, international students must also report to the International Student Services office in 144 Farzaneh Hall.
Change of College and Major
A student wishing to transfer from one degree-recommending college to another within the University should contact the advising office of the college to which the transfer is occurring.
A student who wishes to change major fields should consult his or her college advising office.
Classification of Students
Freshman — through 29 semester hours earned.
Sophomore — 30–59 semester hours earned.
Junior — 60–89 semester hours earned.
Senior — 90 semester hours earned.
Full-Time Students
To be considered full-time, an undergraduate student must be enrolled in at least six (6) hours in a summer session and at least 12 hours in a fall or spring semester. For limitations on graduate student enrollment, see the Graduate College website.
Tuition and Fees
Tuition and fees may be paid following enrollment. To avoid penalties for late payment, fees should be paid completely prior to the date given in the University calendar. Fees may be paid online through one.ou.edu, in person at the Student Financial Center in Buchanan Hall, or by mail. For the most up-to-date information concerning tuition and fees, visit the Bursar Services website.
For more information on tuition and fees for other programs (OU Online, College of Professional and Continuing Studies, and other special programs), please visit their program's website.
Refunds are calculated from the day classwork begins for each semester or session according to the following schedules established by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education. Schedules for the summer session may differ; please consult the Summer Session Schedule for applicable refund dates.
Change(s) of Enrollment
NOTE: The regulations listed below apply to courses that meet the full semester. For summer session, please refer to the Academic Calendar for specific dates for all summer blocks. Courses that do not meet the full term will have different deadlines. Contact Enrollment Services, 230 Buchanan Hall, enroll@ou.edu for more information.
Period I - Free Add and Drop
Students may add during the first week of classes for fall or spring without approval of instructor. Students may add during the second week of classes for the fall or spring semester with approval of instructors. Students may drop without additional charges or grading penalties any time up through the end of the second week of classes in fall or spring. No grades will be recorded for dropped courses.
Note on tuition charges for dropped courses: You will be required to pay tuition and fees for any course dropped after the second week of classes in fall or spring semesters, even if you add another course at the same time.
Students can add and drop classes online through one.ou.edu during the first two weeks of fall and spring.
Period II - Automatic Grade of W
Undergraduate students: Third through the twelfth week of fall and spring. Students may add classes only by permission of the instructor of the course and the Dean of the student’s College. Courses dropped during this time will be recorded with a grade of W. (All undergraduate colleges require their students to obtain approval from their advisor to drop a course after the second week of classes.)
Graduate students: Third through the sixth week of fall and spring. Students may add classes only by permission of the instructor of the course and the Graduate College Dean. Courses dropped during this time will be recorded with a grade of W.
Period III - Grade of W or F
Graduate students: Seventh through the tenth week of fall and spring. The same restrictions on added courses apply as for Period II, above. For dropped courses, instructors may assign a grade of W or F.
Period IV - Petition College Dean
Undergraduate Students: Thirteenth week through the end of classes in fall and spring. Permission of instructor and Dean is required for added classes. Students who wish to drop a course during this period must petition the Dean of the student’s College. (Instructor’s Signature and Grade of W or F are required.)
Graduate Students: Eleventh week through the end of classes in fall and spring. Permission of instructor and Dean is required for added classes. Students who wish to drop a course during this period must petition the Dean of the student’s College. (Instructor’s Signature and Grade of W or F are required.)
Undergraduate 5-W Limit
A student is allowed only five grades of W throughout the course of their undergraduate career at The University of Oklahoma. Once a student reaches this maximum number of W grades, they will not be allowed to drop any courses after the free add and drop period. After the five-drop limit has been reached, students with extreme, extenuating circumstances may apply for an exception to the limit on W grades through the Academic Advising Resource Center. Complete withdrawals do not count in this limit.
