Sustainable Energy Systems Electives

  • For the most current list of SES electives, consult the MCEE website.
Carbon Management
G E 4613Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage3
GEOG 4970/5970Special Topics/Seminar (Topic: Climate CO2 Removal Strategies)3
ENST 3303Food, Agriculture, and the Environment3
ENST 3503Energy Use, Climate Change, and the Environment3
GEOG/METR 3523Managing for a Changing Climate3
GEOG 4343Climate, History, and Society3
GEOL/METR 4533Earth's Past Climate3
METR 4553/5553Climate and Renewable Energy3
JMC 3453Public Relations & Society3
JMC 4970/5970Special Topics (Topic: Strategic Communication about Sustainable Energy Systems)3
Energy and Environmental Law, Policy, and Economics
ECON 3213Environmental Economics3
EMGT 3513Sustainable Policy and Regulations3
EMGT 3603Energy Law I3
ENST 3213Law and the Environment3
GEOG 3443Environment and Society3
GEOG 4333/5333Corporate Environmental Strategy3
P SC 3233Environmental Policy and Administration3
Energy Business Markets
EMGT 3523Natural Gas Marketing and Power Trading3
EMGT 3533Commercial Applications in Power Markets3
Historical, Ethical, and Artistic Perspectives
A HI 4623Contemporary Art and the Environment3
HON 2973Perspectives on the American Experience (Topic: Energy in US History)3
HSTM/P E 3343Revolution in Power: the Evolution of Energy Systems from Fossil Fuels to Renewables3
PHIL 3293Environmental Ethics3
Introductory Courses
CEE 1513Towards Just and Responsible Energy Engineering3
GEOL 1033Earth, Energy, Environment3
Life Cycle Analysis
ENGR 4513Introduction to Sustainable Engineering3
GEOG 4523/5523Life Cycle Analysis3
Sustainability and the Environment
CEES 3243Water and Wastewater Treatment Design3
CEES 4324Environmental Biology and Ecology4
CEES 5153Water Innovation: Technology, Policy, and Organizational Issues3
CEES 5883Environmental Modeling3
CEES 5933Climate Change and Water Sustainability3
EDSC 3233Environmental Issues in the Community3
GEOG 3233Principles of Sustainability3
GEOL 3033Earth Resources and the Environment3
METR 4553/5553Climate and Renewable Energy3
ENST 3503Energy Use, Climate Change, and the Environment3
EDSC 3233Environmental Issues in the Community3
GEOL 3033Earth Resources and the Environment3
Systems Perspectives
GEOG 4583Energy Systems and Sustainability3
GEOL 2014The Earth System4
Technology and Engineering
AME 4653Air Conditioning Systems3
AME 4970Special Topics/Seminar (Topic: Advanced Energy Systems)3
CH E 4323Chemical Process Sustainability3
ECE 3113Energy Conversion I3
G E 4623Energy Conversion and Storage3
G E 4633Hydrogen Energy Systems3