European Studies Course Lists

III. History

HIST 3073The Renaissance3
HIST 3120Topics in Modern European History1-5
HIST 3123War in European History3
HIST 3143The Era of the Reformation3
HIST 3153The Great War, 1914-183
HIST 3163Europe from the French Revolution to Napoleon3
HIST 3183Italy: Making a Nation?3
HIST 3193Modern France: Gender, Religion and Nation3
HIST 3213Intellectual History of Nineteenth-Century Europe3
HIST 3223Intellectual History of Twentieth-Century Europe3
HIST 3233Modern Spain3
HIST 3243European Women & Gender Relations3
HIST 3253Germany: From Bismarck to Hitler3
HIST 3343Eighteenth-Century England3
HIST 3353England Since 18323
HIST 3503The World War II Era, 1918-19453
HIST 3683Capitalism and Socialism3
HIST 4003Jews and Other Germans3
HSTM 3013History of Science to the Age of Newton3
HSTM 3023History of Science Since the Seventeenth Century3
IAS 3910International Studies Internship2-3
PHIL 3333History of Modern Philosophy3
PHIL 3713History of Social and Political Philosophy3

IV. Politics and Society

COMM 4513International Communication3
IAS 3043Global Security3
IAS 3273The European Union3
IAS 3533Political Violence in Comparative Perspective3
IAS 3543International Peacebuilding3
IAS 3693Military, State & Society3
IAS 3993Global Communism3
P SC 3713The Idea of a Liberal Society3

V. Arts and culture

A HI 3303Renaissance Art in Italy 1200-16003
A HI 3343Northern Renaissance Art3
A HI 3403Baroque Art and Architecture in Europe:1600-17003
A HI 3503Art of the 18th Century: The Age of Enlightenment3
A HI 3553Nineteenth-Century Art3
A HI 4373The Italian City: Renaissance and Baroque Architecture3
A HI 4633Modern Art: Cezanne to 19503
FMS 3833Masterpieces of World Cinema3
FMS 3843Topics in National Cinema3
IAS 3883Italy Through Italian Film3
MLLL 3303The World of Dante3
MLLL 3313Introduction to Italian Literature and Culture3
MLLL 3343Italian Pop Culture3
MLLL 3373Italian Cinema3
MLLL 3573Arthurian Legend and Literature3
MLLL 3823German Culture and Thought3