Cancel or Withdraw Enrollment (Current Students Only)
Many students become confused by the difference between “canceling” and “withdrawing” and how these affect tuition charges and grades. Cancellation is the term OU uses if a student drops all classes before classes begin. Canceling enrollment removes all tuition charges and all record of enrollment. No grades are recorded. Complete Withdrawal occurs when a student drops all classes after classes begin. When complete withdrawal occurs before the tuition obligation deadline, there are no tuition charges. When the student withdraws after the deadline, the student will be charged full tuition rates.*
*Federal regulations required the First Time Title IV Attendees (students receiving federally guaranteed financial aid for the first time at OU) will be charged on a different schedule if they withdraw from school after classes begin. Refund schedules for students in this category are available on request.
Cancel Your Enrollment
Current undergraduate students may cancel enrollment by completing an online petition at link.ou.edu/withdraw which will be sent to Graduation and Persistence Support (GPS). The student will be contacted directly to discuss the situation or gather additional information.
Graduate students may contact the Office of Enrollment Services by emailing enroll@ou.edu or by calling (405) 325-4147. After classes have begun, students must withdraw from enrollment according to the following instructions.
For summer enrollments, petitioning is not required. Students may cancel their enrollment through ONE.
If you are a prospective student admitted for an upcoming term and wish to decline admission or withdraw your application, please email admissions@ou.edu or contact your OU admissions counselor.
Complete Withdrawal from Enrollment
A student who experiences an interruption due to unforeseen or extenuating circumstances and chooses to leave the institution must officially withdraw from the University of Oklahoma through the Complete Withdrawal Process.
Undergraduate Students - Fall and Spring
During the first three weeks of classes, undergraduate students requesting a Complete Withdrawal from the University must complete an online petition at link.ou.edu/withdraw to be processed through Graduation and Persistence Support (GPS). The student will be contacted directly to discuss the situation or gather additional information.
Beginning the fourth week, undergraduate students requesting a Complete Withdrawal must complete an Online Petition for Complete Withdrawal which will be sent to the Academic Advising Lead of the college in which the student is enrolled for consideration. The College Academic Advising Lead will contact the student directly to discuss the implications and feasibility of withdrawing, as well as any alternative academic options that may exist. Documentation of extreme extenuating circumstances will be required. When possible, students are expected to continue attending classes until such time the Petition for Complete Withdrawal is approved. Once the petition has been approved for a complete withdrawal for the semester, students will receive grades of W for all courses.
Undergraduate Students - Summer
- The final day to completely withdraw from a four-week course is the third day.
- The final day to completely withdraw from an eight-week course is the fifth day.
Prior to these deadlines, undergraduate students requesting a Complete Withdrawal should contact Office of the Registrar- Enrollment Services at enroll@ou.edu or (405) 325-4147 to request a complete withdrawal. After the deadline, undergraduate students requesting a Complete Withdrawal must complete an Online Petition for Complete Withdrawal which will be sent to the Academic Advising Lead of the college in which the student is enrolled for consideration. The College Academic Advising Lead will contact the student directly to discuss the implications and feasibility of withdrawing, as well as any alternative academic options that may exist. Documentation of extreme extenuating circumstances will be required. When possible, students are expected to continue attending classes until such time the Petition for Complete Withdrawal is approved. Once the petition has been approved for a complete withdrawal for the semester, students will receive grades of W for all courses.
Graduate Students
Graduate students withdrawing from the University should contact Enrollment Services at enroll@ou.edu or (405) 325-4147 during the first two weeks of classes (fall/spring), and the Graduate College Office beginning the third week of classes. Graduate students withdrawing from all courses in the first six weeks of classes (first three weeks of a summer session) receive a grade of W in each course of enrollment. Beginning with the seventh week (fourth week of a summer session) through the last day of classes of the semester or summer term, these students must receive a grade of W or F from the instructor in each course upon withdrawal.
Withdrawn students are refunded fees and tuition according to State Regents’ refund policy.
A student will be held responsible for the cost of room and board when either or both are furnished by the University.
Undergraduate 5-W Limit
A student is allowed only five grades of W throughout the course of their undergraduate career at The University of Oklahoma.
