Mechanical Engineering, M.S.

View Checksheet

Minimum Total Hours (Thesis): 30

Minimum Total Hours (Non-Thesis): 36

Program Code: M675

The requirements listed on this degree check sheet apply to the following concentrations in Mechanical Engineering:

  • Combustion - M675 Q126
  • Controls - M675 Q151
  • Fluid Mechanics - M675 Q256
  • Heat Transfer - M675 Q321
  • Mechanical Engineering General - M675 Q448
  • Solid Mechanics - M675 Q618

Thesis Option

Course Requirements
Choose 24 hours of graduate level coursework from the following:24
At least 12 hours of AME courses at the 5000 level or higher 1
At least 3 hours of graduate-level coursework in Mathematics or advanced Engineering analysis
Up to 9 hours of approved graduate-level courses 2
AME 5980Research for Master's Thesis6
Total Credit Hours30

No more than 3 hours in Special Projects, Guided Individual Studies, or other non-competitively graded enrollments. 


Approved graduate-level courses chosen from other fields of engineering, the physical sciences, and mathematics; or AME courses, including G4000-level courses not required for the B.S. degree in the major field. Thesis students who elect a 2-hour laboratory course may include 1 additional hour of Special Projects of Guided Individual Studies in their program.

Non-Thesis Option

Course Requirements
Choose 36 hours of graduate level coursework from the following:36
At least 18 hours of AME courses at the 5000 level or higher 1
At least 3 hours of graduate-level coursework in Mathematics or advanced Engineering analysis
Up to 12 hours of approved graduate-level courses 2
Total Credit Hours36

AME hours may include up to 3 hours Special Projects and up to 3 hours Guided Independent Studies. (Students who elect a 2-hour laboratory course may include 1 additional hour of either of these individual instruction enrollments.) 


Approved graduate-level courses chosen from other fields of engineering, the physical sciences, and mathematics; or AME courses, including G4000-level courses not required for the B.S. degree in the major field. For non-thesis students, the 12 hours may include up to 3 hours of additional enrollment in non-competitively graded courses, and up to 6 hours of G4000-level AME courses not required for the B.S. degree in the major field.

General Requirements for all Master's Degrees

The master’s degree requires the equivalent of at least two semesters of satisfactory graduate work and additional work as may be prescribed for the degree.

All coursework applied to the master’s degree must carry graduate credit.

Master’s degree programs which require a thesis consist of at least 30 credit hours. All non-thesis master’s degree programs require at least 30 credit hours.

Credit transferred from other institutions must meet specific criteria and is subject to certain limitations.

Courses completed through correspondence study may not be applied to the master’s degree.

To qualify for a graduate degree, students must achieve an overall grade point average of 3.0 or higher in the degree program coursework and in all resident graduate coursework attempted. A student must also have at least a 3.0 in all coursework (including undergraduate coursework if any).

Additional information for master's degree students may be found in the Graduate College Bulletin.