Fall 2020 and Fall 2021 ONLY: Any W earned during the fall 2020 semester will NOT count toward the student's total limit of 5. Once a student reaches this maximum number of W grades, they will not be allowed to drop any courses after the free add and drop period. After the five-drop limit has been reached, students with extreme, extenuating circumstances may apply for an exception to the limit on W grades through the Academic Advising Resource Center. Complete withdrawals do not count in this limit.
Auditing is attending a class without participating in classwork or receiving credit. Enrollment as an auditor is permitted in all courses, subject to the approval of the instructor in the course. All tuition and fees are assessed for audit enrollments.
Initial enrollment in a course as an auditor may be completed only between the first day of classes and the last day permitted for late enrollment for credit in any semester or term. Students wishing to enroll in a course as an auditor need to get an Audit add/drop form from OU Enrollment Services in 230 Buchanan Hall, get the instructor's approval, and then return the form to Enrollment Services.
A change of enrollment from audit to credit may be made, provided the change is made no later than the end of the second week of classes in a regular semester and provided the instructor and appropriate dean grant approval. Students wishing to change enrollment from audit to credit need to get an add/drop form from OU Enrollment Services in 230 Buchanan Hall, get the appropriate approvals, and then return the form to Enrollment Services.
To change enrollment from credit to audit, students need to get an Enrolling for Audit form from the OU Enrollment Services office in 230 Buchanan Hall, get appropriate approvals, and then return the form to Enrollment Services.
- Undergraduate students: a change of enrollment from credit to audit may be made during the first two weeks of classes in a semester.
- Graduate students: a change of enrollment from credit to audit may be made during the first ten weeks of classes in a semester, provided the student is passing in the course at the time the change is processed and the student has received approval from the instructor. A change of enrollment processed during the first ten weeks of a semester requires a report of progress from the student’s instructor.
For summer sessions, students should refer to the Academic Calendar for specific deadlines for all summer blocks.
A change of enrollment to audit supersedes the original enrollment for credit, and no withdrawal from the credit enrollment is posted on the student’s academic record.
A grade of W may be assigned to a student who has not performed according to the instructor’s requirements for an auditor in that class. Such W’s will be applied to the total of five drops allowed in a student’s academic career.
Enrollment as an auditor is indicated on the student’s permanent academic record with the final mark AU (identified as Audit), subject to the same posting regulations governing credit enrollment.
Fee Waivers for Auditing of Courses
Institutions of the state system are authorized to waive general enrollment and all other fees for residents of Oklahoma 65 years of age or older for auditing of academic courses, contingent upon space being available.
Pass/No Pass Option
Students may elect to enroll in courses on a Pass/No Pass basis but should understand that colleges may not count Pass/No Pass enrollments when determining whether the student has fulfilled the requirements for a degree. Specific college limits are listed in the Pass/No Pass Policy section of the Academic Records web page.
Both grades, P and NP, are considered neutral grades in the computation of grade point averages, i.e., credit hours for Pass, though earned, will not be included in grade point averaging, and no credit hours will be earned for No Pass. Pre-professional students who plan to apply for admission to professional schools, such as law or medicine after completion of an undergraduate degree, are advised that courses taken on the Pass/No Pass option may hinder admission when grade point average is a major consideration. For advice, the student should consult the admissions office of the professional school where they intend to apply.
Before enrolling in courses under the Pass/No Pass option, students should consult with their advisers or personnel in college offices to be certain of approved enrollment.
Students may change enrollment in a course to or from the Pass/No Pass option by the add/drop procedure in the first two weeks of a regular semester or the first week of a summer term with the approval of an adviser and the college office when required. This change in enrollment must be completed in person at Enrollment Services, 230 Buchanan Hall.
To prevent any discrimination in grading, the student’s choice of P/NP grading will not be made known to the instructor in a course. The grade will be automatically assigned at the end of the course on the basis of the grade submitted by the instructor. The minimum performance level required to receive a P grade in a course is a grade of C.